Second South Africa-European Union Summit Joint Communiqué Kleinmond, South Africa
11 September 2009

We, the leaders of South Africa (SA) and the European Union (EU), meeting today in Kleinmond, reaffirm our commitment to our strategic partnership based on shared values and interests, including the promotion of peace and security, human rights, democracy, the rule of law and sustainable development regionally and globally.

We pay tribute to the victims of the outrageous events on this very day eight years ago, and also recall the untimely passing of Anna Lindh, the Swedish Foreign Minister, on this day in 2003. We remember Anna Lindh as a champion for peace and justice the world over, including in the struggle for South Africa’s liberation and democracy. South Africa remains deeply grateful for the support of the Swedish government and civil society in the struggle against apartheid.

We reviewed the rapid expansion of our bilateral relationship, manifested by a strengthened Strategic Partnership, and had fruitful discussions on bilateral as well as global issues and regional situations of common interests and concern.

The 1999 Trade, Development and Cooperation Agreement (TDCA) was a landmark in SA-EU relations and constitutes an important basis for our bilateral relations. Today, on its 10th anniversary we are pleased to have signed the first Revision Agreement, which together with the Joint Action Plan for the SA-EU Strategic Partnership lay the ground for an enhanced and deepened relationship in diverse existing and new areas of cooperation. In this regard we are pleased to note that, since the last Summit, dialogue fora on Migration, Health, Space, Energy, ICT and Maritime Transport have been added to the existing dialogues on Science and Technology, Trade, Development, Environment and Sustainable Development, as well as Political and Security and Interparliamentary Meetings.

We will continue to strengthen our bilateral relationship through the implementation of the Revised TDCA and the Joint Action Plan for the SA-EU Strategic Partnership. In this regard, we welcome the launch of the employment creation fund of € 120 million, equivalent to R 1.3 billion. Furthermore we recognise the importance of education and skills development for economic growth and poverty reduction and look forward to the establishment of a sectoral policy dialogue forum on education and training, as well as the important planned European Commission’s support for the education sector in 2009. 

Science and technology represents another highly relevant area, with South Africa being one of the most successful participants from outside Europe in the EU’s Framework Programmes for Research. Under the current 7th Framework Programme alone, € 13 million have so far been awarded through competitive calls for proposals to South African organisations.  On the role of Science and Technology for poverty alleviation, South Africa and the EU are currently implementing a € 30 million sector budget support programme.

We agreed to increase our joint efforts and shoulder our responsibilities to address the multiple challenges facing the world. Only through the involvement of both developed and developing countries in a partnership of cooperation and mutual respect can we successfully tackle the global economic and financial crisis, climate change, food insecurity and energy scarcity.

We discussed the global economic crisis, especially its negative impact on Africa. We share a commitment to the implementation of the decisions of the London G20 Meeting. Looking ahead to the Pittsburgh G20 Meeting, we share the view that the G20 economies should pursue macroeconomic and structural policy choices consistent with more balanced and sustainable global growth and equitable development that is less prone to crisis and volatility. Achieving this new framework will require coordinated strategies to exit from the extraordinary support developed to overcome the crisis, as well as to reduce global imbalances. We will work together to build a stronger, more globally consistent, supervisory and regulatory framework for the financial sector, which will support sustainable global growth.

We agree to work together on the reform of the international financial institutions, including its mandates and governance, to reflect changes in the world economy and the challenges of globalisation. It is essential that developing countries have a greater voice and representation. International financial institutions need to have the resources and instruments to continue to support developing countries with financing gaps. We share a concern that the global economic crisis will hamper efforts to achieve the Millennium Development Goals and therefore reaffirm the urgent need for delivery of development assistance commitments made.
In this regard, we reaffirm the commitments agreed at the G20 meetings in November and April. We agree to keep under surveillance all measures that Governments take to address the economic crisis that have an impact on international trade and investment flows.

We remain committed to reaching an ambitious, balanced and comprehensive conclusion to the Doha Development Agenda in 2010 in line with the developmental mandate that underpins the Round, including with respect to modalities. To this end, we agree to intensify work to bridge the remaining gaps in the negotiation as soon as possible, building on progress already achieved. We acknowledge the particular situation faced by South Africa as a result of commitments it undertook in the Uruguay Round, and the need to find a specific solution.

We are deeply concerned by the global challenge of climate change, which demands urgent and cooperative action to preserve the planet. We recognise that Africa is particularly vulnerable to climate impacts. We are determined to step up the pace of negotiations in order to reach agreement in Copenhagen in December 2009, in accordance with the UNFCCC principles of equity and common but differentiated responsibilities and respective capabilities. We agree that moving without delay to a low-carbon economy, including a clean energy access perspective, is a necessity, but also an opportunity to promote continued economic green growth and sustainable development. All countries need to adapt to climate change by integrating vulnerability assessment and adaptation measures and actions into their plans, programmes and policies at national and other levels as appropriate as well as the development of a comprehensive international adaptation framework under the UNFCCC. We agree that scaled-up funding for adaptation in developing countries is needed, especially for the most vulnerable countries. We underline that ambitious commitments to cut emissions in the short term will reduce the need for adaptation in the medium to long term. We recognise each other’s efforts to tackle climate change, including South Africa’s National Climate Change Programme and the EU’s Energy and Climate Package. Mitigation, adaptation and development can and must go hand-in-hand.

