Notes following Briefing by Minister Dlamini Zuma and French Deputy Foreign Minister Bridgette Giradin, East Wing, Union Buildings, Tshwane, South Africa, 3 April 2006

Remarks by Minister Dlamini Zuma

  • I am very pleased to have met with Minister Giradin again.
  • We have covered a wide range of African issues including Burundi, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Côte d'Ivoire, Haiti, and matters relating to our bilateral co-operation.
  • We have agreed that France and South Africa will work very closely and co-ordinate positions with regard to African issues and matters related to co-operation in other multilateral fora and that we must speak with a united voice on matters.
  • I would also like to reiterate my appreciation with the timeous way in which French President Chirac and indeed the entire French government responded to our request for assistance following the Koeberg problems. We are indeed very grateful for their co-operation and assistance.

Remarks by Deputy Minister Giradin

  • Minister Dlamini Zuma has indeed effectively summarised the contents of our meeting.
  • We are quite used to meeting monthly in Côte d'Ivoire as we are both members of the International Working Group on Côte d'Ivoire.
  • During our discussions this morning we have had a wide range of discussions relating to Africa and beyond.
  • South Africa is a privileged partner of France - bilaterally (I am here to enhance our bilateral co-operation) and with regard to co-operation in other spheres. In this regard, we have co-operated in terms of providing assistance to South Africa's Koeberg Power Plant. We have also identified the following priority sectors - environment, infrastructure development, etc. I am having meetings tomorrow to discuss co-operation in these various spheres.
  • There is a common will between South Africa and France to strengthen co-operation. In other words, there should be a good duet between both countries.
  • South Africa is a good partner in Africa and beyond. We attach much importance to analyses and are very happy to have noted alignments on many subjects and concerns with regard to conflicts in Côte d'Ivoire, DRC and Burundi.
  • It is very important to meet regularly.
  • We are also very pleased that South Africa responded positively to French President Chirac's proposals for innovative ways to finance development at the Conference in France at the end of February.

Questions and answers

Question Minister Dlamini Zuma, you mentioned discussions on Haiti. Has there been any agreement with regard to the position of former President Aristide?

Answer South Africa, as the host to President Aristide, is still willing to host him. We are in no hurry to ship him back to Haiti. His return to Haiti must also be negotiated and agreed to by the new government. However, President Aristide is not in exile forever nor is he going back next week. We will allow all the governmental and constitutional processes in Haiti to be finalised before he returns.

Question Minister Giradin, you mentioned there were some concerns regarding Côte d'Ivoire. What are these?

Answer On Côte d'Ivoire, we are of the same mind and have the same objective. The Ivorians must choose democracy and decide transparently how they wish to proceed. Elections have been scheduled for October this year - these should be free, fair and unquestionably transparent. We feel that the best man should win and that each Ivorian should be allowed to express themselves freely in the elections.

Question Minister Dlamini Zuma, with regard to the Democratic Republic of Congo, the deadline for the registration of election candidates has passed without the registration of the main opposition party. Has this matter been discussed?

Answer (Minister Dlamini Zuma) I believe the Independent Electoral Commission has decided to extend the registration date for the elections by a few days. However, Presidential candidates cannot be forced to register to participate in elections. We do however believe that the conditions should be there for each citizen to express their will in the elections.

(Minister Giradin) We would like elections to be held as soon as possible. We have however noted through the referendum the will of the people to express themselves. We must however ensure that elections can be held and that people must be allowed to express their views.

Question Minister Dlamini Zuma, you have mentioned your gratitude to the French government for the assistance provided following the Koeberg disaster. Do you expect any future co-operation?

Answer The co-operation between both governments is very good. In terms of energy co-operation, we are all looking forward to achieving the decisions of the World Summit of Development that encourages all countries to increase their renewable energy resources. South Africa is looking forward to achieving this. France has already done much work in this regard and we look forward to learning from them.

Question Minister Dlamini Zuma, what help did the French provide with regard to the Koeberg power plant?

Answer As you know we needed a rotor to replace the one at the Koeberg Power Plant. The French assisted us by providing with the rotor and some other parts.

Issued by Department of Foreign Affairs
Private Bag X152

3 April 2006

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