Attempted use of Official SA Government Envelope to Courier Drugs in Pakistan

Islamabad- The South African High Commission in Islamabad was alerted by the Pakistani Anti-Narcotic Force and the Federal Express (Fedex) Courier Company of an attempted smuggle of high grade heroin from Pakistan to Johannesburg utilising an official South African government envelope.

According to the Pakistani authorities, a suspect arrived at the offices of the Fedex on Saturday 28 October 2006, pretending to be an official of the South African High Commission in Islamabad.

The suspect bore an official South African High Commission envelope destined for delivery by Fedex to an address in Johannesburg. Fedex officials became suspicious when the suspect provided them with a false account number claiming to be that of the South African High Commission.

Upon questioning by Fedex officials, the suspect became evasive and immediately left the Fedex offices. Fedex put the envelope through a scanner to determine the contents thereof. It was during this process that it was discovered that the envelope contained high grade heroin. Fedex consequently alerted the Pakistani Anti Narcotics Force of this discovery.

The SA High Commission was immediately advised of these developments and is kept abreast of investigations by the Pakistani law enforcement agencies.

The South African Government condemns these attempts at misusing official government stationary for nefarious activities. In this regard, the government expresses its conviction that Pakistani authorities will leave no stone unturned to bring the suspects to face the full might of the Pakistani law.

Issued by Ronnie Mamoepa

Department of Foreign Affairs
P/Bag X152

31 October 2006.

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