We agree that efforts should be stepped up to respond to the imperatives of science which indicate that climate change is accelerating. We will continue to work together to ensure that the increase in global warming stays below 2°C, underpinned by clear and ambitious mid-term quantified national emission reduction targets for developed countries and measurable, reportable and verifiable nationally appropriate mitigation actions by developing countries. In this context, developed countries will provide support in terms of measurable, reportable and verifiable finance and technology. We will also work towards a global peak of emissions no later than 2020 and reduction of global emissions by at least 50% below 1990 levels by 2050. We agree that adequate, predictable, new and additional as well as timely financial resources, including technology and capacity building support will be crucial for both mitigation and adaptation in developing countries. We recognize that mechanisms to leverage private investments should play a supplementary as well as important role in supporting mitigation and development and deployment of new and climate-friendly technologies. We will work to reform the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) and promote its wider geographical access. As part of the international agreement under the UNFCCC, scheduled to be concluded in Copenhagen in December 2009 we will develop nationally appropriate mitigation frameworks with a view to move towards a low carbon growth path and undertake transparent nationally appropriate mitigation actions, which should be subject to appropriate measurement, reporting and verification, in the context of developed countries providing measurable, reportable and verifiable finance and technology to South Africa.

We shared our analyses of developments within the EU and South Africa. The EU informed of institutional developments in the Union and the future of the Lisbon Treaty. South Africa gave its assessment of the South African economy and the challenges faced in priority areas such as employment, rural development, education, health and crime. We agreed to explore how the EU, including through development cooperation and exchange of expertise and best practise, could further support these priorities. The severe impact of the global economic crisis on the SA economy was noted, particularly employment losses and concerns regarding de-industrialisation.

We welcome progress made in the implementation of the Joint Africa-EU Strategy and its first Action Plan (2008-2010), and call upon all actors to accelerate efforts to achieve tangible results. Regional Economic Communities (RECs), Non State Actors, Parliaments and the Private Sector are essential for the effective implementation of this intercontinental partnership. We agree to pursue efforts to identify sources of funding to ensure the effective implementation of the First Action Plan. We look forward to a successful Africa-EU Summit in 2010.

The experience of the EU is witness to the benefit of strong regional integration. We recognise that the RECs are key pillars for deeper integration in Africa and therefore support greater political cohesion and stronger economic integration in the Southern African Customs Union (SACU) and the Southern African Development Community (SADC).

In this context, we engaged in a frank and open discussion on the EU-SADC Economic Partnership Agreement and on the implications that these negotiations, at all its stages, have on current processes of regional integration in Southern Africa.  We agreed to urgently pursue the negotiation and resolution of all outstanding issues with a view to a prompt and mutually satisfactory conclusion that supports regional integration and development in Southern Africa.

We reaffirm our determination to ensure that multilateral institutions are the main fora for international cooperation on peace and security, human rights and democracy. We recognize the need to pursue the reform of the main UN bodies with a view to enhancing the representativeness, transparency and effectiveness of the system.

We underline that the fight against impunity is a common goal and, in this context, consider that the establishment and the effective functioning of the International Criminal Court (ICC) constitutes an important development for peace and international justice and reiterate the importance of the independence of the ICC and all of its organs. We recognise that in a transitional context, the objectives of peace and justice are equally important and mutually reinforcing.

We welcome the holding of the first of the regular annual SA-EU Political and Security Committee troika meeting and shared our analysis on international political and security developments.

We discussed the situation in the Great Lakes Region and welcomed the improved relations between the DRC and Rwanda. We emphasised the importance of protecting civilians and improving the humanitarian situation in the Eastern DRC. We are deeply concerned about the widespread sexual violence and are committed to strengthen our efforts to support the fight against it. We agreed to continue our efforts to bring peace to the Kivu provinces. To this end, we reaffirmed our support to MONUC and also stressed the need for long term and coordinated efforts in support of security sector reform in the DRC.

