Joint Press Communiqué Argentina and South Africa Bilateral Commission, Buenos Aires, 1-2 August 2013

The Fourth meeting of the Argentina-South Africa Binational Commission took place in Buenos Aires on 1st August 2013, co-chaired by the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Worship of the Argentine Republic, Héctor Timerman, and Minister of International Relations and Cooperation of the Republic of South Africa, Maite Nkoana-Mashabane. The Binational Commission was established in 2005.

The Ministerial meeting was preceded by a Senior Officials´ Meeting, which served to evaluate progress made in the implementation of key bilateral agreements such in the fields of Human Rights, Trade and Investment, Science and Technology, Agriculture, Arts and Culture, Sports, as well as progress in the negotiations of Agreement related to Tourism.

The discussions were held in a cordial and cooperative atmosphere. The following issues were discussed:

  • Recent development in Argentina and in South Africa

  • Regional development in Latin America and Caribbean and Africa

  • Multilateral Issues

  • Inter-regional issues

  • In-depth analysis of the bilateral relationship and its potential

The links between South Africa and Argentina are strategic and they involve crucial long-term interests. In this sense both countries share views on international issues such as: climate change, human rights, the response to the global recession and the financial and economic crisis and its impacts on development.

The two delegations expressed satisfaction with the current state of bilateral relations and agreed that the relationship between the two countries could be described as one based on strategic co-operation through higher diplomatic convergence.

Both delegations noted that bilateral relations are key to creating new trade and investment opportunities.  Such efforts are supported by dynamic economic relations that have been growing over the last few years through strong expansion of trade and investments.

Both countries acknowledged the importance and called for the implementation of United nation Resolutions, including, specifically, the UN General Assembly Resolution 2065 (XX).

The two delegations expressed their commitment to the African agenda and reiterated the need to reform the multilateral institutions including the United Nations Security Council and the Bretton Woods Institutions to better represent the interests of developing countries.

The Ministers expressed a firm commitment to maintain close links across the multilateral economic agenda. In this regard, they agreed that this collaboration, which is articulated in the World Trade Organization (WTO), the Group of 20 (G20), and in many other fora, should be continued and deepened.

Both countries stated their intention of working together with other developing countries, with the aim of addressing weaknesses of first generation Bilateral Investment Treaties (BITS) in light of their own experiences and assessment of costs, benefits and consistency with domestic laws.

The next meeting of the Binational Commission will be hosted in South Africa on a date to be convened through diplomatic channels.

Done in Buenos Aires, Argentine Republic
1 August 2013

For more information, please contact Mr Clayson Monyela, 082 884 5974


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