Annual Consultations between South Africa and Spain, Joint Communiqué, Pretoria, 21 November 2008

The Spanish Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, Mr Angel Lossada, paid a working visit to South Africa on 21 November 2008 at the invitation of Ms Sue van der Merwe, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of South Africa.

Deputy Minister Van der Merwe and Secretary of State Lossada held bilateral talks and co-chaired the Fifth Annual Political Consultations between South Africa and Spain. The plenary session followed meetings of working groups from various governments departments on different areas and programmes of bilateral cooperation.

The delegations comprised senior officials representing the following ministries: Foreign Affairs, Trade and Industry, Home Affairs, Environmental Affairs and Tourism, Arts and Culture, Defence, Social Development and National Treasury. 

The meeting of the two ministers reaffirmed the strategic partnership between South Africa and Spain and their shared commitment to the values of democracy and good governance, peace and security and development on the African continent.

The ministers reviewed bilateral relations between South Africa and Spain and expressed their satisfaction that these relations continue to grow and strengthen in all areas.

Both sides expressed their commitment to make special efforts to increase the level of implementation of the commitments made during this year’s Annual Consultations.

Since the first consultation in February 2004, a number of high-level meetings have been held between South Africa and Spain. The most recent was the official visit to Madrid in June 2008 by South Africa’s Minister of Foreign Affairs, Dr Nkosazana Dlamini Zuma, during which she held wide-ranging talks on bilateral political and economic relations with her Spanish counterpart, Mr Miguel Angel Moratinos.

Political Relations

The parties confirmed that bilateral relations remain excellent. It was further acknowledged that relations could benefit from further high-level visits. During her recent visit to Spain, Minister Dlamini Zuma had invited Minister Moratinos to visit South Africa at a mutually agreed date.  

Both delegations exchanged views on current international developments, and expressed strong support for the active consolidation and promotion of the African Agenda.  The Spanish delegation was briefed on the latest developments with regard to the African Union and NEPAD and the South Africans were informed of progress in the implementation of Spain’s Africa Plan.

Both parties discussed several areas of multilateral action in the African continent, such as NEPAD, RECs, the APRM and the AU, where possibilities for cooperation between South Africa and Spain abound. Spain reiterated its support to both the AU and NEPAD.

Both parties agreed to establish an informal dialogue at the technical level to explore avenues of collaboration in the aforesaid initiatives and fora. In order to facilitate the flow of information between the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation of Spain and the Department of Foreign Affairs of South Africa, it was agreed that both sides will carry out an exchange of experts whereby a South African expert will be deployed at the Spanish MAEC, and a Spanish expert will be deployed at the South African DFA, for an appropriate period of time. Such an exchange could be carried out annually, to provide with a solid link for the flow of information and collaboration between the two Departments.

The South African side presented a briefing on the latest developments in  conflicts on the African continent such as Sudan/Darfur, the Democratic Republic of Congo and Zimbabwe. Both delegations expressed their concern on the socio-economic situation in Zimbabwe and will continue to follow developments actively.

Spain briefed the South African delegation on the implementation of its Africa Plan. In pursuit of the United Nations target of 0.7 percent of developed countries´ countries GNP for development aid, Spain has undertaken to attain a level of ODA equivalent to 0.5 percent of Spain´s GNP by 2008 as proof of its commitment to the African continent. South Africa is a key reference in the Spanish Africa Plan.

Both delegations agreed to continue working together to support the UN multilateral efforts in Western Sahara in assisting and encouraging the parties to find a just, peaceful and lasting solution to the conflict.

Spain and South Africa stressed the importance of effective multilateralism and the indispensable role of the United Nations in solving global problems. The parties emphasised that the United Nations should be strengthened through reform to enable it to better deliver on its mandates. They agreed that reform should also lead to the democratisation of key UN institutions, including the Security Council, in order to allow the participation of more countries in decision-making. The parties also agreed that development, security and human rights are interlinked and mutually reinforcing.

The parties exchanged views on the international agenda for disarmament and non-proliferation. They noted the upcoming review conference of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty in 2010 and emphasized the need to cooperate to ensure its success. They agreed to support negotiations for the conclusion of a future Arms Trade Treaty (ATT), both countries having served on the Group of Governmental Experts of the UN Secretary-General in 2008.  

The two sides expressed satisfaction regarding the conclusion of the Convention on Cluster Munitions, which will be opened for signature in Oslo, Norway on 3 December 2008. South Africa and Spain indicated that they will both sign the Convention.

The parties expressed support for the implementation of the UN Global Counter-Terrorism Strategy. They also stressed the need to address the conditions conducive to the spread of terrorism, including the promotion of international solidarity in support of victims of terrorism, as called for in the UN Global Counter-Terrorism Strategy.  Spain presented its proposal for a future UN Voluntary Fund in support of victims of terrorism.
They also discussed candidatures of South Africa for the position of IAEA Director General and Spain for the Human Rights Council for the period 2010-2012. Both countries appealed for each others support.

South Africa agreed to provide Spain, through the diplomatic channel, with the requested clarification on specific issues related to South African diplomatic and official passports, for the consideration of the draft agreement regarding the waiver of the visa requirement for holders of diplomatic, official or special/service passports, as provided by South Africa in February of 2008.

Economic and Trade Cooperation

The two sides acknowledged the constant development of bilateral trade and the strengthening of relations between Spanish and South African companies. In this regard, they agreed that the proposed Memorandum of Understanding on Economic Cooperation between the Spanish Ministry of Industry and Trade and the South African Department of Trade and Industry should reinforce bilateral cooperation at public and private levels.

