President Thabo Mbeki extends Condolences to Lucky Dube’s Family

Pretoria - President Thabo Mbeki today, Friday, 19 October extended South Africa’s heartfelt condolences to the family of Luck Dube, the South African musician who was killed on Thursday 18 October 2007 in Johannesburg.

Speaking moments before his departure to Paris, France, President Mbeki said “It is a sad moment because late last night, I was told that Lucky Dube had been killed, apparently in an attempted hijacking in Johannesburg. It is indeed very sad that this happened to an outstanding South African, outstanding musician, world renowned. I would really like to convey our condolences to his family, to all music lovers in our country and the rest of the world and to all our people.

“Because even as we prepare to celebrate the victory of the Springboks, we must also, grief the death of this outstanding South African, and indeed make a commitment that we shall continue to act together as a people, to confront this terrible scourge, the scourge of crime, which has taken the lives of too many of our people and does so, everyday” continued President Mbeki.   

Perhaps, when we bring back the cup that will also be a salute to a fellow artist, as Springboks are artists, a fellow artist to the life of a great and really great South African artist Lucky Dube” concluded President Mbeki

Issued by the Presidency
Union Buildings
 19 October 2007

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