The EU expresses its appreciation to South Africa for its continued engagement in facilitating the Burundi peace process that has led to the demobilization, disarmament and reintegration of rebel forces. We are committed to assisting the Government and the people of Burundi to deepen their democracy and reconciliation efforts. We remain committed to providing assistance to Burundi, including for the electoral process and its socio-economic development, and urge other international partners to do the same.
We note the progress in the implementation of the Global Political Agreement (GPA) in Zimbabwe and share concerns about the environment in which it is taking place. We urge all parties to remove all obstacles to the full implementation of the GPA and the effective functioning of the Inclusive Government. We recognise and appreciate the humanitarian and other assistance that the international community continues to provide to the people of Zimbabwe. We will continue to engage in the political dialogue with the Inclusive Government to support its efforts in respect of the economic challenges and the democratic process in the country. In this regard, the EU welcomed the continued engagement of SADC in supporting and monitoring the GPA.
We stress the importance of Iran engaging with the international community on all issues of concern, in particular over the issue of Iran's nuclear programme, in the spirit of mutual respect and full recognition of Iran's international rights and obligations. We also note with concern the recent events in Iran following the elections on 12 June, including the limitations of political freedoms.

We remain committed to the two-state solution with an independent, democratic, contiguous and viable Palestinian state, comprising the West Bank and Gaza, living side by side in peace and security with the State of Israel within internationally recognised and secure borders. We welcome all international efforts, including the new US administration initiatives, to vigorously pursue a two-state solution and a comprehensive peace in the Middle East on the basis of the relevant UN Security Council Resolutions, the terms of reference of the Madrid conference, including land for peace, the Roadmap, the agreements previously reached by the parties and the Arab Peace Initiative. We urge all the parties to the conflict to work to achieve this goal.

We also welcome the mediation efforts of Egypt and the Arab League aimed at inter-Palestinian reconciliation and the restoration of Palestinian unity which will be important to consolidate the peace process. We also highlighted the importance of the efforts by the international community to assist with the reconstruction of Gaza. We call for the immediate and unconditional opening of crossings for the flow of humanitarian aid, commercial goods and persons to and from Gaza without which the unimpeded delivery of humanitarian aid, reconstruction and economic recovery will not be possible. We also call for a complete stop to all violence, including a sustained halt of rocket attacks at Israel and an effective mechanism to prevent arms and ammunition smuggling into Gaza. We urge the Government of Israel to immediately end all settlement activities, including in East Jerusalem. Settlements are illegal under international law and constitute an obstacle to peace.

We agree that Sudan is entering another critical phase in the peace process with the 2010 elections and 2011 referendum. We are pleased that the signatories to the Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA) have agreed to abide by the decision of the Permanent Court of Arbitration on the boundaries of the Abyei region and urge the Parties to implement the remaining provisions of the CPA, in particular the preparations for the 2010 elections. We commit ourselves to support the parties in holding free and fair elections. Both parties express support to the work of the African Union High-level Panel on Darfur led by former President Thabo Mbeki to ensure that issues of accountability and combating impunity, on the one hand, peace, healing and reconciliation, on the other, are effectively addressed. We welcome the leadership of the AU/UN Mediator, Djibril Bassolé, and urge the Parties to the conflict to engage in the process, underlining the importance of reaching a speedy settlement. With regard to the deployment of UNAMID, we express our appreciation to the troop-contributing countries and to those that continue to provide support to UNAMID.

We express our deep concern over the situation in Somalia. We reaffirm our support to the Transitional Federal Government of Somalia under the leadership of President Sheikh Sharif Ahmed. We reaffirm that there can be no military solution to the crisis in Somalia and call on all armed groups to lay down their weapons. We urge all stakeholders to redouble their efforts towards reconciliation. We express our deep appreciation and strong support to the AU and AMISOM. We recognise the important role played by the International Contact Group on Somalia under the leadership of the UN.  We welcome the successful conduct of the EU NAVFOR ATALANTA operation and stress the need to fight the root causes of piracy.

We note the progress made in an effort to restore constitutional order in Madagascar, and commended the SADC Mediator, former President of Mozambique, Joachim Chissano, for the progress made so far. We note with concern attempts to undermine the Maputo agreements, as well as any unilateral decisions which violate the spirit of the agreements. We reiterate our support to the current political dialogue in Madagascar and urge all parties to fully implement the Maputo agreements.

The side events held on the margins of this summit constitute important contributions to the further strengthening of the vibrant South Africa–EU partnership.  On science and technology,  the launch of the South Africa–COST partnership will further enhance scientific exchanges between South Africa and Europe, whilst the seminar hosted by the South African Department of Science and Technology and the Swedish Innovation Agency VINNOVA will boost the involvement of small and medium enterprises in S&T cooperation.  On the academic side, we furthermore welcome Higher Education South Africa’s (HESA) Academic Seminar on 10 September as a positive contribution to ongoing SA-EU academic exchanges and collaborations.

The EU congratulated South Africa on the successful hosting of the Confederations Cup. South Africa informed of the progress towards the hosting of the FIFA 2010 World Cup™. South Africa warmly invites European supporters to come to its shores for the first ever World Cup to be held in Africa.

The EU expresses its gratitude to the government and people of South Africa for their hospitality during this first SA-EU Summit held in South Africa and we look forward to our next Summit to be held in the European Union in 2010.

Department of International Relations and Cooperation
Private Bag x152

11 September 2009



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