Statement by Ambassador A.S. Minty, as Delivered on 1 May 2007
at the First Session of the Preparatory Committee for the 2010 Review Conference
of the Parties to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons, Being
Held in Vienna, Austria from 30 April to 11 May 2007. Chairperson, Since
this is the first time that I am taking the floor, allow me to congratulate you
on your election as Chair of this First Preparatory Committee (PrepCom) meeting
for the 2010 Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) Review Conference (RevCon)
and to assure you of my delegation's fullest support and co-operation during the
course of deliberations. In the context of the deliberations that will be
taking place at this PrepCom, South Africa will be putting forward its own views
both in the context of this statement, as well as in statements during our consideration
of specific issues. We are also associated with the statements and proposals
that will be made by the Non-Aligned Movement and the New Agenda Coalition. This
statement by our delegation, will concentrate on general issues related to our
work. Chairperson, For my delegation, this meeting is indeed
an important occasion. It is the start of a new Review Cycle of an almost universal
instrument that has become the foundation of the nuclear non-proliferation and
disarmament regime. Whilst we agree that the events of the past few years have
certainly tested the NPT, we remain convinced that this instrument has and can
continue to make a significant contribution to international peace and security.
As we enter the new Review Cycle, let it be our resolve to strengthen this instrument
through the full implementation of all our obligations and commitments agreed
to at previous Review Conferences, in full recognition of our rights under the
Treaty. Since the 2000 Review Conference, we have witnessed an increasing
emphasis by some States on the non-proliferation aspect of the Treaty - sometimes
even to the exclusion of the other equally important provisions of the Treaty.
I need to repeat today that the complete elimination of nuclear weapons and the
assurance that they will never be produced again remain the only assurance against
their use. This should remain our highest priority. Recent pronouncements
by some nuclear-weapon States seem to suggest that the unspecific terms of Article
VI of the NPT do not bind them to any specific timeframe to undertake their obligations
under the Treaty. Let me remind you of what my country has been saying since we
became a State Party to the Treaty: Any presumption of the indefinite possession
of nuclear weapons by the nuclear-weapon States remains incompatible with the
provisions of the NPT, as well as with the broader goal of the maintenance of
international peace and security. By casting doubt about the true meaning of Article
VI and by completely ignoring the various agreements reached at previous Review
Conferences, including the unequivocal undertaking to nuclear disarmament made
by all States Parties during the 2000 NPT Review Conference, such statements only
serve to inspire others to also renege on their obligations and undertakings and
unravel what can only be described as a carefully balanced pact between the haves
and have-nots. Upon South Africa's accession to the NPT we accepted the
inherently discriminatory nature of the NPT, whereby some States are recognised
as nuclear-weapon States and all other States are recognised as non-nuclear-weapon
States. However, all non-nuclear-weapon States, including South Africa, believe
that maintaining this indefinite discriminatory approach is incompatible with
our common objective of a world free of nuclear weapons, and indeed also with
the obligations contained in the NPT. Chairperson, For South
Africa, the NPT remains as relevant as ever and we will continue to promote universal
adherence to it. To quote from the words of South Africa's late Foreign Minister,
Mr. Alfred Nzo, at the 1995 NPT Review and Extension Conference "South Africa
took the decision to destroy its nuclear weapons and to become a State Party to
the NPT because we saw our security being guaranteed by its provisions".
While the primary responsibility for undertaking the necessary steps for
the elimination of nuclear weapons lies with the nuclear-weapon States, it should
be emphasized that the obligation to work towards this goal also lies with all
States and humanity as a whole. Nuclear Weapons are not only a threat to their
possessors, they are a threat to all of humankind. In this context, South
Africa recognises and highly appreciates the valuable contribution made by civil
society in highlighting this threat and mobilising communities against nuclear
weapons. We believe that all States should strengthen their partnership with civil
society in order to realise our common goal of the elimination of nuclear weapons.
