Communiqué on the Official Visit to South Africa of the Right Honourable the Prime Minister Phakalitha Mosisili, 18-20 June 2007, Cape Town

  1. At the invitation of HE President Thabo Mbeki of the Republic of South Africa, the Rt Hon. the Prime Minister Phakalitha Mosisili of the Kingdom of Lesotho paid an Official Visit to South Africa from 18 to 20 June 2007.

  2. Prime Minister Mosisili was accompanied by the Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Relations, Mr Mohlabi Tsekoa; Minister of Tourism Environment and Culture, Ms Lebohang Nts'inyi; Minister of Trade and Industry, Co-operatives and Marketing, Mr Popane Lebesa; Minister of Finance and Development Planning, Dr. Timothy Thahane; Lesotho's High Commissioner to South Africa, HE Mr Mosuoe Moteane and other senior Government officials.

  3. President Mbeki was accompanied by the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Dr Nkosazana Dlamini Zuma, Minister of Trade and Industry, Mr Mandisi Mpahlwa; Minister of Transport, Mr Jeff Radebe; Minister of Correctional Services, Mr Ngconde Balfour; Minister of Home Affairs, Ms Nosiviwe Mapisa-Nqakula; Minister of Water Affairs and Forestry, Ms Lindiwe Hendricks; Deputy Minister of Environmental Affairs and Tourism, Ms Joyce Mabudafhasi; South Africa's High Commissioner to Lesotho, HE Mr Happy Mahlangu and senior Government officials.

  4. President Mbeki welcomed Prime Minister Mosisili and his delegation to South Africa, and reiterated South Africa's commitment to deepen bilateral relations between the countries.

  5. The Heads of Delegation acknowledged the long standing historical, cultural and linguistic ties as well as geographical proximity that bind the two countries.

  6. The Parties reaffirmed the importance of the Joint Bilateral Commission for Co-operation (JBCC) between the two countries which was signed in 2001.The JBCC is being used as a vehicle to drive forward areas of co-operation between the two countries.

  7. Both Parties noted that since the establishment of the JBCC in 2001, a number of bilateral agreements including the Scientific and Technological Co-operation and the Search and Rescue Agreement had been signed.

  8. During the Official Visit, the following Agreement and Memoranda of Understanding were signed: Agreement on the Facilitation of Cross Border Movement of Citizens; MOU on Co-operation in Correctional Services and MOU on Co-operation on Cross Border Wild Fires and other Forest Management Issues. This brings to twenty (20) the number of agreements signed between the two countries.

  9. The Parties committed themselves to the full implementation of the Joint Bilateral Commission for Co-operation and all the signed bilateral agreements. President Mbeki re-emphasised South Africa's commitment to assist to implement the Sani Pass Mokgotlong road project, which will yield great benefits for tourism, the construction of the first phase of the Metolong Dam and Spatial Development Initiatives. The Parties noted that the Rail link has been adopted as a SADC-NEPAD project, which forms part of the SADC Transport Master Plan. Both Parties noted that great progress has been achieved since the signing of the JBCC.

  10. President Mbeki congratulated Prime Minister Mosisili for his tenure as Chairman of SADC and for successfully hosting the SADC Heads of States and Government Summit in 2006 where issues of economic regional integration were discussed, including the protocol on finance and investment, which is critical for the integration process of this regional organisation.

  11. The two Parties also exchanged views on the latest regional, continental and international developments. Both Parties recalled the decision of the Extra-Ordinary Summit of the Heads of State and Government of SADC in Dar-es-Salaam on 29 March 2007 to send a SADC Ministerial Troika to Lesotho to assess the situation as requested by the government of that country. Prime Minister Mosisili briefed President Mbeki on the recent political developments in Lesotho following the February 2007 elections and on the visit and report of the SADC Ministerial Troika.

  12. President Mbeki commended Lesotho for holding successful and peaceful elections in February 2007. Both Parties reiterated though that peace and stability are a prerequisite for socio-economic development in the region and the continent.

  13. The two Heads of Delegation renewed their commitment to actively participate in programmes and mechanism of the New Partnership for Africa's Development (NEPAD) as well as the African Peer Review Mechanism (APRM).

  14. Prime Minister Mosisili commended South Africa for sending troops to Burundi, Darfur, Cote D'Ivoire, Democratic Republic of Congo and President Mbeki's mediation efforts in Zimbabwe as well as South Africa's role at the United Nations Security Council.

  15. Discussions were conducted in a friendly manner reminiscent of the sound and historical relations subsisting between the countries.

  16. Prime Minister Mosisili expressed his gratitude to HE President Mbeki, the Government and the people of South Africa for the invitation and for the warm hospitality accorded to him and his delegation throughout their stay in South Africa.


Department of Foreign Affairs
Private Bag X152

19 June 2007

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