Statement on the Cabinet Meeting of 13 March 2013

Cabinet’s position on issues currently in the environment

1.1 Cabinet expressed its heartfelt condolences to the family and friends of Mido Macia who recently died in police custody. Cabinet commended the swift action taken by the National Police Commissioner to ensure that justice is served in respect of the police officers implicated in the tragic incident. Cabinet is confident that the judicial system will bring the offenders to book. 

1.2 Cabinet continues to condemn incidences of violence that occur in our society .Whilst Cabinet notes that violence  was part  and parcel of life under Apartheid  it does not define who we are today as South Africans. Cabinet therefore calls on all communities to stand up against violence and seek peaceful ways of resolving conflict. 

1.3 Cabinet commended President Jacob Zuma for his efforts towards full implementation of the Global Political Agreement in his role as the Southern African Development Community (SADC) Facilitator of the Zimbabwe Political Dialogue. The completion of the constitutional process creates conducive conditions for a referendum scheduled for 16 March 2013. Cabinet urges Zimbabwean citizens to participate in the referendum to help pave the way for holding peaceful and credible elections in Zimbabwe.

1.4 Cabinet welcomed the issuing of unabridged birth certificates to parents of new born babies by the Department of Home Affairs. The unabridged birth certificates are more secure and reliable and will also contain details of both parents including their ID numbers.

1.5 Cabinet commended the announcement by the Minister of Public Service and Administration of the establishment of the Anti-Corruption Bureau. This will assist in fastracking the processing of the disciplinary cases within the public service and curb corruption. This campaign will contribute towards the attainment of a capable state, which is a key element in the implementation of the National Development Plan. 

1.6 Cabinet noted the Auditor-General’s announcement of the 2011-2012 audit results of the National and Provincial government. Cabinet noted the regression from 31% in 2009-2010 to 22% in 2011-2012 financial years and re-affirms its commitment to deal with all areas of governance through the Operation Clean Audit project. The Operation Clean Audit project aims for unqualified audit opinions for all municipalities and government departments. Cabinet also noted the entities that have achieved clean audits and encouraged their good practices to be shared.

1.7 Cabinet commended the Department of Higher Education and Training (DHET) and the Department of International Relations and Cooperation (DIRCO) for successfully hosting the fifth BRICS Academic Forum that took place from 10 to 13 March 2013 in Durban, KwaZulu-Natal under the theme: “BRICS and Africa: Partnership for Development, Integration and Industrialisation”.

The BRICS Academic Forum was formed out of recognition of the importance of ideas in the realisation of the vision and objectives of BRICS.  It is the brain-trust that serves to enrich policy development within BRICS and in the BRICS countries. Cabinet also noted the state of readiness to host the Summit and that the preparations are at an advance stage. The fifth BRICS Summit will take place from 26 to 28 March 2013 in Durban, KwaZulu-Natal.

1.8 Cabinet re-affirmed its commitment to education as government’s apex priority. It acknowledged the many achievements of the current administration under the leadership of Minister Angie Motshekga and in particular noted the smooth opening of the 2013 school calendar year, continuous accessibility of education for all South African learners, the significant improvement in the 2012 National Senior Certificate results, the progress in Mathematics and Language achievement as measured by the Annual National Assessments and the steady progress of the department in addressing infrastructural backlogs.

These achievements point to a system that has turned the corner. Cabinet re-iterates its support for Minister Angie Motshekga in her endeavours to improve the quality of education.  Under her leadership the country has a better understanding of the challenges facing our education system.  This has enabled government to provide realistic solutions.  Our education is improving steadily.

Cabinet also conveyed its appreciation to all dedicated and committed teachers who work tirelessly in service of our children and our nation. It congratulated, in particular, all the winning teachers of the 2012 annual National Teaching Awards.

1.9 Cabinet has noted with concern the recent develops at the SABC, SAA and Eskom.  The line Ministers have been mandated to engage with the respective institutions and report back to Cabinet as soon as possible.