Chairperson, I would like to highlight some of the important
steps on the road to nuclear disarmament thereby leading to the elimination of
all nuclear weapons: The 3 States that have not yet done so should adhere
unconditionally and without delay to the NPT as non-nuclear-weapon States. We
need to work towards the early return of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea
to the NPT and the International Atomic Energy Agency. The States that have
not yet done so should conclude full-scope safeguards agreements with the International
Atomic Energy Agency, to be followed by additional protocols on the basis of the
Model Protocol approved by the Board of Governors of the Agency on 15 May 1997. Those
States that have not yet done so should sign and ratify unconditionally and without
delay, the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty and, pending the entry into force
of the Treaty, to observe a moratorium on nuclear tests. The CTBT is a major instrument
in the field of nuclear disarmament and non-proliferation and was an integral
part of the 1995 agreement that allowed the indefinite extension of the Treaty.
We recall that the 2000 Review Conference recognized the early entry into force
of the CTBT as a practical step to achieving nuclear disarmament and non-proliferation
objectives. There is a need to conclude negotiations on a fissile material
treaty that would ban the future production of fissile material for weapons purposes.
We are encouraged by developments in the Conference on Disarmament that could
lead to the commencement of negotiations on a fissile material treaty, if States
can show the necessary political will to make it happen. South Africa supports
all efforts to establish a Nuclear-Weapon-Free Zone in the Middle East, as such
a zone will extend the Nuclear-Weapon-Free Zone in Africa, thereby establishing
a contiguous zone free of nuclear weapons. South Africa continues to support
the Trilateral Initiative between the United States, the Russian Federation and
the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), which seeks to reduce the level
of weapons-grade material in the two countries and place the resulting material
under IAEA control. We reiterate our call for the completion and implementation
of the Trilateral Initiative. South Africa continues to support the placing
by all the nuclear-weapon States of fissile material no longer required for military
purposes under international verification by the IAEA. South Africa strongly
supports the principle of regular reporting, within the framework of the strengthened
review process for the NPT, by all States Parties on the implementation of Article
VI and paragraph 4 (c) of the 1995 Decision on "Principles and Objectives
for Nuclear Non-Proliferation and Disarmament". South Africa will continue
to support activities aimed at strengthening and developing verification capabilities
to provide assurance of compliance with nuclear disarmament agreements for the
achievement and maintenance of a nuclear-weapon-free world. At the same
time, we remain concerned at the lack of the expected progress following the unequivocal
undertaking by nuclear-weapon States to accomplish the total elimination of their
nuclear arsenals leading to nuclear disarmament agreed to at the 2000 NPT RevCon. Notwithstanding
this concern, South Africa is particularly encouraged by the recent statement
of a nuclear-weapon State reaffirming its unequivocal undertaking to the disarmament
measures contained in the 1995 and 2000 Review Conference decisions and final
document. We call upon the other nuclear-weapon States to also reaffirm the same
commitment. Whilst South Africa also welcomes the reduction of this nuclear-weapon
State's operationally available warheads and the assurances that they will be
fully dismantled, we believe that such reductions should be irreversible. Chairperson, Care
should be taken not to expand the current "have/have-not" regime with
regard to nuclear weapons also to the capacity to produce nuclear fuel and to
approach the issues surrounding nuclear fuel exclusively as a problem in non-proliferation,
without any recognition of the importance of such controls in shaping the future
of disarmament. As we celebrate the 50th Anniversary of the International
Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), my delegation wishes to reiterate that there should
be no unwarranted restrictions on the inalienable right of States to the peaceful
application of nuclear energy. The Agency has since its inception achieved significant
progress in fostering the peaceful use of nuclear energy in its Member States,
and this process needs to be strengthened and enlarged in the next 50 years. States
Parties should therefore guard against actions, which would merely serve to exacerbate
existing inequalities. With regard to current discussions on the fuel cycle, it
is imperative that we do not create another kind of cartel that would exclude
full participation, particularly by States in full compliance with their safeguards
obligations. We wish to recall that nothing in the NPT shall be interpreted as
