Media statement by Minister Maite Nkoana-Mashabane following consultation with French Minister of Foreign and European Affairs, Pretoria

Good day members of the media,

We just came out of a fruitful bilateral meeting with my French counterpart, Minister Alain Juppé, who is in South Africa on an official visit following my invitation.

Ladies and Gentleman,

France and South Africa have a strategic partnership based on shared values and converging interests, which include:

  • supporting peace, security and development in Africa;
  • achieving the Millennium Development Goals;
  • strengthening and reforming the multilateral system and promoting a more inclusive, efficient; and equitable system of global governance. 

Ladies and Gentleman,

Our meeting earlier today presented us with a platform to exchange views on policy positions towards the African continent.

Today’s meeting was also an excellent opportunity for me and my counterpart to;

  • strengthen our working relations;
  • reinforce an effective process of strategic consultations that includes more direct and effective communication between ourselves;
  • appreciate the improved understanding on the side of the French Minister of South Africa’s principled position on issues of peace and security in Africa;
  •  identify, at the political level, areas of possible cooperation on international developments of shared strategic significance.

The meeting also discussed economic relations between our two countries, particularly our trade balance, which is currently in favour of France.  We agreed on the need to balance our trade.

Ladies and Gentleman,

You will recall that today marks 17 days to the COP17/CMP7 in Durban, therefore we also used our meeting to reflect on this important Climate Change Meeting.

We are both committed to serve the interests of the developing world and, in this regard, France also utilised the recent G20 Summit to address matters pertaining to financial assistance for vulnerable countries.

Ladies and Gentleman,

Today, (the 11th of November), marks the end of the First World War, we maintain that such an occurrence should never plague humankind again; and have agreed that South Africa and France will coordinate our efforts in peace keeping and conflict resolution not only on the continent but also in the rest of the world.   
I thank Minister Juppe for the exchange of information and thoughts and trust that meetings of this nature would continue to enhance our partnership in the years to come.

For further information please contact Mr. Clayson Monyela, spokesperson for DIRCO, on 082 884 5974


OR Tambo Building
460 Soutpansberg Road

11 November 2011

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