Statement by Deputy Foreign Affairs Minister Aziz Pahad

Pretoria - I have been privileged to serve as Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs for nearly 15 years under former Presidents Mandela and Mbeki.  Due to unfortunate communication problems, President Motlanthe on Thursday (25/09/08) announced that I had been re-appointed as Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs.  While I am delighted and honoured that the President has once again showed confidence in my ability to be an active and useful member of the Cabinet collective, I have written to the President to inform him that I am unable to accept his decision to re-appoint me as Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs.

I have come to this decision after concluding that Judge Nicholson’s judicial activism has led him to conclude that the then President Mbeki and his entire cabinet interfered politically in the work of the NPA.  These are very serious allegations which asserts that we have collectively violated the constitution and acted illegally and criminally and therefore liable for prosecution.  Given such serious consequences the last cabinet unanimously agreed to lodge an appeal against Judge Nicholson’s assertions.

The former President has lodged an appeal against some aspects of Judge Nicholson’s judgement and until the constitutional court pronounces on this appeal, I and indeed the entire previous cabinet will continue to live in the shadow of doubt and suspicion.  Given this reality my principles, convictions and conscience will not enable me to serve in the Executive.

After nearly 52 years in the struggle, 15 of which was in government, this is a very difficult and emotional decision but one that I had to take.  I am absolutely confident that President Motlanthe will consistently implement policies adopted by the ANC conference to consolidate the very impressive gains our government has made in the last 15 years and that he will also ensure that we successfully deal with the many challenges our country and people continue to face.

As a loyal member of the ANC, I will continue to give the President and the government all support in their endeavours to achieve a better SA, a better Africa and a better world.

Issued by the Department of Foreign Affairs
Private Bag X152

27 September 2008


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