affecting the inalienable right of all Parties to develop research, production
and use of nuclear energy for peaceful purposes without discrimination and in
conformity with Articles I, II and III. The NPT provides a framework of
confidence and co-operation within which the development of the peaceful uses
of the atom can take place. The establishment of credible mechanisms to assure
the reliable supply of nuclear fuel should involve the Agency, which has a legitimate
role in accordance with its Statute to encourage and assist the practical application
of nuclear energy for peaceful purposes. Furthermore, the Agency also has a special
responsibility to take into consideration the needs of the under-developed areas
of the world. These discussions focussing on the need for and the possible framework
of a mechanism to ensure access to nuclear fuel should not involve any preconditions
that would even hint at the possibility that non-nuclear-weapon States, in conformity
with their legal obligations under the NPT, should forgo their inalienable right. Chairperson,
With regard to the peaceful uses of nuclear energy and the role of
the International Atomic Energy Agency, South Africa wishes to reiterate the importance
of ensuring that resources to the Technical Cooperation Programme are sufficient,
assured and predictable. Such resources would enable the Agency "to accelerate
and enlarge the contribution of atomic energy to peace, health and prosperity
throughout the world", as provided for under its Statute. We commend
the Agency for its continuing effort to identify elements within the TC Programme
that can be harmonised with the development goals of NEPAD that can lead to the
achievement of the Millennium Development Goals by 2015. This is particularly
important in the development of strong operational partnerships between the IAEA
and other international agencies and financial institutions. With the anticipated
growth and expansion of atomic power globally there is a need to strengthen the
regulatory approaches in respect of nuclear, radiation, radioactive waste and
transport safety and to ensure the safe utilisation of this energy source. South
Africa therefore strongly supports the IAEA Safety Fundamentals, which can facilitate
the establishment of an effective legal and governmental framework for safety
in all nuclear activities, and also serve as reference in international efforts
to harmonize legislation and regulations in individual countries. In this
context, it is also important to continue discussions between coastal and shipping
states that will contribute to an improved mutual understanding and the building
of confidence, thereby facilitating communication in respect of the safe maritime
transport of radioactive material. Chairperson, South Africa
supports new measures to strengthen the safeguards system, as this system needs
to be adapted to changing circumstances. We strongly believe that those States
in possession of advanced technologies that can be used for both peaceful and
non-peaceful purposes bear a special responsibility to build confidence and to
provide assurances about the peaceful nature of their nuclear programmes. For
my delegation, the Additional Protocol remains an important instrument to build
confidence and to provide assurances regarding the continued peaceful application
of nuclear energy. We therefore call on these countries to conclude an Additional
Protocol with the IAEA as soon as possible. At the same time, South Africa
remains concerned that some non-nuclear-weapon States still do not have Comprehensive
Safeguards Agreements (CSAs) in force, as is required by Article III of the NPT
and thus no safeguards conclusion is possible. Chairperson, My
delegation remains concerned about the illicit clandestine nuclear networks which
poses a serious threat to the NPT. It is imperative that all countries that have
been affected by the network closely co-operate to eliminate this threat. Our
own experiences with the illicit network for the transfer of and trade in nuclear
material, equipment and technology have clearly shown that States need to provide
their pro-active and full support to the Agency in its verification obligation. In
conclusion, Chairperson, South Africa looks forward with optimism to
the 2010 Review Conference. The review cycle and the Review Conference itself
provide us with a unique opportunity to deal with all issues that impact upon
the NPT. We should guard against adopting decisions on such issues in other fora,
as this will surely undermine the NPT. We therefore recommit ourselves
to work constructively for a positive outcome to this Review Process that would
address all provisions of the NPT in a balanced manner. If we are to preserve
this instrument, let us not further disturb the delicate balance established in
1995, when we agreed to extend this Treaty indefinitely. We remain convinced that
any exclusive focus on some preferred aspects of the Treaty do not serve our collective
interests. Let us be reminded that the 1995 package of decisions was based on
a reaffirmation of our rights and obligations under the Treaty as it concerns
all three of its equally important pillars. I thank you. |