Statement by Deputy Minister Marius Fransman on the nominations for a Prime Minister of Consensus in Madagascar, 19 October 2011

The Southern African Development Community (SADC) Ministerial Committee of the Organ (MCO) Troika would like to once again congratulate all the political stakeholders, leaders, supporters and the Malagasy nation at large for implementing the Implementation Framework of the Road Map for Ending The Crisis In Madagascar (hereafter referred to as the Road Map) within the time frames agreed to.  

We are encouraged by the commitment shown by all the political parties, including the President of the Transition Mr. Andry Rajoelina for his decision to speedily implement Section 1 paragraph 4 & 5  of the Road Map yesterday (within the time frames agreed to).
The resignation of the existing Prime Minister and the Cabinet on Monday 18 October 2011, as required by Section 1 paragraph 4 & 5 of the Road Map and the call for nominations for a Prime Minister of Consensus from amongst other political stakeholders (parties) is a step in the right direction.
This act is a further indication of the bona fide (good faith) and confidence building measures shown by the par ties and signatories concerned, that the Malagasies are committed to creating the necessary conditions, climate and space to ensure that Madagascar returns to constitutional normalcy.

The conclusion of this 3rd key milestone (The 1st-signing of the Road Map and 2nd the signing of Implementation Framework) is further evidence that the political stakeholders, its supporters and the Malagasy masses have once again risen to the occasion and put the interests of the nation above the interests of individuals and groups.

We wish the signatories well in the nominations for a Prime Minister of Consensus today.  We trust that all the political parties will continue to show good faith in ensuring that they also abide by both the letter and spirit of the Framework when nominating the Prime Minister of Consensus. 
The Malagasy nation is on the verge of crossing the Rubicon in the long and difficult road to democracy and we therefore implore upon you to continue with the momentum that you have started. In this regard it is important to remind and reiterate that the soon to be appointed Prime Minister of Consensus cannot be someone from the Party of President Rajoelina.  Equally that he /she should be someone that is acceptable to and have the confidence and support of all the opposition parties including the three Mouvances.  This will give meaning to not just the letter of the framework but more importantly the spirit of the framework as well. 
We furthermore appeal to all the political platforms/ parties to remain disciplined at this critical juncture in time and earnestly await the announcement of the Prime Minister of Consensus before the 1st of November 2011. 

Finally the SADC (MCO) Troika urges you to continue on this positive path in taking Madagascar one step closer to constitutional normalcy and a democratic dispensation based on the principles of inclusivity, consensus, credibility and impartiality.

Issued by Marius L Fransman (MP)

Deputy Minister International Relations and Cooperation South Africa
Special Envoy of President Zuma on Madagascar

Chairperson Southern African Development Community (SADC) Ministerial Committee of the Organ (MCO) Troika

For further information please contact Mr. Clayson Monyela, spokesperson for DIRCO, on 082 884 5974


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460 Soutpansberg Road

19 October 2011

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