Media Programme for Official Visit by the Italian Under Secretary
for Foreign Affairs, Senator Alfredo Luigi Mantica to South Africa for the 2nd
Session of the South Africa - Italy Annual Consultative Forum, Diplomatic Guesthouse,
Pretoria Monday, 29 November 2004 Monday, 29 November 2004 14:
30 Arrival of participating media for opening remarks by Deputy Minister Aziz
Pahad and Senator Alfredo Luigi Mantica ahead of 2nd South Africa - Italy Annual
Consultative Forum Venue: Diplomatic Guesthouse 210 Matroosberg Road
Waterkloof Heights Pretoria Contact: Hugo Lambrechts on 083 380 7309
15:00 Opening session of South Africa - Italy Annual Consultative Forum ·
Opening Statement: Deputy Minister Aziz Pahad; · Opening Statement:
Senator Alfredo Luigi Mantica. Media in attendance 16:30 Arrival of participating
media for press conference by Deputy Ministers Aziz Pahad and Senator Alfredo
Luigi Mantica Venue: Diplomatic Guesthouse 210 Matroosberg Road Waterkloof
Heights Pretoria Contact: Hugo Lambrechts on 083 380 7309 17:15 Press
Conference For further information contact · Hugo Lambrechts on
083 380 7309 Issued by Ronnie Mamoepa on 082 990 4853.
Department of Foreign Affairs Private Bag X152 Pretoria 0001 28 November