Joint Communiqué on the 24th Regional Summit on Burundi, Entebbe, 22nd April 2005.

At the invitation of His Excellency Yoweri Kaguta Museveni, President of the Republic of Uganda and Chairperson of the Regional Initiative on Burundi; His Excellency Benjamin William Mkapa, President of the United Republic of Tanzania, and Vice-Chairperson of the Regional Initiative on Burundi; His Excellency Honourable Mwai Kibaki, President of the Republic of the Kenya; His Excellency Levy Mwanawasa, President of the Republic of Zambia; and His Excellency Domitien Ndayizeye, President of the Republic of Burundi; held a one-day Regional Summit on Burundi at Entebbe, Uganda, on 22nd April 2005.

The Summit was also attended by His Excellency Jacob Zuma, Deputy President of the Republic of South Africa and Facilitator of the Burundi Peace Process; The Right Honourable Benard Makuza, Prime Minister of the Republic of Rwanda; and Honourable Ambassador Teshome Toga, Minister of Youth, Sports and Culture of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia; Special Representative of the United Nations Secretary General; and the Representative African Union.

The Summit received a report from the Facilitator on the progress that had been made since the 23rd Summit. The Facilitator also raised the following issues for consideration and guidance by the Summit:

- the Elections Calendar;
- the extension of the transition period.

The Chairperson of the Burundi Independent Electoral Commission (IEC) briefed Heads of State on the proposed Elections Calendar.

Heads of State noted the strong desire of the people of Burundi to have a democratically elected government that should usher in a new culture of legitimacy and constitutionalism. The Heads of State welcomed the successful holding of the referendum that culminated into the adoption of the new Constitution.

The Summit noted with satisfaction the Elections Calendar and endorsed it. The Summit endorsed a further extension of the transitional period up to 26 August 2005 in line with the approved Elections Calendar. Heads of State welcomed the commitment by the transitional Government that this Calendar will be strictly adhered to.

The Summit noted the Report by The United Republic of Tanzania on progress that had been made with regard to FNL. The Summit endorsed the pending meeting between His Excellency President Mkapa and Rwasa Agathon, Leader of the FNL and commended His Excellency's efforts to bring FNL on board the peace process.

The Summit noted the operational concerns during the transition period raised by the CNDD-FDD through the Facilitator. The Summit mandated the Facilitator to engage the Transitional Government and the CNDD-FDD with a view to addressing them.

The Heads of State reaffirmed their commitment to ensure the full implementation of all the provisions of the Arusha Peace and Reconciliation Agreement. Heads of State appealed to the International Community to extend the requisite support to the Transitional Government of Burundi needed for the full implementation of the Arusha Peace and Reconciliation Agreement.

Heads of State also exchanged views on various regional and international issues of interest to the Region.

The Summit expressed warm appreciation to His Excellency President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni, the Government and the people of the Republic of Uganda for the warm hospitality extended to them and their Delegations during their stay in the Republic of Uganda, which facilitated the fruitful deliberations and successful outcome of the Regional Summit Meeting.


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