Statement on the Cabinet Meeting of 27 February 2013

Cabinet held its ordinary meeting in Cape Town on 27 February 2013.

1. Cabinet’s position on issues currently in the environment.

1.1 Cabinet welcomed the collective commitment by all stakeholders to the implementation of the Framework for Peace and Stability in the Mining Industry. Cabinet encouraged other stakeholders to participate in this progressive process in the interests of the mining industry and the South African economy. This was heralded as a positive step towards restoring stability in the mining industry.

1.2 Cabinet expressed concern at the recent spike in the incidence of rape and the brutalisation of women and children. Cabinet urged South Africans from all walks of life, young and old to support the work of government in turning the tide against gender-based violence. As a nation each South African has a duty to come forward and report these heinous crimes so that perpetrators may be brought to book. The criminal justice system will not, on its own be able to eliminate this scourge in our society. In a separate but related development the Department of Basic Education in partnership with LeadSA have announced details of the major initiative to raise rape awareness and educate over 10 million learners in South African schools. The main event is being planned in the Western Cape on 1 March 2013.

1.3 Cabinet approved the marking of the month of March as the African Peer Review Mechanism (APRM) month. The APRM will be marking its tenth year of existence on 9 March. South Africa is preparing for its third and final country report since it was peer reviewed in 2007. Provincial consultations on the report are currently underway in various provinces. South Africans are urged to participate in these consultation meetings.        

1.4 Cabinet noted reports creating an alarm and panic on the incorrect labelling of meat products. Section 29 of the Consumer Protection Act sets out general standards for marketing of goods and services. It stipulates that parties in the supply chain must not market any goods or services in a manner that is likely to imply a false or misleading representation concerning those goods and services. As a result of the research findings of the study group at the University of Stellenbosch, the Minister of Trade and Industry has requested the National Consumer Commission to conduct an urgent investigation into this matter. This is because this matter may have far and wide ranging implications and impact on the broader consumer public.

1.5 Cabinet congratulated the Proteas’ for maintaining the number one position in the International Cricket Council (ICC) rankings and on the recent triumph against Pakistan in the test series.

2. Key Cabinet discussions and decisions

2.1 Cabinet was updated on public consultations that have taken place in the past six months to seek tighter interventions on Rhino Issue Management.  Cabinet approved four broad recommended areas of intervention. These are rhino conservation; rhino safety and security, rhino trade and the funding. Implementation of these recommendations will be subject to further feasibility studies done with the relevant affected parties.

2.2 Cabinet has approved the hosting of the annual meeting of the International Committee on Large Dams (ICOLD) by the Department of Water and Environmental Affairs in May 2016. ICOLD is an international non-governmental organisation dedicated to the sharing of professional information and knowledge of the design, construction, maintenance, and impact of large dams. It has more than 10 000 members in 95 countries.

2.3 Cabinet noted that the first meeting of the Global Oceans Commission will take place in Cape Town on 3 and 4 April 2013. South Africa is surrounded by two oceans and is uniquely placed on the continent in understanding the oceans environment. This conference will help market South Africa’s institutions to the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission’s (IOC) Sub-Commission members in Africa.

2.4 Cabinet approved the publishing of the Draft Revised Strategic Stocks Policy (crude and refined products) and the Draft Strategic Stocks implementation plan for public consultations. This is in line with the National Energy Act of 2008. The policy together with its implementation plan makes recommendations on the stockholding levels that South Africa should maintain. This presents the opportunity to capture energy efficiency and sustainable energy development as a key resource required to meet the demands of our developing economy.

2.5 Cabinet approved the submission to Parliament of the 2011/12 report on the Research and Development (R&D) Tax Incentive Programme. Government offers R&D tax incentives to encourage private sector investment in scientific and technological R&D activities in terms of section 11D of the Income Tax Act. Cabinet is encouraged by the continued increase in companies investing more in the much needed Research and Development capacity especially in science and innovation projects for the country.

2.6 Cabinet noted progress on the preparations for the fifth Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa (BRICS) Summit to be hosted by President Jacob Zuma under the theme ‘BRICS and Africa: Partnership for Development, Integration and Industrialisation’ from 26 to 27 March 2013 in Durban, eThekwini, KwaZulu-Natal.

In preparation Government is hosting a series of awareness raising roadshows in all provinces on the importance of South Africa’s membership to the BRICS bloc. Roadshows have already taken place in Limpopo (23 January), North West (21 February) and Gauteng (23 February). In addition several public lectures and media workshops have also been conducted.

3. Bills

3.1 Africa Institute of South Africa Repeal Bill: Cabinet approved the submission to Parliament of the Africa Institute of South Africa Repeal Bill, 2013. The Bill enables the incorporation of the Africa Institute of South Africa into the Human Sciences Research Council Africa programme.  

3.2 Sectional Titles Amendment Bill 2012: Cabinet approved the submission of this Bill to Parliament.  The Bill proposes certain amendments to the current Act pertaining to the improvement of the application and administration of the Act.

3.3 Deeds Registries Amendment Bill, 2012: Cabinet approved the submission of this Bill to Parliament. The Bill addresses gaps that currently exist in the current Act application and its administration. 

4. Appointments

Cabinet approved the following appointments:

4.1 Dr Valanathan Munsami was appointed to the South African National Energy Development Institute (SANEDI) Board of Directors for a period of three years.

4.2 Ms Xolile Mtwa and Mr Reggie Boqo were appointed as Non-Executive Members to the Central Energy Fund (CEF) (SOC) Ltd Board for a period of three years.     

4.3 Ambassador Nozipho J Mxakato-Diseko was appointed to the South African Nuclear Energy Corporation Ltd (NECSA) Board, replacing Ambassador AS Minty.

4.4 Cabinet approved the extension of the term of office for the National Advisory Council on Innovation (NACI) from 1 March 2013 to 30 June 2014:

(i)  Mr Kuseni Dlamini
(ii)  Dr Paul Azar Jammine
(iii)  Prof Helen Patricia Laburn
(iv)  Dr Steve Lennon
(v)  Mr Geoff Rothschild
(vi)  Prof Michael Peppers
(vii)  Prof Francis William Peterson
(viii)  Prof Gerhard Prinsloo
(ix)  Prof Mamokgethi Setati
(x)  Prof Lineo Mazwai-Tanga
(xi)  Prof Jennifer Thomson
(xii)  Adv Louisa Zondo and
(xiii)  Ms Nkuli Shinga.

4.5 Cabinet approved the extension of the employment contract of Mr Phali Jobo Lehohla as Statistician-General for a period of three years with effect from 1 January 2013.

4.6 Cabinet approved the extension of the employment contract of Ms Philisiwe Buthelezi as Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the National Empowerment Fund (NEF) for a period of three years with effect from 1 July 2013.

Phumla Williams (Acting Cabinet Spokesperson)
Cell: 083 501 0139

Issued by: Government Communication and Information System (GCIS)
28 February 2013





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