Notes Following Briefing by Deputy Minister Aziz Pahad and Iraqi Counterpart Deputy Foreign Minister Talib Al-Bayati on Conclusion of Bilateral Discussions, Tshwane, South Africa, 4 October 2005

Comments by Deputy Minister Aziz Pahad

  • We are very pleased to have hosted my Iraqi counterpart who is in South Africa to give a series of lectures.
  • The visit has given us an opportunity to discuss and exchange views on many issues.
  • I think this is the first government visit on the bilateral level. South Africa recognises the Iraqi transitional government. The Ambassador presented his credentials to President Thabo Mbeki on 17 June 2005.
  • We have received a very thorough briefing on the unfolding constitutional process - as you know, the Constitution is expected to go to a referendum on 15 October 2005 with elections scheduled for 15 December 2005.
  • We also discussed the potential for greater bilateral co-operation at various levels. In this regard, South African exports to Iraq increased from R90 446 000 in 2004 to R233 806 000 during the first five months of 2005, making Iraq South Africa's fourth biggest export market in the Middle East.
  • The South African government has always believed that Iraq is very strategically placed. In this regard, we have always agreed in principle, that a South African mission should be opened once the conflict has been resolved and the budgetary requirements dealt with.
  • Also, despite the massive surge in our bilateral relations, there is still potential for further growth.
  • We will increase dialogue between both countries at various levels and will also try to see how we can assist the international community to find a peaceful resolution to the sitaution in Iraq.
  • We also briefed Deputy Minister Al-Bayati on developments within the SADC region and Africa as a whole.

Comments by Deputy Minister Al-Bayati

  • I am very pleased to be in South Africa and have an opportunity to hold discussions with my counterpart whom I met in Jakarta earlier this year during the Africa-Asia Summit.
  • South Africa is the only country within Africa in which we have an Embassy. This makes South Africa very important to us.
  • We have come a long way since the time of President Saddam Hussein. In this regard, former President Mandela always remained a great hero to the Iraqi people.
  • In Iraq, we have started the political process on which to build democracy. We held elections in January this year, and will soon hold a referendum.
  • Although we have always had good relations with South Africa, we believe the opportunity exists for greater cooperation.
  • Iraq has very great reserves of oil, gas and minerals. We believe a symbiotic relationship between both countries can benefit both peoples.
  • Regarding the security situation - innocent civilians are at risk from perpetrators who do not believe in democracy.
  • When democracy is in place in Iraq, we will discuss the role of the multinational forces. These forces will not leave Iraq a day earlier than required or a day later.

Questions and answers


Deputy Minister Pahad, when will we open a South African Mission in Iraq? Will the security situation be taken into account?


We have already taken a principle decision to open a Mission in Iraq especially considering its geo-strategic position.

The decision to open a mission will be based on many issues, budgetary, security, etc.

We have also decided to send an advance team to Iraq sooner rather than later to investigate the possibility of opening a mission. In this regard, although we do not have a date on which to open the mission, we will put in place processes.


Deputy Minister al-Bayati, what happened to the weapons of mass destruction which were a pretext for the war against Iraq?


We know that President Saddam Hussein had these weapons, manufactured these weapons and used them against the Iraqi people and their neighbours. In one instance, 5000 people were killed on one day.

We are not sure what has happened to these weapons but there are three options - they were destroyed as alleged by the regime, they are hidden awaiting discovery or they have been shipped to a neighbouring country.


Minister Al-Bayati, there have been reports that your neighbours are contributing to the instability in Iraq - Syria and Iran. What if any, diplomatic action will you take if the situation is not resolved?


We have full diplomatic relations with Iran. The Syrian government has not been very open to our suggestions of instituting full diplomatic relations. We do however try to resolve all problems with our neighbours through diplomatic means.


Deputy Minister Pahad, was oil trade between both countries discussed?


This matter was discussed. Iraq has the world's second largest oil reserves. We also discussed our general economic relations which have dramatically increased in the last few months. There are many opportunities for bilateral economic co-operation between both countries.

We did previously import oil from Iraq. But this matter is for further discussion by the relevant departments.

Issued by Department of Foreign Affairs
Private Bag X152

4 October 2005

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