Joint Declaration v Session of Joint Intergovernmental Commission for the Economic, Scientific, Technical and Commercial Co-Operation between the Republic of Cuba and the Republic of South Africa

In accordance with Article 1 of the Agreement for the Establishment of the Joint Commission for the Economic, Scientific, Technical and Trade Co-operation between the Republic of South Africa and the Republic of Cuba, signed on 5 February 2001, the 5th Session of the Joint Commission was held from 5 to 9 November 2007 in the City of Cape Town, South Africa.

The Cuban delegation was headed by Ing. Marta Lomas Morales, Minister of Foreign Investment and Economic Co-operation, and the South African delegation was headed by Dr Nkosazana C. Dlamini Zuma, Minister of Foreign Affairs.

Experts from various sectors attended several working meetings before the 5th Session.

The composition of the South African and Cuban delegations is appended as Annexures I and II to this document.

During the Opening Session, the Heads of both delegations expressed their will to strengthen the existing co-operation efforts between the two countries, acknowledging the results achieved by the Cuban professionals, currently working in South Africa in the various sectors of the economy.

Minister Dlamini Zuma, reaffirmed the political solidarity and friendship of the South African government and people with the government and people of Cuba.

Minister Dlamini Zuma requested Minister Marta Lomas Morales to convey warm greetings to Commander in Chief Fidel Castro and at the same time wished him a speedy recovery.

Minister Marta Lomas Morales appreciated and thanked the government and people of South Africa for the continued support given to the Cuban resolution against the blockade as well as the support to the struggle for the liberation of the five heroes, jailed in US prisons.

During the V Session of the Joint Bilateral Commission, Minister Marta Lomas Morales paid courtesy calls to the following Ministers:

Minister of Social Development
Minister of Housing
Minister of Public Works

For the development of the 5th Session of the Intergovernmental Committee, the Parties agreed on the following:

Work Agenda

I. Assessment and Analysis of the Economic, Scientific and Technical Co-operation during the period 2005 – 2007.
II. Approval of the Economic, Scientific and Technical Co-operation Programme for the period 2007 – 2009.
III. Agreement on the date and venue of the 6th Session of the Joint Bilateral Commission.

Assessment and Analysis of the Economic, Scientific and Technical Co-operation during the period 2005 – 2007.

Both Parties acknowledged the positive development of the co-operation relationship between the two States. The results achieved in the Public Works and Social Development sectors were specially highlighted, in view of the signed Agreements.

Approval of the Economic, Scientific and Technical Co-operation Programme for the period 2007 – 2009.

On the base of the proposals and co-operation opportunities, the Parties identified, among the sectors of interest, the following areas for co-operation:



The Parties reiterated their concern for the current relatively low level of trade between the two countries.

In this regard, the Parties agreed to continue negotiations to conclude the Compensated Trade Agreement that Cuba proposed in January 2006. In order to expedite the negotiations, South Africa requested the Cuban side to provide the Draft Banking Agreement and to respond to South Africa’s communications, on products to be exchanged under the Compensated Trade Agreement.

Also, in an effort to increase trade and investment between the two countries, the Parties agreed to continue to work together in areas of biotechnology, pharmaceuticals and the ICT sector.

Both Parties expressed their satisfaction with the participation of South Africa in the NAM Business Forum, as well as in the 25th International Fair in Havana.

Investment Protection

The Parties noted with satisfaction the recently concluded negotiations on the Agreement for the Promotion and Reciprocal Protection of Investment and committed themselves to sign the agreement at the earliest opportunity.


The Cuban Party explained to the South African Party the reasons why there has been little development in the Agreement for the Avoidance of Double Taxation.

Cuba expressed that once these matters are fully analysed in Cuba, they shall be able to produce their statement.


The Parties expressed their satisfaction regarding the recently signed Memorandum of Understanding in energy saving and expressed their intention to implement the programmes.

The Parties further agreed on a process of establishing a Task Team in the field of mining and energy. In this regard, the South African Party agreed to visit Havana during the last week of November 2007 to develop a possible pilot programme on energy efficiency in South Africa.


The Committee shall continue to consolidate the efforts towards the realising goals identified in the Memorandum of Understanding signed on 10 May 2006 and work towards the establishment of the SA/Cuba ICT Business Committee, which will create a platform for interaction between the two countries.


Public Works

The Parties expressed their satisfaction regarding the recently signed Intergovernmental Agreement on the Employment of Cuban Technical Advisors.

The Cuban Party gave assurance that once the process of ratification of the Agreement on the Cuban part is concluded they shall be sending the experts as agreed as soon as possible.


The Parties expressed their satisfaction with the success of existing co-operation and their intention to continue co-operation in the field of housing through extending the Agreement on the Employment of Cuban Technical Advisors by the Relevant Provincial Departments of Housing for a further three (3) years. This will be undertaken through an Exchange of Notes.

