2005 SADC Summit Communiqué

The Summit of Heads of State and Government of the Southern African Development Community (SADC), met in Gaborone, Botswana on 17-18 August, 2005 and was chaired by His Excellency, Mr. Festus Mogae, President of the Republic of Botswana.

1. The Heads of State and Government of SADC present at the Summit were:

AngolaRt Hon. Fernando da Piedade Dias dos Santos, Prime Minister of the Republic of Angola
BotswanaH.E. President Festus G. Mogae
Democratic Republic of Congo H. E. Professor Arthur Z'Ahidi Ngoma
Vice President
LesothoRt. Hon. Prime Minister Pakalitha Mosisili
MadagascarH.E President Marc Ravalomanana
MalawiH.E. President Bingu wa Mutharika
MauritiusDr. the Hon. Prime Minister Navinchandra Ramgoolam, Prime Minister
MozambiqueH.E. President Armando Emílio Guebuza
NamibiaH.E. President Hifikepunye Pohamba
South AfricaH.E President Thabo Mbeki
SwazilandH. M. King Mswati III
United Republic of TanzaniaH.E. President Benjamin W. Mkapa
ZambiaH.E. President Levy P. Mwanawasa, SC
ZimbabweH.E. President Robert G. Mugabe

2. In attendance were Their Excellencies former Heads of State and Government: Sir Ketumile Masire of the Republic of Botswana, Joaquim Chissano of the Republic of Mozambique, Sam Nujoma of the Republic of Namibia and Ali Hassan Mwinyi of the United Republic of Tanzania. Also present at the Summit were Deputy Chairperson of the African Union Commission, Mr Patrick Mazimakha, the Vice President for Operations North, East and Southern Region of the African Development Bank, Mr. Theodore Nkodo, the Secretary General of the SADC Parliamentary Forum, Dr Kasuka Mutukwa, NEPAD Chief Executive Professor Firmino G. Mucavele, representatives of the UN Economic Commission for Africa, NEPAD and COMESA Secretariat.

3. In his address to the opening session of Summit, the outgoing SADC Chairperson, Dr the Honourable Navinchandra Ramgoolam, Prime Minister of the Republic of Mauritius, congratulated SADC Leaders and citizens on the occasion of the Silver Jubilee celebrations. Dr Ramgoolam underscored the need to implement all the Protocols that have been signed in order to drive the region forward and exploit the abundant resources in the region. He stressed the need to implement the SADC agenda in line with the priorities set out in the Regional Indicative Strategic Development Plan (RISDP) and the Strategic Indicative Plan for the Organ (SIPO). Dr Ramgoolam expressed satisfaction on the operationalisation and implementation of the RISDP and SIPO at both the national and regional levels, in particular the development of regional projects, some of which have been submitted to NEPAD for resource mobilisation. In executing these regional plans, he noted that cognisance should be given to people and development centred activities. The outgoing Chairperson underlined the importance of Africa's unity particularly in ensuring that it participates effectively in the United Nations Security Council.

4. Prime Minister Ramgoolam outlined some of the major milestones during the past year which included the approval of the SADC Principles and Guidelines Governing Democratic Elections in the Region which were immediately effected in Botswana, Mauritius, Mozambique, Namibia and Zimbabwe. He commended Member States for their commitment in contributing seed money for the construction of the new SADC Headquarters and expressed satisfaction on the progress made so far. In this regard, he indicated that the Feasibility Study on the Financing, Design and Construction of the New SADC Headquarters has been completed.

5. The host of the Silver Jubilee Ordinary Summit, His Excellency, President Festus Mogae, of the Republic of Botswana, welcomed the SADC Heads of State and Government, and other delegates to Botswana. President Mogae expressed his gratitude to all Heads of State and Government for their resolve to continuously pursue the common objectives and shared vision of SADC which should propel the region to greater prosperity through deeper regional integration. He paid tribute to the Former Heads of State and Government for accepting the invitation to grace the SADC Silver Jubilee Celebrations and the role they played in furthering economic and social integration of the region.

6. The official opening ceremony was also addressed by His Excellency President Armando Emilio Guebuza who reaffirmed the commitment of the Government and people of Mozambique to the ideals and aspirations of SADC. In his first statement to Summit, President Guebuza underscored the importance of adopting creative and proactive measures in the mobilisation of the private sector and civil society organisations for them to invest in the implementation of the region's integration programmes.

7. His Excellency, President Hifikepunye Pohamba also delivered his first speech at the official opening of Summit. President Pohamba expressed his country's dedication to SADC ideals and the regional integration agenda. He emphasised the need to deepen democracy in the region and adopt measures that would consolidate peace and promote freedom for all the citizens.

