President Thabo Mbeki congratulates the Congolese People for holding successful Elections on 30 July 2006

President Thabo Mbeki has congratulated the Congolese people for "re-affirming their desire for a peaceful future in a stable and democratic state by holding successful Presidential and Parliamentary elections", their first in over forty years.

President Mbeki also congratulated the Chairperson of the DRC Independent Electoral Commission (IEC), Rev Apollonaire Malumalu, and his team for delivering a smooth election.

President Mbeki further commended the political leadership of the DRC - particularly, the transitional President Joseph Kabila and his Vice Presidents Azarias Ruberwa, Jean-Pierre Bemba, Yerodia Ndombasi and Arthur Z'Ahidi Ngoma - for leading the Congolese to this historic event.

"I take this opportunity to pay tribute to the Congolese religious community and all political parties for massively mobilising all sectors of society to participate in the making of history. South Africa is indeed honoured and privileged to have been invited to be part of this process.

"We were particularly impressed with the efficiency of the police and other security agencies who ensured that voting was generally peaceful", said President Mbeki.

On behalf of the people and government of the Republic of South Africa, the President wished the Congolese people well on their continued march towards democracy, and pledged South Africa's unwavering support as they begin to chart a better life for all of the people of the DRC. "We stand ready to welcome them into the family of progressive and democratic states".


Enquiries: Vincent Hlongwane on +27 82 385 1169
Sam Mkhwanazi on +27 83 628 0858
Lindo Nkomonde on +27 82 875 9631

Issued by the South African Observer Mission

South African Embassy in the DRC
77 Ngongo Lutete Avenue
Gombe, Kinshasa
Democratic Republic of Congo

31 July 2006

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