Joint Communique on the Ministerial Meeting between South Africa and Zambia, 18 October 2005

1. At the invitation of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of South Africa, Dr Nkosazana Dlamini Zuma, Zambia's Foreign Minister Hon. Rev. Lt. Gen. Ronnie Shikapwasha, visited South Africa on 18 October 2005. This was a follow-up to the Deputy Ministers meeting which took place in Tshwane on 3 October 2005.

2. Minister Shikapwasha was accompanied by Ambassador Sinyinza, Director for Political Affairs for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, as well as other senior officials.

3. Minister Dlamini Zuma was accompanied by South Africa's High Commissioner to Zambia and senior officials of the Department of Foreign Affairs

4. Minister Dlamini Zuma welcomed Minister Shikapwasha and his delegation to South Africa, remembering with appreciation the solidarity and support Zambia had given to the liberation struggle in South Africa. She further reiterated South Africa's commitment to close fraternal relations with Zambia. Discussions were held in a friendly and constructive manner. Both Parties noted with satisfaction the excellent relations between the two countries.

Minister Shikapwasha thanked the South African Government and its people for the quick reaction and excellent gesture shown to the Zambian people during the recent fuel crisis. The Zambian Foreign Minister, further congratulated South Africa on behalf of his government on the efforts to bring about peace and stability on the Continent.

5. The Heads of Delegation reaffirmed their intention to work towards the further strengthening of bilateral relations, as well as to intensify the close co-operation between the two countries for the future well-being of both their peoples, and for the benefit of the African continent as a whole. The heads of Delegation noted that although they meet often in multilateral meetings, most recently at the SADC summit and at UNGA, these forums cannot replace bilateral meetings of this nature, which provide a platform to examine closely, issues of mutual importance between the two countries.

6. Amongst other issues discussed were;

The status of bilateral political and economic relations between both countries; political and economic relations in the SADC region; developments in Africa including conflict areas and post conflict reconstruction and development initiatives in the DRC and Cote d'Ivoire, Sudan and the Comoros.

7. The Ministers noted the report of the senior officials meeting between South Africa and Zambia which took place on 14 October 2005 in Pretoria. Areas of co-operation and agreements still outstanding between the two Governments were discussed.

8. An Agreement on the Establishment of a Commission for the Operation of the 1996 General Agreement on Cooperation in the Economic, Social, Scientific, Technical and Cultural Fields, was signed. This agreement would provide the two Governments with a process to implement co-operation in a structured and workable format. The need for such an instrument had been expressed by the Zambian Government in 2004.

9. The Ministers noted progress already made with regard to Agreements already signed. These are in the areas of Air and Road Services [1992], Mutual assistance on customs matters and Defence Cooperation [2002].

10. The Ministers further urged officials to expedite discussions on the outstanding agreements so that they could be concluded in the near future.

Pretoria, 18 October 2005

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