8. The official opening session also witnessed the ceremonial handover of the Chairpersonship from Dr the Honourable Navinchandra Ramgoolam to President Festus Mogae of the Republic of Botswana. Summit also elected Rt Hon. Pakalitha Mosisili of the Kingdom of Lesotho as the Deputy Chairperson of SADC.

9. Summit thanked Dr the Honourable Navinchandra Ramgoolam for his able leadership and the accomplishments of SADC during his tenure of office.

10. In his acceptance statement, President Mogae outlined his vision and priorities for the coming year. President Mogae thanked the outgoing Chairperson for steering the activities and programmes of the organisation and pledged to carry forward the programme of SADC, including, the commencement of the construction of the new SADC Headquarters as well as maintaining sustainable development, pursuing multilateral relations, ensuring protocol implementation, regional macroeconomic stability, financial market integration, investment promotion, infrastructure development and opening up of borders to facilitate the free movement of goods and services and other factors of production. He also emphasised that the region should adopt policies that enhance food production in order to avert hunger in the region. President Mogae pointed out the necessity of adequate budgetary provisions for financing SADC activities and assume greater responsibility and self reliance while taking into account the goodwill of the International Co-operating Partners. President Mogae suggested that SADC prioritises its activities in order to concentrate on those issues that would deepen integration within a short timeframe.

11. President Mogae committed the Government and people of Botswana to provide all the necessary assistance and a conducive environment for the operation of the organisation.

12. The Deputy Chairperson of the AU Commission, Mr Patrick Mazimakha underscored the important role of Regional Economic Communities (RECs) in the global architecture for peace and security, notably in the continental early warning systems and Africa Standby Forces. He noted with appreciation SADC's contribution to this noble cause. Mr Mazimakha urged SADC to continue building on the experience of 25 years in its integration agenda.

13. Mr. Mazimakha pointed out that it was now an opportune time to translate the shared vision into concrete actions so as to accelerate the pace of continental integration by the AU Commission and the Regional Economic Communities (REC)s. In this respect, an AU Assembly will be held in January, 2006, with the aim of reviewing the proposed Rationalisation of RECs, which are the pillars of African integration.

14. Mr. Theodore Nkodo, the Vice President for Operations North, East and Southern Region of the African Development Bank, addressed the opening session. Mr. Nkodo congratulated SADC on its 25th Anniversary and outlined the role of the African Development (ADB) in supporting development in the continent and its collaboration with RECs and NEPAD. He indicated the areas of possible support to SADC's integration agenda, which include sustainable food security, regional infrastructure, combating HIV and AIDS, macroeconomic surveillance, financial integration and capital markets development and capacity building.

15 Mr. Nkodo emphasised the role of the private sector as a partner in development and indicated that, to increase its visibility and presence in the Region, the ADB has opened a country office in the United Republic of Tanzania and a regional office in Mozambique, which will cover other SADC countries. Other country offices are being opened in the DRC, Malawi, Madagascar and Zambia.

16. Addressing the Silver Jubilee Summit, the Executive Secretary of SADC, Dr Prega Ramsamy observed the great strides that have been made in the area of intra-SADC trade which has increased from a mere 5 percent in 1980 to about 25 percent today. Dr Ramsamy expressed hope that the 35 percent intra-SADC trade by 2008 in a Free Trade Area Arrangement to which all our Member States are committed will be achieved as the target is certainly within reach given the fact that the region has in place some of the key pre-requisites including sound infrastructure.

17. In the spirit of inclusivity, Dr Ramsamy pointed out the critical role played by the civil society and private sector in the implementation of the SADC Common Agenda citing the need for the region to move in the same direction.

18. It has become tradition for the official opening of Summit to feature the winners of the 2005 Regional Secondary Schools Essay Competition. The topic of the competition was premised on the achievements and challenges of SADC for the past 25 years. The first prize was awarded to Ms Sunjanabye Balloo of Mauritius, the second prize to Mr Reuben N. Mhanuka of the United Republic of Tanzania and the third prize to Ms Thato Roslyn Senabye of Botswana.

19. The official opening of Summit was also marked by the 2005 SADC Media Awards ceremony. Four finalists received their prizes as follows: Television Category, Mr. Tiro Kganela, Botswana Television; Republic of Botswana; Photojournalism Category, Mr. Ally Soobye, Le Mauricien Et Weekend, Republic of Mauritius; Radio Category, Ms Shelley Knipe, ABC Ulwazi Community Radio, Republic of South Africa; and Print Category, Mr. Perege Gumbo, Guardian Newspaper, United Republic of Tanzania.

20. Summit laid the Foundation Stone for the new SADC Headquarters and unveiled the Foundation Stone Monument. Summit underscored the necessity of accelerating the construction of the new Headquarters.

21. With regard to the Silver Jubilee Celebrations, Summit commemorated the 25th anniversary of SADC and noted with satisfaction progress registered to date since the establishment of the organisation in 1980.