The Parties further agreed to pursue new areas of co-operation in:
• the training of artisans
• applying alternative building technologies for housing in South Africa.


The Parties expressed their satisfaction regarding the achievements of their co-operation in this sector.

The Parties expressed their intention of continuing the co-operation efforts, once Cuba concludes the analysis of the South African Agreement proposal they shall send their modifications to it.

The Parties expressed their interest with regard to the Minister of Water Affairs and Forestry, Mrs Lindiwe Hendricks, leading a delegation to Cuba, with the purpose of signing the new Co-operation Agreement in the Management of Water Resources, Water Supply and Sanitation, as well as to undertake the interviews of the personnel pre-selected by the Cuban counterpart, within the first three months of 2008.

The Cuban Party suggested the establishment of a bilateral exchange of experts, as well as the identification of specific training courses, both in Cuba and South Africa. The Parties agreed to exchange the list of courses that can be offered, likewise the manner in which these shall be conducted.


The Parties agreed to continue the level of co-operation with the current number of Cuban professionals in South Africa, without an increase in numbers or replacements, with the exception of the 24 Professors already approved to work for the Faculty of Medicine of Walter Sisulu University.

In addition to the already approved scholarships for Under-graduates, both South Africa and Cuba have agreed to explore further co-operation in the new programme to train medical doctors at community level in South Africa.


The Cuban Party expressed interest in the participation of a South African delegation in the International Congress “University 2008” to be held in Havana City from 11th to 15th February 2008.

South Africa intends requesting assistance from Cuba with the roll-out of its literacy programme, the form of which has not been decided yet.

The Cuban Party is ready to offer technical assistance for the mass implementation of the literacy programme of South Africa, as soon as the South African Party defines what is necessary to carry out this assistance.


The Parties expressed their satisfaction regarding the level achieved in the co-operation in Sports.

Cuba offered coaches and sports specialists in the areas required by South Africa, as well as specialized technical assistance for the organisation of the 2010 Soccer World Cup.

Both Parties took note that the 2007 – 2009 Protocol in the field of Sport and Recreation has been drafted by South Africa and is presently in the hands of the National Institute of Sport and Recreation (INDER) and will be signed once both Parties reach an agreement.

The Cuban Party reiterated the invitation extended by the President of INDER to the Minister of Sports of South Africa for the dates which may suit him.


The Cuban Party submitted to the South African Party their proposal in Spanish for modifications to the Intergovernmental Agreement in the area of Plant and Animal Health measures.

South Africa shall have it translated and then study the proposal and shall indicate its decision, for its later possible signing, via the diplomatic channel.

Cuba offered the possibility of technical assistance and exchanges of specialists in the agricultural sector.

The South African Party noted with appreciation the offer and South Africa will consider the specific needs in this regard.

The Cuban Party requested South Africa to guide them on the registration of the products produced and facilitate the registration of the products produced and sold by LABIOFAM.

The South African Party agreed to assist in this regard.

The Cuban Party submitted to the South African Party the following fields of interest for collaboration:

• Water use and irrigation management
• Animal and plant improvement
• Animal nutrition for sheep and goats

The South African Party took note and undertook to facilitate contact with South African experts in the above fields.


The Cuban Party will extend an invitation to the South African Minister of Arts and Culture to undertake an official visit to Cuba during the International Fair CUBADISCO 2008 to be held in the month of May 2008.

The Parties agreed to update each other, on a regular basis, regarding the main music festivals that take place in their respective countries, and to exchange information regarding Cultural Festivals, Workshops and other cultural fora.

The Cuban Party will extend an invitation for a South African delegation to attend the Festival “African Roots WEMILERE 2008”.

Cuba offered technical assistance and advice in the following areas:

• Management in cultural affairs
• Community socio-cultural work
• Design of cultural programmes
• Contemporary and folkloric dance
• Visual arts
• Cultural heritage
• Classic and Popular music

The South African party took note of the offer and shall reply within 90 days via the diplomatic channel.


Pursuant to the implementation of the Science and Technology Agreement signed in March 2001 both Parties wish to reaffirm their commitment to developing the science and technology co-operation. In accordance with the decisions made in the meetings held in Havana in April 2007 during the visit by the South African Minister of Science and Technology.

The Parties will continue concentrating in Biotechnology in the following areas:

• Vaccine development
• Pre-clinical Drug Development Platform in South Africa
• Centre for the Production of Lab Animals (Bioterium)
• Bio-Pharming
• Exchange of expertise
• Training of Human Resources;

The South African Department of Science and Technology (DST) has requested the Cuban Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment to be involved in the Review Panel of the Biotechnology Strategy of South Africa. The Parties will continue with the discussions in this regard. The DST would also like to involve Cuba in achieving the Ten Year Plan, particularly the Farmer to Pharma. Once the implementation details of this grand challenge are finalized, Cuba will be contacted.

