The Leader of the South African Observer Mission to the DRC welcomes Declaration by Congolese Religious Leaders in support of the 30 July Elections

Kinshasa - The leader of the South African Observer Mission (SAOM) to the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), Deputy Defence Minister Mluleki George, has applauded religious leaders in the DRC who have declared their support for the 30 July 2006 Presidential and Parliamentary elections.

The religious leaders of the DRC on Wednesday, 26 July 2006, signed a declaration committing themselves to mobilising members of their congregations to vote during the 30 July elections and called upon the Congolese political parties to cooperate with national and international observers. The religious leaders represent all religious denominations in the DRC.

At the signing ceremony the religious community was represented as follows:

  • Archbishop Laurent Monsengwo - Catholic Church
  • Bishop Pierre Marini Bodho - Christian Church of the Congo
  • Sheik Abdallah Mangala - Islamic Community
  • Bishop Simon Nzinga Maluka - Independent Churches
  • Rev Mangala Mandungu - Kimbanguist Church
  • Bishop Ntambwe - Revival Churches

In the Declaration the religious leaders urged candidates and political parties to 'accept the results of the ballots in order to maintain a climate of peace and national concord for the reconstruction of [the DRC]' and appealed to the DRC Independent Electoral Commission (IEC) to do all they can to make the elections a success.

"The signing of this declaration re-confirms the seriousness with which the Congolese take these elections", said Deputy Minister Mluleki George. "It is yet another indication that the people of the DRC are eager to take the democratic process in their country forward".

Deputy Defence Minister Mluleki George, also described as encouraging the announcement, on Thursday 27 July 2006, by the Catholic Episcopal Conference under the chairmanship of Archbishop Laurent Monsengwo, urging all Catholics to vote on 30 July.

Deputy Minister Mluleki George is currently leading the SAOM to the DRC. The SAOM is stationed in the DRC until 4 August 2006 to observe all phases of the elections, including election campaigns, the voting process and the counting of votes. They are deployed in all the eleven (11) provinces in the DRC.


Enquiries: Vincent Hlongwane on +27 82 385 1169
Sam Mkhwanazi on +27 83 628 0858
Lindo Nkomonde on +27 82 875 9631

Issued by the South African Observer Mission

c/o South African Embassy in the DRC
77 Ngongo Lutete Avenue
Gombe, Kinshasa
Democratic Republic of Congo

28 July 2006

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