Statement by Minister NC Dlamini Zuma at the Annapolis Conference on the Middle East, 28 November 2007

 Madam Secretary Rice,
Dear Colleagues,

We thank President Bush, President Abbas and Prime Minister Olmert for their respective statements.

The South African Government commends the United States for all its efforts and for the convening of this conference, which has for the first time brought together many countries keen in supporting the peace process in the Middle East. We appreciate the Joint Understanding reached by the parties as read out by President Bush.

We commend the efforts by the parties, Palestine and Israel, who bear the primary responsibility for achieving peace. The international community has the duty of assisting and supporting the parties reach a settlement and also in ensuring that political progress be coupled with a change for the better in the lives of Palestinians and Israeli’s. In this regard, we commend previous regional and international efforts to take the peace process forward including the Arab Peace Initiative and the Road Map.

Madam Secretary Rice,

Experience has shown that successful conflict resolution has as its basis the willingness of the parties to negotiate without preconditions. To encourage the parties, we make reference to South Africa’s own historical experience of negotiating an end to the conflict in our country that at times seemed unsolvable. This encourages us to believe that such a settlement is possible in the Middle East. Despite the violence and despair that threatens peaceful change in conflict situations, our belief is that the only alternative is an inclusive negotiated solution.

 It is for this reason that we support the launch by this Conference of a process to negotiate to resolve all issues including final status issues leading to the establishment of a Palestinian State. We wish to reiterate our view that the way forward to peace must include the establishment of an independent, economically viable state of Palestine living side-by-side with Israel, with both States enjoying secure and internationally recognized borders.  This vision of a two-State solution has already been enshrined in various United Nations resolutions.

Madam Secretary Rice,

The pursuit of peace must mean that neither side create conditions that would undermine confidence-building measures that are possible. Leaders and negotiators should be in a position to move freely and be able to have access to their constituencies without any hindrance.

We appreciate efforts to resolve this conflict because resolving peace in the Middle East will not only contribute to peace in the region but also contribute to world peace and security.

Even though substantial effort has been put into this process, allot more effort is necessary to reach the target of a resolution of the conflict by the end of 2008. Our Government stands committed to assist the respective parties in their quest for lasting peace.

In conclusion, Madam Secretary, South Africa stands ready to continue working individually and collectively with other partners in capacity building initiatives to assist with Palestinian institution building. In this regard, we will work with India and Brazil, to consider looking at the IBSA fund for capacity building in view of the Paris Donor Conference.

I thank you.


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