South Africa’s Statement at the UN Security Council delivered by Ambassador Baso Sangqu following the Adoption of a Resolution of the UN Security Council on the Renewal of the AU/UN Operation in Darfur

The presence of UNAMID in Darfur is crucial given that its mandate inter-alia, includes the protection of civilians and the facilitation of a Darfur peace process.  South Africa will continue to maintain its troop deployment in UNAMID and further assist through bilateral mechanisms in contributing to the attainment of peace in Darfur. 

It is for this reason that my delegation voted in favour of resolution 2003 extending the mandate of UNAMID for a further 12 months.

This month has been momentous in the history of Sudan and indeed the entire African Continent.  The people of Sudan and South Sudan took the courageous leap towards resolving their decades long conflict. As we celebrate this achievement, we equally hope that the people of Darfur, who have been denied peace for too long are able to garner this positive momentum and move rapidly towards peace.

Every effort must be employed to ensure that peace and stability is advanced.  South Africa welcomes the conclusion of the Doha Peace Process.  It is indeed a step in the right direction in building peace in Darfur. To make this process inclusive, we look forward to the launch of the Darfur Political Process which is complimentary to the DDPD. 

The African Union meeting at its highest level in Malabo recently, has endorsed the launch of the DDP as a process which, from the perspective of the African Union is “the best opportunity to consolidate gains made so far, ensure ownership by the Sudanese in resolving their own problems and empower the various stakeholders, as well as achieve an inclusive and comprehensive settlement addressing the interrelated issues of peace, justice and reconciliation in Darfur”.

In this regard, South Africa expresses its full and unequivocal support to the AU High Level Implementation Panel, with the support of UNAMID to launch the DPP. 

While acknowledging that parties should do everything in their power to create an enabling environment, we do not view the creation of such an environment as a precondition to launch the DPP.  To do that would essentially hand a veto to any potential spoilers to the process.  With this in view, the AU Peace and Security Council appealed to the UN Security Council to lend its support to the launch of the DPP.  This appeal was also communicated to the Secretary-General in a letter from the Chairperson of the African Union Commission, Mr Jean Ping.  This was done so that this Council could take into consideration and reflect the AU’s position in considering the mandate renewal of UNAMID.  

We wish to remind this Council, that UNAMID was created as a Hybrid Operation with a partnership between the UN and the African Union.  Given this hybrid nature, it is vital that both organisations speak with one voice.  Our goal should remain the same, which is support for peace and stability in Darfur.  We are therefore disappointed about the timid and qualified support by the Security Council to the AU request of commencing a Darfur based political process. 

We are convinced that the efforts deployed by Joint Special Representative Gambari and the AU High Level Implementation Panel under the leadership of President Mbeki, with the support of stakeholders in the Sudan and the international community will contribute significantly to bring peace, stability and reconciliation to the people of Darfur. 

This Council should not waiver in its support to this endeavour. 

For more information: Clayson Monyela at 082 884 5974


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03 August 2011

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