Joint Communiqué issued at the conclusion of the Nigeria-South Africa Bi-National Commission, Abuja, 23 May 2008

At the invitation of His Excellency Dr Goodluck Ebele Jonathan, Vice President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, Her Excellency, Ms Phumzile Mlambo-Ngcuka, Deputy President of the Republic of South Africa undertook a Working Visit to the Federal Republic of Nigeria on 22-23 May 2008 leading a Senior Government Delegation to the 7th Session of the Nigeria – South Africa Bi-National Commission (BNC). On this occasion, the principals co-chaired the BNC, provided for, by the Founding Minute of the Nigeria-South Africa Bi-National Commission signed in October 1999.

The full session of the Bi-National Commission was preceded by meetings of Ministers and Senior Officials, which deliberated on wide range of areas under the different Working Groups that form the Bi-National Commission. These were the Foreign Affairs and co-operation; Trade, Industry and Finance; Minerals and Energy; Social and Technical; Immigration, Justice and Anti-Crime; Defence and Security; Agriculture, Water Resources and Environment and Public Enterprises and Infrastructure.

The Vice and Deputy Presidents of Nigeria and South Africa respectively urged their Ministers and Senior Officials to ensure expeditious implementation of all the recommendations. One of the highlights of the BNC was the signing of the Agreement on Tourism Co-operation. Other issues considered were the review of the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on Economic Co-operation, Cooperation on the Standards Organisations, Extradition Treaty and the Draft MoU on Mining.

These Agreements when concluded will contribute towards the strengthening and consolidation of existing co-operation in the above-mentioned areas. Both leaders used the occasion to reiterate and affirm the warm and cordial relations that exist between the two countries. The two principals also reaffirmed their countries'' commitment to mark the 10th Anniversary of the Bi-National Commission in South Africa next year. Furthermore, the South African Deputy President and the Nigerian Vice President also used the occasion to review developments on the African continent and the world and agreed on all issues discussed.

They expressed their support for the Ouagadougou Peace process and urged all the parties to continue working for the normalisation of the situation in Cote d'Ivoire. The Vice and Deputy Presidents urged the parties to cease hostilities and recommit to the implementation of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement in Sudan, as well as the peaceful resolution of the conflict in the Darfur Region. Regarding the situation in Zimbabwe, they called on the parties to ensure that the forthcoming run-off elections are conducted in a peaceful environment that would lead to a credible expression of the will of the people of Zimbabwe.

The Principals also re-affirmed their countries' commitment to the peaceful resolution of other conflicts on the continent, such as in Somalia, Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) and the Comoros as well as the constructive and long-lasting resolution of the Western Sahara issue. Both Leaders further welcomed the signing of the Peace Agreement between Chad and Sudan in Dakar on 13 March 2008 and called upon the parties to diligently implement it in good faith.

Their Excellencies expressed sympathy and their support for the international humanitarian efforts currently taking place in the aftermath of the massive natural disasters in Myanmar and China.

They reaffirmed their commitment to the integration of the African continent within the framework of the African Union and expressed the hope that the upcoming Extraordinary Session of the African Union Commission on the AU Audit process will result in further integration of the African continent. Both leaders welcomed the outcomes of the Nepad Peer Review Summit in Dakar and recommitted themselves to their implementation.

With regard to the Diaspora Summit that will be held in South Africa in October 2008, the Vice and Deputy Presidents agreed to work within the framework of the African Union and bilaterally to ensure the success of this historic event. Accordingly, they underscored the importance of the Diaspora in the realization of the African Renaissance. The principals noted with concern the current global food crisis affecting mainly developing countries and called for the implementation of sustainable food security measures. They also expressed their concern over rising oil prices and their impact on the socio-economic development of African countries in particular and developing countries in general.

Both Leaders expressed their support for the promotion of global peace within the framework of the United Nations and reaffirmed the need for involvement of developing countries in the United Nations Security Council. They also called for the urgent revival of the Doha Trade Round negotiations. They further called for the reform of the Bretton Woods Institutions and expressed the need for these institutions to place development at the centre of their agenda.

The Vice and Deputy Presidents agreed to continue consulting on regional and global issues of mutual interest such as climate change with a view to develop common positions.

At the conclusion of the session, Deputy President Mlambo-Ngcuka expressed her gratitude to the Government and People of the Federal Republic of Nigeria for the hospitality extended to her and the members of her delegation.

Issued by: The Presidency
23 May 2008

Source: The Presidency (

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