22. Summit received a report from the outgoing Chairperson of the Organ on Politics, Defence and Security Cooperation. His Excellency, Thabo Mbeki, President of the Republic of South Africa, which showed that the region continues to enjoy peace and security.

23. Summit noted that, in the process of consolidation of democracy and good governance, Botswana, Mozambique, Mauritius, Namibia and Zimbabwe held Presidential, Parliamentary and general elections. Lesotho also held successful Local Government Elections. SADC Electoral Observer Missions were deployed to all the elections and used the SADC Principles and Guidelines Governing Democratic Elections as their Terms of Reference. These elections are testimony of the consolidation of democracy in the region.

24. Concerning election observation, Summit agreed to establish a SADC Electoral Advisory Council (SEAC) whose role is that of advisor to SADC structures and to Electoral Commissions of Member States.

25. Summit noted that the United Republic of Tanzania will hold both Presidential and Parliamentary elections in October, 2005 while the Republic of Angola and the DRC will hold elections in 2006.

26. On the DRC, Summit commended the Government and the people of the DRC for adopting the new Constitution. Summit further noted that the Constitution, guarantees fifty-fifty gender parity in the political institutions of the DRC.

27. Summit expressed concern on the continuous activities of armed groups in the eastern region of the DRC posing a challenge to the consolidation of peace and political stability in that country. Summit observed that a new Government is expected to be in place by 30 June, 2006 in the DRC. Summit also mandated the Chairperson of the Organ on Politics, Defense and Security Co-operation to work with the Government of the DRC and other relevant stakeholders to ensure that elections are held within newly agreed timeframe and mobilize the necessary assistance for a successful electoral process.

28. Summit approved and some Member States signed the Protocol on the Facilitation of Movement of Persons in SADC, aimed at enabling the movement of people in the region. The specific objectives of the Protocol are to facilitate entry into Member States without the need for a visa for a maximum period of 90 (ninety) days per year for bona fide visit and in accordance with the laws of the Member State; permanent and temporary residence in the territory of another Member State; and establishment of oneself and working in the territory of another Member State.

29. On international co-operation, Summit commended Member States for their contribution in the promotion, consolidation and sustenance of peace and security in the world in general, and Africa in particular.

30. Summit thanked President Thabo Mbeki for efficiently spearheading the activities of the Organ for the past year.

31. Summit elected H.E. President Hifikepunye Pohamba, as Chairperson of the Organ on Politics, Defence and Security Cooperation and H.E. Benjamin W. Mkapa of the United Republic of Tanzania as Deputy Chairperson.

32. On the Hashim Mbita Project, whose objective is to document the history of the Liberation Struggle in Southern Africa, Summit reaffirmed its commitment to the project and noted that the project is under implementation.

33. With regard to the economic situation in the region, Summit noted that the region achieved a GDP growth rate of 4.1% in 2004 compared to 3.2 percent the previous year. Summit observed that Member States continue to implement sound macroeconomic policies and business friendly reforms aimed at putting the region on a sustainable growth path that would contribute to poverty reduction and improvement in the quality of life of Southern Africans. However, Summit noted with concern that the region faces the challenge posed by increasing oil prices that have ripple effects on the entire economy and may compromise the growth of the regional economy.

34. Summit welcomed the debt relief proposals announced by the G8 countries in July, 2005 and noted the need for details on the debt relief programme that is likely to benefit a few SADC Member States.

35. Summit observed that for most Member States to achieve the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), there is an urgent need for SADC countries to institute policies and programmes aimed at accelerating social and human development, individually and collectively. Summit also called upon International Co-operating Partners to increase the level of resources being channelled to developing countries to finance education, health and social development activities.

36. With regard to Food Security, Summit noted that the region is self-sufficient in maize despite deficits in a few countries. In this respect, Summit urged the affected Member States to mobilise resources to import food that may be required to prevent incidence of hunger and starvation. Summit reiterated that Member States should honour the commitments in the Dar es Salaam Declaration on Agriculture and Food Security to accelerate agricultural production and eradication of food insecurity in the region.

37. On HIV and AIDS, Summit noted that the main activities and interventions undertaken during the year include the development of policy options for mainstreaming HIV and AIDS and mitigating AIDS adverse impact on agriculture and food security, formulation of guidelines on HIV and AIDS and mobile populations, guidelines to conduct household surveys on HIV and AIDS, a model for mainstreaming orphans and vulnerable children in the education system, and the establishment of regional forum for national aids authorities.

38. With respect to Gender and Development, Summit endorsed the African Union position which provides for 50 percent target of women in all political and decision-making positions.

39. Summit observed that the regional level interventions are complimentary to national HIV and AIDS prevention and support programmes. Member States have continued to roll-out Antiretroviral Therapies (ARV's) programmes and the prevention of the transmission of the virus from the mother to the child (PMTCT). Summit noted that Member States are strengthening voluntary counselling and testing (VCT) and surveillance of the epidemic.

