President Jacob Zuma to Attend Mozambique President Elect Inauguration

Pretoria – South African President Jacob Zuma supported by Minister of International Relations and cooperation, Ms Maite Nkoana Mashabane will attend the Inauguration ceremony of the President-elect Mr Armando Emilo Guebuza in Maputo, Mozambique.

Thus, the participation of President Zuma and Minister Nkoana – Mashabane at the Inauguration ceremony will further strengthen the African Agenda as well as give concrete expression to regional cooperation.

Strong relations between South Africa and Mozambique find expression through the SA/ Mozambique Heads of State Economic Bilateral as well as the Joint Permanent Commission for Cooperation, Mozambique has been and continues to be an active participant within SADC as well as in the implementation of the NEPAD within the African Union.

Both countries have over some time been able to play a critical role in ensuring that Africa remains on the developmental Agenda within multilateral institutions.

President Zuma also indicated in his congratulatory speech to President – elect Guebuza that ‘South Africa reconfirms her appreciation of the excellent, historic and neighbourly relations that exist between our two countries and between its peoples and It was his profound wish that these warm and close ties continue to prosper during President – elect Armando Guebuza’s new term in Office”, concluded President Zuma.

Media Programme

Media is invited to attend as follows

Date: 14 January 2010

Time: 10h00
Media is advised to arrive at 09:30

Venue: Independence Square, Maputo, Mozambique
Media interested in covering the event are requested to send details i.e. name and Surname, media house, ID/ passport no. to Nthabiseng Ramatshela on, 082 675 0893
Issued by Chief Director for Public Diplomacy, Saul Kgomotso Molobi on 082 940 1647.

Department of International Relations and Cooperation
Private Bag x152

11 January 2010


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