Statement: The Issue of 128 IEC Personnel from South Africa and the Role of Ms Gugulethu Matlaopane

Kinshasa - His Excellency, Ambassador Sisa Ngombane, the Ambassador of the Republic of South Africa in Kinshasa, received a letter from MONUC dated 17 May 2006, formally requesting a technical assistance team to support the DRC CEI. Amongst others the letter detailed requests for:

  • 64 Information Technology (IT) support Officers, to be deployed in CEI's 64 Liaison Offices; and
  • 64 Electoral Officers (generalists), having familiarity with computer equipment and office systems.

Having considered the merits of this request, the South African Government agreed to deploy a total of 128 people in 64 Liaison Offices. These staff members arrived in Kinshasa on 2 July 2006 and were accredited by the UN. All of them are currently "gratis personnel". It must be noted that these staff members have volunteerd their services in solidarity with the people of the Congo.

For the record, Ms Gugulethu Matlaopane, once an employee of the Electoral Commission in South Africa, left about 24 months ago. She has visited the DRC on many occasions in pursuit of her private business interests which the Embassy has no knowledge of.

The South African Government would like to stress that the government efforts and assistance in terms of

  • Ballot papers (expertise and transport of ballot papers)
  • 128 personnel seconded to the UN as part of the APEC programme on elections;
  • 32 South African Police Service Officers (SAPS) deployed with the PNC at all provincial centres;

are directed at helping the Congolese people to have a better election. This forms part of the need expressed by many role players to have international expertise to be given to the Independent Electoral Commission (DRC) for it to carry out its task professionally.

Finally, the South African Government has maintained and will continue to maintain strict neutrality in the election process in the DRC.

Our elected government will not deny the people of the Congo the right to choose their leaders.

Issued by:

South African Embassy in DRC
77 Ngongo Lutete Avenue
Gombe, Kinshasa
Democratic Republic of Congo

26 July 2006

South Africans Recruited to prepare Electoral Fraud in the DRC, by Keren Kapi
Newspaper Report (Office Translation)

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