South Africa to Host SADC Integrated Committee of Ministers Meeting

Pretoria - South Africa will host the SADC Integrated Committee of Ministers (ICM) meeting at the Sandton Convention Centre in Johannesburg from Thursday - Friday, 22-23 June 2006. In this regard, South Africa will be represented by Minister Mandisi Mphalwa and Trevor Manuel.

The ICM is the SADC organ that is responsible for policy direction planning and implementation of SADC Programmes and Projects including reviewing progress made thereof.

South Africa will host this meeting within the context of its stated commitment to consolidate the African Agenda through among others participation in SADC institutions.

This ICM annual meeting is significant as it will be the first meeting after the adoption of the Windhoek Declaration, a framework redefining the relationship between SADC and its International Co-operating Partners (ICPs) for more effective development co-operation.

Issues on the agenda of discussions will include, among others:

  • Infrastructure and services - the ICM will receive reports on the implementation of various projects and programmes in energy, tourism, transport, communication & meteorology and water sectors and is expected to approve a number of priorities for this sector, including the implementation of a competitive electricity market and the trading system and the associated ancillary services market and balancing mechanism.

  • Food, agriculture and natural resources - the ICM will receive progress reports on the overall Food Security Situation in the region.

  • Trade, Industry, Finance and Investment - the ICM will consider progress on the seven priorities approved for 2005, namely, the Facilitation of goods and services market integration; Enhancing financial and capital markets development; Facilitate attainment of deeper monetary cooperation; Facilitate attainment of macroeconomic convergence; and Increasing levels of intra-SADC investment; Foreign Direct investment; Enhancing productive competitiveness; and Facilitate Effective participation in and compliance with international multilateral trade agreements.

  • Social and Human Development - the ICM will look at the continued progress in addressing challenges and potential hindrances to equitable access to quality social services including education and health through the coordination of common policy approaches and mobilization of resources as well as for strategic partnerships with key stakeholders.

The ICM is expected to conclude on Friday, 23 June 2006.

Issued by Ronnie Mamoepa on 082 990 4853

Department of Foreign Affairs
Private Bag X152

21 June 2006

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