The Spanish side briefed the South African delegation on the activities developed during 2008 to increase the interest of Spanish companies in the South Africa market as well as measures taken to promote leading Spanish sectors in the country. South Africa also informed of its activities during 2008 in promoting trade with Spain as well as its current programmes for attracting investment from Spain. The South African delegation clarified some aspects of the new automotive sector development programme and gave an update on the BEE policy.

The parties agreed on the need to take advantage of new opportunities arising in the South African market, particularly in infrastructure development. Both sides reaffirm their willingness to work towards better understanding of their respective economies.

Spain and South Africa exchanged views concerning the current global financial crisis and the implications for their economies. Spain recognized the leading role of the South Africa economy on the African continent and expressed its interest in establishing joint venture activities with South Africa on the continent.

The parties also discussed and exchanged views regarding the Doha Development Round and the prospects for a successful conclusion of the EU-SADC Economic Partnership Agreement.

The parties reviewed the possibility of greater cooperation in the fields of infrastructure and renewable energy. The Spanish side presented the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) initiative, and invited South Africa to consider participating in the activities of the new agency. The SA side promised to relay this information to the Department of Minerals and Energy.

Defence Co-operation.

Since the last consultation in July 2007, bilateral relations in defence matters have improved significantly.

The meeting of the Joint Defence Committee was convened in Pretoria in October 2007 under the MOU on cooperation in defence matters. This meeting was co-chaired by Mr Motumi in the South African side and his Spanish counterpart, General Raggio of DIGENPOL.

In this meeting, a plan of action was approved, which is being successfully implemented by both parties.

The second Defence Committee meeting is scheduled to take place in Madrid during March 2009.

Development Cooperation

The development co-operation relationship between South Africa and Spain covers the period 1995 onwards. Development co-operation is in the form of grants to government through the RDP account and direct grants to NGO’s or organisations operating in South Africa.

Both delegations discussed future areas of development taking into account South Africa’s priorities and the Paris Declaration principles. They expressed their commitment to the issues of alignment of the systems where possible. In order to follow the Paris Declaration, Spain is moving forward progressively to a geographic and sector concentration.

Both parties agreed to share more information in the current cooperation and to try to complement and align the Spanish development cooperation programme to the SA-EU Joint CSP.  They also agreed to explore future areas for trilateral co-operation within the SADC region.

Home Affairs / Internal Affairs Co-operation

The parties agreed to concretize previous technical discussions in the field of immigration. South Africa will draft and forward to Spain a Memorandum of Understanding for cooperation in immigration matters in the areas of border security, border surveillance systems, management of refugees and asylum seekers and forensic management of fraudulent documents.

Having previously deliberated on cooperation and information sharing in the area of security (illegal migration, human trafficking, terrorism, document fraud, etc), South Africa accepted from Spain a draft Agreement on combatting of crime. As the document includes activities mandated to more than one South African Ministry, the various departments will be consulted and a response to the draft will be forwarded via the diplomatic channel to the Spanish Ministry of Interior.

The parties agreed to cooperate on the 2009 FIFA Confederation Cup and the 2010 FIFA World Cup. Spain extended an invitation to the South African Police Service to visit Spain to observe preparations on the policing of large sporting events which includes crowd control and management, special intervention unit and other units, specific legislation governing sporting events and information on problem supporters.

South Africa requested information sharing on Spain’s implementation of the Advance Passenger Information System. The contact details of the relevant unit in Spain will be forwarded to South Africa.

Cultural co-operation

Both parties agreed on the text of the Programme of Cooperation for the practical implementation of the 2004 Agreement in the Field of Arts and Culture. The POC will need to be referred and approved by the State Law Advisors from the South African side, with a view to its adoption in January 2009. The POC covers several specific areas of cooperation, deemed of particular interest to the South African side, such as language, archives and heraldry.

The parties also agreed to explore the possibility of trilateral cooperation in the field of arts and culture. Both parties will endeavor to identify a partner third country in Africa, and the particular field of cooperation where a trilateral approach will add value.

The meeting noted the Spanish involvement in the African World Heritage Fund (AWHF) which is currently chaired by Mr Themba Wakashe, Director General at the Department of Arts and Culture. Spain has made a contribution of 1 million euros to the Fund, and has signed an MoU with the Fund with a view to the continuing collaboration between Spain and the AWHF.

Both parties support the ongoing cultural exchanges and cooperation between their countries.



Currently SA is preparing a proposal for submission to Spanish Government in February 2009, both in SATI 2 initiative and language training. Spain  is eager to  support the proposal based on  positive report to be submitted by the Spanish consultant . Spain and South Africa have already began the process of analysing the proposal, this was confirmed by the consultation meeting  between the Department of Environmental Affairs and Tourism  and  Spanish consultant which was held three weeks ago in South Africa.


The two parties discussed the potential for co-operation on a number of environment issues, including Marine and Fisheries Management, Climate Change, Desertification and Land Degradation, Air Pollution and Waste Management. The potential co-operation in fisheries management in southern Africa was also discussed. Spain proposed that the potential for supporting tri-lateral co-operation in the field of climate change should be explored. Both sides agreed that further consultation should be undertaken with their relevant experts in order to formalise the aforementioned proposals. 

Social Development Cooperation

The Social Sector Cluster’s Benchmarking visit on Comprehensive Social Security to Spain in 2006 identified various areas for co-operation. The Department of Social Development met with the delegation from Spain on 21 November 2008, a draft Memorandum of Understanding in this regard has been exchanged for comment and further discussion.


In conclusion, both ministers agreed that the Annual Consultations are a valuable mechanism to review and actively promote the excellent relations between South Africa and Spain and thanked the different departments for their presence. Officials were tasked to follow up on the discussions and present clear and measurable results at the next meeting to be held in Spain in 2009.

Issued by Department of Foreign Affairs
Private Bag X152

21 November 2008



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