The Cuban Minister of Science, Technology and Environment (CITMA) and the Scientific Advisor to the State Council will be visiting South Africa possibly during the month of March 2008. They will be accompanied by the team of experts from various areas.

New research areas of co-operation in addition to Biotechnology will be considered in future. Further discussions on the following areas are envisaged to happen during the Ministerial visit to South Africa early in 2008:

• Energy research
• Climate Change
• New and Advanced Materials
• Nanoscience/nanotechnology


Both Parties have agreed to pursue the finalisation of the draft Co-operation Agreement on Environment Affairs as soon as possible.

The Cuban party offered the possibility of co-operation in:

• Marine Aquaculture projects in the areas of reproduction and fish breeding, genetics, fattening, as well as diseases, and technology transfer conducive to higher value added products.
• Exchange knowledge regarding tilapia cultivation.
• Explore the possibility of supporting joint cooperation with Cuban/South African business for farming in Shrimp Litopenaeus Vannamelli.

The Cuban party expressed its intention to invite South African Minister of Environmental Affairs and Tourism to visit Cuba in 2008.


The Parties agreed to conduct negotiations of the texts of Agreements on Extradition and Mutual Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters during the first quarter of 2008 in Havana.

The Cuban Party welcomed the proposal that a South African delegation will visit Cuba and will communicate through diplomatic means the date on which the delegation will be received.



The Parties expressed their satisfaction regarding the concrete steps taken in accordance with the Co-operation Agreement between the Cuban Ministry of Labour and Social Security and the South African Department of Labour, signed in March 2004, under which 20 South African specialists attended a training course in Community Employment, in Cuba during June 2007.

The Cuban Party indicated their readiness to send experts to implement the Pilot Programme to put into practice the skills gained by the South African trainees.

Social Development

The Parties expressed their satisfaction regarding the newly signed Bilateral Co-operation Agreement in the social development sector.

The South African side presented an Implementation Plan to the Cuban side, incorporating the following areas:

• Technical/policy experts exchange programmes
• Seminar on social policy and research which will lead to the development of a Poverty Eradication Strategy
• Training on social services professionals which include the following:

- Curriculum development collaborating with the Cuban Ministry of Labour and the South African Department of Social Development; and
- Rapid training programme for youth (Masupa-tsela).

The Cuban Party received the proposed Implementation Plan for 2008 – 2009 and will respond as soon as possible.


Cuba agreed to train 18 000 South Africans in all areas of transport over five years, a letter of intent to this effect was received by the South African Party in October of 2006. In response the South African Party offered a counter proposal in a form of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) for negotiations between South Africa and Cuba. The Memorandum of Understanding will enable the South African Party the opportunity to deploy the necessary financial resources for the project to become success.

The Cuban party has received the counter proposal of the MoU drafted by the South African Party that will be analyzed and considerations will be sent by Diplomatic means in a period of 90 days.

The two parties agreed that in term of this MoU, the technical expertise, technology exchange and capacity building efforts will take place in South Africa and Cuba respectively.

Both parties agreed that the South African Department of Transport should visit Cuba as soon as possible to discuss the following with their Cuban counterparts:

• Memorandum of Understanding on Economic and Technical Cooperation, Training, Skills & Technology Transfer in Transport Related Matters
• Bilateral Air Services Agreement
• Merchant Shipping Agreement
• MOU on the Recognition of Certificates of Competency in terms of the STCW ‘95


The parties agreed to continue with the training of South African students in Cuba as per the Scholarship Programme for each academic year.

Cuba ratified the 60 annual scholarships for Undergraduates in Medicine.

Date and Venue of the VI Session of the Joint Bilateral Commission

Both Parties expressed their satisfaction at the friendly, warm and frank atmosphere in which the talks were conducted, which reflects the excellent bonds of comradeship between the two States and peoples.

The Commission agreed to hold a Meeting at Secretariat level in Havana, during the second semester of 2008, in order to review the Programme of Co-operation. At the same time, they agreed to hold the VI Session of the Joint Bilateral Commission in the City of Havana, during the second semester 2009.

Done in the City of Cape Town, Republic of South Africa, on the 9th day of November of 2007, in two originals in Spanish and English languages, both texts having equal validity.

On behalf of the Government of the On behalf of the Government of the Republic of Cuba Republic of South Africa

Marta Lomas Morales Dr Nkosazana Dlamini Zuma
Minister of Foreign Investment and Minister of Foreign Affairs
Economic Co-operation  

Issued by Department of Foreign Affairs
Private Bag X152

9 November 2007

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