President Thabo Mbeki to attend the AU Peace and Security Council Meeting, New York, Wednesday 20 September 2006

New York- South African President Thabo Mbeki, supported by Minister of Foreign Affairs, will on Wednesday 20 September in New York, attend the African Union Peace and Security Council meeting of Heads of State and Government to discuss the situation in Darfur and consider the mandate of the African Mission in Sudan (AMIS).

President Mbeki is in New York where he is leading the South African government delegation to the 61st Session of the UN General Assembly within the context of the country's conviction that the multilateral system of global governance remains the only in facing challenges facing humanity today including pushing back the frontiers of poverty and under-development including the exercise of global power. SA expects to be elected to the non-permanent seat of the UNSC on 16 October 2006.

South Africa's attendance of the AU Peace and Security Council comes within the context of the country's commitment to consolidating the African Agenda through among others support for post-conflict reconstruction and development initiatives.

The AU Peace and Security Council meeting in New York on Wednesday will convene against the background of the adoption of the UN Security Council Resolution 1706 that calls for the expansion of the UN mission in Sudan (UNMIS) from the current 10 000 to 17,300 troops and an additional 3000 civilian police.


Later on Wednesday 20 September, in New York, President Thabo Mbeki, supported by Minister of Foreign Affairs, Dr. Nkosazana Dlamini Zuma will join UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan during the Summit convened to discuss the situation in Cote D' Ivoire. The Summit is part of efforts by the international community to assist the people of Cote d' Ivoire to address their current political challenges.

The Summit is expected to be attended by among others:

  1. President Gbagbo and Prime Minister Banny of Cote D' Ivoire
  2. Presidents of the RDR, PDCI and Secretary-General of the Forces Nouvelles
  3. Presidents of Burkina Faso, Congo-Brazzaville, Ghana, Mali, Niger and Nigeria
  4. Chairman of the Commission of the African Union and Executive Secretary of ECOWAS.


President Mbeki, will following his address to the UN General Assembly today, Tuesday 19 September, supported by Minister Dlamini Zuma, hold bilateral discussions with EU Secretary-General Javier Solana, Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, Israeli Vice Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Ms. Tzipi Livni.

Meanwhile Minister Dlamini Zuma is expected today, Tuesday 19 September to hold bilateral discussions with her Chilean counterpart, Foreign Minister Alejandro. In addition, Minister Dlamini Zuma is expected to attend the launch of the UNITAID an initiative of Brazil, Chile, France, Norway and the UK to create an international drug purchase facility aimed at contributing to scaling up access to diagnostic kits and treatment for HIV and AIDS, malaria and TB.


In other important engagements, President Mbeki will tonight, Tuesday 19 September address the African American Institute(AAI) Annual Awards Dinner in which Phumla Mtala of the University of South Africa will be receiving the AAI's Distinguished Alumni Award. Leaders of Nigeria, Malawi, Rwanda and Sao Tome will also attend the function.


For Wednesday 20 September, the South African delegation received requests for bilateral discussions with leaders of Iran and Norway.

President Mbeki is expected to return to South Africa on Thursday 21 September 2006.

Issued by Ronnie Mamoepa at 082-990-4853

Department of Foreign Affairs
P/Bag X152

19 September 2006.

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