South African Government Statement on the UN Security Council Vote Regarding Lebanon

Pretoria - The United Nations Security Council today Wednesday 30 May 2007 voted on a resolution that imposes the formation of a Special Tribunal to prosecute any persons identified by the Lebanese authorities and the United Nations International Independent Investigation Commission as suspects in the assassination of the former Prime Minister of Lebanon, Mr Rafiq Hariri and other prominent Lebanese leaders.

The South African government reiterates its strong condemnation of the assassination of former Prime Minister Hariri and calls for a thorough investigation of this heinous crime to ensure those responsible for this dastardly act face the full might of the law.

In this regard there exists general consensus within Lebanon and internationally for the UN to assist the Lebanese authorities in their efforts to bring to justice those responsible for this heinous act.

There is also widespread support for the creation of a Special Tribunal based outside Lebanon and composed of both international and Lebanese judges as well as prosecutors.

Accordingly South Africa supports the need for a Special Tribunal to ensure those responsible for these horrific crimes to be brought to justice.

However, our view is that the Tribunal should be the product of consensus within Lebanon as required by the Lebanese constitution and not an imposition of the Security Council.

South Africa is off the view that the imposition of the Special Tribunal under the current circumstances will detrimentally affect the political stability of an already fragile Lebanese State, and politicise international criminal law and thus undermine the very foundations of international law.

South Africa, joins other members of the Security Council in calling for the Lebanese ownership of the process and for the Security Council to respect the sovereignty and constitution of Lebanon and to refrain from taking sides in internal Lebanese politics.

For South Africa, the key principle is that all violators of international law including international humanitarian law in Lebanon are brought to justice and not only those who perpetrate criminal acts against one faction within Lebanon.

In this regard we believe that the Security Council must act on behalf of the international community impartially and without any political bias.

South Africa as a matter of principle abstained on voting for the current resolution on Lebanon in the Security Council.

Issued by Ronnie Mamoepa on 082 990 4853

Department of Foreign Affairs
Private Bag X152

30 May 2007

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