Statement on the Announcement by the UK regarding the Development of a new class of Submarines

The South African Government has taken note of the announcement made by British Prime Minister Tony Blair on 4 December 2006 regarding the intention of the United Kingdom to build a new class of ballistic missile-carrying submarines as delivery system for its nuclear weapons.

With its current Vanguard-class submarines reaching the end of their life, it is disappointing that the United Kingdom has not used this opportunity to demonstrate its commitment to the irreversible elimination of its nuclear weapons arsenal, consistent with its nuclear disarmament obligations and commitments.

This would have been a landmark decision, to be followed by others, to eliminate all weapons of mass destruction. The continued development of nuclear weapons and the qualitative improvements to these weapons and their delivery systems remain of serious concern to the international community.

South Africa is firmly of the view that nuclear weapons do not, in any possible way, contribute to international peace and security. These instruments of destruction are therefore not a source of security and do not serve any deterrent purpose whatsoever. Neither can they be regarded as a tool to prevent proliferation or as a weapon against any terrorist threat.

South Africa believes that the continued retention of nuclear weapons by some countries weakens the nuclear non-proliferation regime and could serve as a logical foundation for others to also aspire to develop such capabilities.

It is our hope that the United Kingdom would honour its "unequivocal undertaking" towards nuclear disarmament made during the 2000 NPT Review Conference, including through the adoption of appropriate disarmament measures in a transparent, verifiable and irreversible manner.

Issued by Ronnie Mamoepa at 082-990-4853

Department of Foreign Affairs
P/Bag X152

5 December 2006

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