Joint Communique Issued at the Conclusion of the Visit of Minister Nkosazana C Dlamini Zuma, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of South Africa, to the Republic of Guinea, 14-17 November 2005

At the invitation of her counterpart, H.E Madame SIDIBE FATOUMATA KABA, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Guinea and within the framework of the strengthening of traditional, friendly and cooperation relations between the Republic of South Africa and the Republic of Guinea, H.E Dr. Nkosazama DLAMINI ZUMA, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of South Africa, paid a working visit to Guinea from 14th to 16th November 2005.

During her visit Minister DLAMINI ZUMA and her delegation were received in audience by H.E General Lansana CONTÉ, President of the Republic of Guinea, Her Excellency Madame Henriette CONTÉ, First Lady of the Republic of Guinea, H.E Mr. Aboubacar SOMPARE, President of the National Assembly and H.E Mr Cellou Dalein DIALLO, Prime Minister of the Republic of Guinea.

Minister DLAMINI ZUMA had bilateral political discussions with her counterpart, Minister KABA, during which they reviewed the state of bilateral relations, the regional and global political situation. They reaffirmed their determination to work for a mutually rewarding relationship under the guidance of the two Heads of State, H.E General Lansana CONTÉ and H.E President Thabo MBEKI.

Minister DLAMINI ZUMA also held separate meetings with the Ministers of Public Works, Transport, Health, Mining and Geology, Cooperation, Telecommunications, Agriculture and Forestry, Energy and Hydraulics, Commerce and Industry and SME.

Minister DLAMINI ZUMA paid tribute to the government and people of Guinea for the role that Guinea played in the struggle against colonialism in general and Apartheid in particular.

The Ministers expressed satisfaction with the state of bilateral political relations, and noted the wide scope of cooperation in various fields, namely, foreign affairs, commerce, industry and SME, mining and geology, agriculture, animal husbandry and forestry, energy and water affairs, health, tourism, hotels and crafts, transport, urban development and culture.

With a view to laying a legal framework for cooperation, they directed their officials to finalise negotiations on a general co-operation agreement which should make provision for a follow-up and monitoring mechanism.

Both parties welcomed the signing of the Agreement on Education, which was concluded in October 2004, and recommitted themselves to its implementation.

Minister KABA welcomed the decision of the South African Government to open a Diplomatic Mission in Conakry and expressed the view that this will contribute towards the strengthening of historical bonds of friendship and cooperation between Guinea and South Africa.

Both Foreign Ministers reaffirmed their willingness to establish a mechanism of consultations between their Departments for the harmonization of their positions on major political issues related to the regional and international situation.

Minister KABA conveyed Guinea's support for South Africa's mediation effort in Côte d'Ivoire.

The two Ministers reaffirmed their commitment to contribute, through the relevant mechanisms of the African Union and the United Nations, to the settlement of the Ivorian crisis and appealed to all the parties to this conflict to comply with all the agreements already concluded under the auspices of the international community.

Both parties agreed to work together for the restoration of a climate of sustainable peace and stability especially in the Mano River Basin. They took note of the remarkable post-conflict reconstruction process currently underway in Sierra Leone, as well as the historic election recently held in Liberia. They agreed that these positive developments augur well for stability and development in the region.

Both parties reaffirmed their commitment to work for the political unity and integration of the African continent within the framework of the African Union.

They underscored the centrality of NEPAD in the continent's efforts to deal with the twin challenges of poverty and underdevelopment. They pledged to work with other sister African countries for the realisation of the goals of NEPAD.

In reviewing the global political and economic situation, the two Ministers agreed that the reform of the UN is central to efforts aimed at finding sustainable solutions to international peace and security. In this regard, they reaffirmed their commitment to the African Union's Sirte Declaration.

The Ministers also emphasised the need to deal with both security and development issues and in this regard, they urged the IMF and the World Bank to place developmental issues at the centre of their agenda. They also reaffirmed their commitment to the Doha Development Agenda and expressed the hope that the principles thereof will be adopted at the forthcoming WTO Ministerial Meeting in Hong Kong in December 2005.

Minister DLAMINI ZUMA concluded her visit by undertaking a tour of the Nelson Mandela University College, which was established in 1985 and is one of Guinea's prominent institutions of learning.
At the end of her visit, Minister DLAMINI ZUMA expressed her profound gratitude to the President of the Republic of Guinea, H.E. General Lansana CONTÉ, and to the Government and People of Guinea for the warm welcome and hospitality extended to her and her delegation.

Minister DLAMINI ZUMA extended an invitation to her Guinean counterpart to pay a reciprocal working visit to South Africa. The date of the visit will be determined through the Diplomatic Channel.

Done in Conakry, on 17th November 2005.

For the Republic of South AfricaFor the Republic of Guinea
H .E Dr Nkosazana DLAMINI ZUMAH.E Madam Sidibé Fatoumata KABA
Minister of Foreign AffairsMinister of Foreign Affairs

Issued by the Department of Foreign Affairs
Private Bag X152

17 November 2005

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