Joint Communiqué on the occasion of the State Visit of His Excellency President Jacob Zuma of the Republic of South Africa to the Kingdom of Lesetho, 12 -13 August, 2010

  1. At  the  invitation  of  His  Majesty  King   Letsie III,  the President of  the  Republic  of  South  Africa,  His  Excellency Jacob   Zuma,  paid  a  State  Visit  to the Kingdom  of  Lesotho  from  12 to  13  August, 2010

  2. His  Excellency  President  Jacob    Zuma  and  Mrs.  Sizakele Gertrude  Zuma,  were  accompanied  by eight  Ministers, the  Honourable Speaker of the National Assembly and  Senior  Government  Officials.

  3. During  the State  Visit,  His  Excellency  President  Zuma  had  an audience  with  His Majesty  King  Letsie  III  at the Royal  Palace. Thereafter,  he  held  official  talks  at the  Qhobosheaneng  Government  Complex,  with  the  Right  Honourable  The  Prime  Minister  Pakalitha Bethuel Mosisili.  The President  also  addressed  the Joint  Sitting   of  Parliament and together with the Prime Minister launched  a dialogue  between Lesotho and South  African  Business  Persons.

  4. The  two  Leaders  acknowledged  the  long  standing      cultural, linguistic and family ties  as well as geographic  proximity,  that  uniquely bind  the two  countries  together.

  5. Underscoring  the need  to enhance  and  strengthen  further the existing cooperation in the political,  economic,  social,  good governance and  security sectors  between  the two  countries,  the  Leaders  recommitted  themselves  to  a  stronger  and  special  relationship  as well as to  a vibrant  Joint Bilateral Commission of Cooperation (JBCC).

  6. The  official talks  addressed  a wide range  of bilateral,  regional  and  international  issues  of  mutual  interest  between the two  sister  countries.  In particular,  the discussions  focused on  issues that touch the lives of ordinary people of the two countries, such  as:    Facilitation of Free  Movement  of People  and  Goods along the common borders; Cooperation in the fields of tourism, transport and  water sectors; implementation of all the Bilateral  Agreements;   as  well as other issues that form the Agenda of the Joint  Bilateral  Commission  of Cooperation  between  the  two  countries.

  7. An  Agreement on a  Grant  from  the African Renaissance Fund for the Implementation of the Advance Infrastructure Component of the Metolong Dam and Water Supply Programme, a Memorandum  of  Understanding  on Economic  Cooperation, a Memorandum  of Understanding Concerning Cooperation in the Legal Field and a  Declaration of  Intent  on  Phase  II of the Lesotho Highlands   Water  Project   were signed  between   the   two countries, thereby deepening  further the  subsisting  relations.

  8. The Right  Honourable  The  Prime  Minister  also registered  his gratitude  and that  of  the  Government  of the Kingdom  of  Lesotho,  for the  unwavering  support  received  from the  Government  of the Republic  of  South  Africa,  during  the attacks that were made at the Makoanyane Military  Base, the State House and against some residents of the Maseru City, in April, 2009.

  9. On  Regional  and  International  issues,  South Africa  was  commended  for  the  pivotal  role  the  country  has  and  continues  to play  in  peace  keeping  operations,  in   Africa, in  particular for providing  troops  in the Sudan  (Darfur), the  Democratic  Republic of  Congo  and Burundi.  His Excellency President Jacob  Zuma was  also  commended  for  his  facilitation  efforts  in  Zimbabwe,  on behalf of the Southern African Development Community.

  10. The  Right  Honourable  The  Prime  Minister  assured  His Excellency President  Zuma  of  Lesotho’s  unwavering  support  for  South  Africa’s   candidature for the  Non-Permanent  seat  in the  United  Nations  Security  Council for the term 2011/12.

  11. On the  evening  of  Thursday,  12  August, 2010,  His  Majesty  King  Letsie  III  and  Her  Majesty  Queen ‘Masenate  Mohato Bereng  Seeiso  hosted  a  State  Banquet  in honour  of  His  Excellency President Zuma  and  Mrs. Sizakele Gertrude  Zuma.

  12. His Excellency President  Zuma  toured  the  Katse  Dam  and  over flew  Mohale Dam being the areas covered by the Lesotho Highlands Water Project (LHWP) which constitutes one of the finest examples of bilateral cooperation between the two countries.  His Excellency also overflew the site of the Polihali Dam which will form part of Phase II of the LHWP.

  13. The  Right  Honourable  The  Prime  Minister, Mr. Pakalitha Mosisili  congratulated  President Zuma, the  Government  and  people  of  the  Republic  of  South  Africa  for hosting,  in  a  successful  manner,  one  of the greatest sporting  spectacles  in the world, the  2010  FIFA  SOCCER WORLD  CUP.

  14. His Excellency  President  Jacob  Zuma,  expressed  gratitude to  His   Majesty    King   Letsie    III,  The  Right  Honourable  The  Prime  Minister,  Mr.  Pakalitha Bethuel Mosisili, the  Government  and  people  of the Kingdom of  Lesotho,  for  the warm  welcome and hospitality  accorded  to  him and  his  delegation.

  15. His  Excellency    President    Jacob     Zuma    extended    an    invitation     to His   Majesty    King   Letsie    III     to   visit     the   Republic    of   South   Africa.  His    Majesty King   Letsie III  accepted    the   invitation,   of  which  the  exact dates are  to be  communicated  through  normal  diplomatic  channels.


ON 13 AUGUST, 2010





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