Advisory: Deputy Foreign Minister Aziz Pahad to Brief the Media on Current International Issues, 21 November 2006

Briefing to media on current international issues

Deputy Foreign Minister Aziz Pahad will brief the media on current international issues on Tuesday 21 November 2006.

Handover of cheque to UNHCR

Deputy Minister Pahad will also, on commencement of briefing to the media, hand over to a representative of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees in South Africa an amount of R1,5 million for its Return and Reintegration Programme for Sudan. South Africa's contribution to the Programme will help ensure the successful return and reintegration of Sudanese refugees during the remainder of 2006. The Sudanese Ambassador to South Africa will be in attendance during this handover.

DATE : Tuesday 21 November 2006

TIME : 11h00

VENUE : Media Centre Amphitheatre
Union Buildings

(Parking on Government Avenue)

(Please present press cards)

ENQUIRIES/RSVPs : Manusha Pillai on 082 389 3587

Issued by Department of Foreign Affairs
Private Bag X152

20 November 2006

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