South African Government Condemns Escalation of Violence in the Middle East

Pretoria - The South African Government wishes to express its concern at the continuing Israeli military actions in the occupied territories. The latest reported air strike by Israel in the Gaza strip, which have caused the death of 11 persons, nine of whom are believed to be civilians, and the wounding of 40 others, including 6 children, and the recent tragic death of 7 members of the same Palestinian family on a beach in Gaza is reflecting a very serious and dangerous situation. These tragedies underline the urgency of Israel to stop its excessive military actions in the occupied Palestinian territories.

Such actions can only result in the growing anger not only in the occupied territories but the region as a whole, making a political solution more difficult.

The Government would also like to renew its call to Israel to act with the utmost self-restraint in ensuring the legitimate defence and security of its own people.

Such actions have already led to the calling off, of the unilateral cease-fire agreement agreed to by Hamas. This will lead to increasing violence and further undermine the Palestinian people's desire for peace, prosperity and a viable Palestinian state. We urge Hamas not to take action that will only create the conditions for the systematic elimination of the Palestinian leadership and a mobilisation of forces against the legitimate demand for a Palestinian state.

Given the new political dynamics in the region resulting from the legislative elections held in both Palestine and Israel earlier this year, the Government joins the rest of the international community in hoping that these developments would lead to true dialogue and an eventual resumption of substantive negotiations, rather than unilateral actions and increased violence.

Issued by Ronnie Mamoepa on 082 990 4853

Department of Foreign Affairs
Private Bag X152

15 June 2005

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