40. In operationalising the SADC Tribunal in terms of the Protocol on Tribunal, Summit approved the appointment of the following ten (10) members of the Tribunal:

  • Dr. Roberto Kambovo of Angola;
  • Dr. Onkemetse B. Tshosa of Botswana;
  • Hon. Justice Isaac Jamu Mtambo of Malawi;
  • Chief Justice Ariranga Govindasamy Pillay of Mauritius;
  • Hon. Dr. Luis Antonio Mondlane of Mozambique;
  • Hon. Justice Petrus T. Damaseb of Namibia;
  • Hon. Justice Stanley B. Maphalala of Swaziland;
  • Hon. Justice Frederick B. Werema of Tanzania;
  • Hon. Justice F. M. Chomba of Zambia; and
  • Hon. Justice Antonia Guvava of Zimbabwe.

41. Summit also designated the initial five regular Members of the Tribunal as follows:

  • Dr. Roberto Kambovo of Angola;
  • Dr. Onkemetse B. Tshosa of Botswana;
  • Hon. Justice Isaac Jamu Mtambo of Malawi;
  • Chief Justice Ariranga Govindasamy Pillay of Mauritius;
  • Hon. Dr. Luis Antonio Mondlane of Mozambique.

42. Summit appointed Mr Tomás Augusto Salomão as the Executive Secretary of SADC for a period of four years. Mr Salomão is a citizen of the Republic of Mozambique and is an Economist by profession. He is a former Minister of Planning and Finance and Minister of Transport and Communications of Mozambique. Summit congratulated Mr Salomão for his appointment to the high office of the SADC Executive Secretary. Summit also appointed Engineer João Samuel Caholo of the Republic of Angola as Deputy Executive Secretary of SADC for a period of four years. Engineer Caholo is a former Director of the SADC Energy Commission, Director of Infrastructure and Services Directorate and Deputy Minister of Fisheries. Summit congratulated Engineer Caholo on his appointment as Deputy Executive Secretary of SADC.

43. Summit expressed its gratitude to Dr Prega Ramsamy for his contribution to SADC during his tenure of office at the helm of SADC as the Executive Secretary. Summit also thanked Mr. Albert Muchanga for his contribution to the organisation during his tenure of office as Deputy Executive Secretary of SADC. Summit wished the two good health and success in their future endeavours.

44. Summit expressed its gratitude to the former Heads of State and Government who graced the silver jubilee celebrations.

45. Summit thanked representatives of other regional and continental organisations for attending the 2005 Summit.

46. Summit expressed its appreciation to the Government and people of the Republic of Botswana for hosting the Summit and for the warm hospitality extended to all delegates. Summit also thanked the SADC Secretariat for the successful organisation of the Summit.

47. In his Farewell Speech to Summit, His Excellency, President Benjamin W. Mkapa observed that in the last 25 years, SADC has resolved the direction, promulgated its vision and defined its framework for co-operation. President Mkapa pointed once priorities and strategies are agreed upon, it is imperative to put in place institutions within each of the governments with the task of monitoring implementation and follow up at national level. He noted that the spirit of the Frontline States should invigorate the region into action that would make SADC emerge as the most purposeful, most powerful and most successful African regional economic grouping.

48. With respect to the membership of Madagascar, Summit unanimously admitted the Republic of Madagascar as a 14th Member of SADC. In his statement following the admission of Madagascar into the SADC family, President Marc Ravalomana, pledged his country's commitment to the noble objectives and aspirations of SADC. In line with the SADC vision, President Ravalomanana stated that his country is in the process of establishing efficiency and transparency of public administration, respect of the rule of law, good governance and the participation of civil society in major national issues. He undertook to implement the programmes and activities of the Community in pursuit of regional integration particularly the opening up of the market by reducing taxes and import duties as well as facilitating Foreign Direct Investment. President Ravalomanana supports SADC's programmes on standardization, quality assurance, accreditation and metrorology as this is a pre-requisite for a Free Trade and subsequent establishment of a Customs Union.

49. President Mogae officially closed the Summit and undertook to focus on the following priorities during his tenure of office:

a) Commencement of the construction of the new SADC Headquarters;

b) Finalisation of recruitment of permanent staff;

c) Consolidating the implementation of the Regional Indicative Strategic Development Plan and the Strategic Indicative Plan for the Organ;

d) Putting in place a Protocol Implementation monitoring mechanism.

e) Effective participation in multilateral negotiations.

50. Right Honourable Pakalitha Mosisili of the Kingdom of Lesotho passed a vote of thanks in which he invited his colleagues to attend the next ordinary Summit in 2006. Summit accepted with appreciation the offer by the Kingdom of Lesotho to host the next Summit

August 18, 2005

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