Media Arrangements for the Third Session of the South Africa - Rwanda Joint Commission of Co-Operation, Pretoria, 27 July 2004

The Minister of Foreign Affairs, Dr Nkosazana Dlamini Zuma will host her Rwandan counterpart , Dr Charles Murigande for the Third Session of the South Africa - Rwanda Joint Commission of Co-operation (JCC) on Tuesday, 27 July 2004 at 14.00 at the Presidential/ State Guest House, Pretoria.

The media arrangements are as follows:

Tuesday, 27 July 2004

13h30 Arrival of media at the Presidential - State Guest House,
Bryntirion Estate (Enter Gate 9 on Church Street)

13h55 Arrival at State Guest House by Minister of Foreign Affairs of Rwanda, Dr. Charles Murigande and received by Minister of Foreign Affairs of South Africa, Dr. Nkosazana Dlamini Zuma.

Photo opportunity at entrance

14h00 Third Session of the South Africa / Rwanda Joint Commission of Co-operation
Venue: State Guest House, Banqueting Hall

14h05 Welcome, introduction of official South African delegation and opening remarks by Minister Dlamini Zuma

Media in attendance for the opening remarks

14h25 Response and introduction of official Rwandan delegation by

Minister Murigande
Media in attendance for response

16h45 Arrival of media at the Presidential - State Guest House,
Bryntirion Estate (Enter Gate 9 on Church Street)

17h20 Closing remarks by Minister Murigande

Media in attendance for the closing remarks

17h40 Response by Minister Dlamini Zuma

Media in attendance for the response

18h00 Signing Ceremony
Venue: State Guest House, Lounge

Agreement to be signed:

Twinning Agreement on Co-operation between the City of Tshwane Metropolitan Municipality in the Republic of South Africa and the City of Kigali in the Republic of Rwanda.

18h15 -18h30 Press Conference
Venue: State Guest House, Lounge

19h00 Dinner hosted by Minister Dlamini Zuma
Venue: State Guest House (Banqueting hall)

19h05 Toast Remarks by Minister Dlamini Zuma

Media in attendance for the toast

19h10 Response by Minister Murigande

Media in attendance for the toast


Manusha Pillai on 082 - 389 3587;
Hugo Lambrechts on 083 - 380 7309

Issued by Ronnie Mamoepa on 082 - 990 4853;

Department of Foreign Affairs
Private Bag x152

26 July 2004

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