1.10 Cabinet noted the recommendations by the Commission for the Remuneration of Public Office Bearers to adjust the salary of the Magistrates by 5.5%.  The recommendation is being referred to the National Council of Provinces (NCOP) for further processing.  Cabinet wishes to assure the public that the administration of justice will not be affected whilst this matter is being resolved through the parliamentary process.

1.11 Cabinet commends the participation of South Africa in the signing of the Peace, Security and Co-operation Framework for the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) and its region.   The Framework creates a regional oversight mechanism to review implementation of the commitments that regional states have made towards peace in the region.

2. Key Cabinet discussions and decisions

2.1 Cabinet noted and endorsed the progress made in the implementation of the 12 Outcomes of the respective Service Delivery Agreements between October and December 2012. Respective Cluster Ministers will in the next two weeks brief members of the media on the content of the reports and elaborate on the progress made. 

2.2 Cabinet approved the 2013/14 – 2015/16 Industrial Policy Action Plan (IPAP).The plan  builds on successive iterations of IPAP and reflects continuous improvements and strengthening of concrete industrial development interventions. IPAP 2013/14-2015/16 is the fifth iteration of the Industrial Policy Action Plan and it covers the last full financial year (2011/2012).

Successive iterations of IPAP seek to scale up key interventions over a rolling three year period, with a ten year outlook on desired economic outcomes. IPAP 2013/14 is informed by the vision set out by the National Development Plan (NDP). It is located within and provides one of the key pillars of the New Growth Path (NGP). The more specific industrial policy framework for IPAP is provided by the National Industrial Policy Framework (NIPF) adopted by government in 2007. Minister Davies will provide further details at the launch that is scheduled for 4 April 2013. 

2.3 Cabinet approved the release of the report of the Task Team on Community Education and Training Centres for public comment. In 2011, the Minister of Higher Education and Training established a Task Team whose brief was to investigate an appropriate institutional form, besides FET Colleges and Universities, that would adequately cater for the needs of the more than a million youths and adults who in 2007  had less than Grade 12 educational attainment.

The Task Team has recommended, among others, the establishment of a third-tier institutional form in the form of “Community Colleges”, which will be incorporated to the current Adult Learning Centres.  Minister of Higher Education will provide a fuller briefing on the matter in the next week.

2.4 Cabinet approved the hosting of the International Co-operative Alliance (ICA) General Assembly and World Conference to be held at the Cape Town International Convention Centre, during the week of 1 to 5 November 2013. The ICA is a 118 years old non-profit association with membership in around 97 countries. This will be its first conference held in Africa.

The conference brings together co-operatives from around the world to share experiences and network as part of transferring knowledge and building partnerships. The theme of the conference is Co-operative Decade: Growing the Co-operative Movement.

3. Bills

3.1 Cabinet approved the release of the Expropriation Bill for public comment.  The Bill will repeal the current Expropriation Act of 1975, which outlines compliance with the Constitution on issues of property expropriation. The review of the Expropriation Act, 1975 became necessary to ensure consistency with the spirit and provisions of the Constitution, 1996. The draft Expropriation Bill, 2013 thereby seeks to achieve certainty and give guidance to those involved in or subject to, an expropriation process, both for the state, as well as a private individual.

3.2 Cabinet approved the release of the Licensing of Businesses Bill.  The Bill will repeal the current Licensing of Businesses Act of 1991 and will provide a simple and enabling framework for procedures for application of business licences by setting norms and standards. Although the Ministers of Trade & Industry and Tourism administer the Act, its implementation and enforcement is entirely the responsibility of the Administrator. Once the Bill is gazetted Minister Rob Davies will hold a media briefing to appraise the South African public.

4. Appointments

4.1 Cabinet approved the re-appointment of two non-executive directors and appointed seven new Executive Directors to the Council for Mineral Technology Board (MINTEK) for a period of three years with effect from 1 April 2013 to 31 March 2016:

Adv Linda Makatini (Chairperson)
Prof Francis William Petersen
Dr Vuyelwa Toni Penxa
Ms Nompumelelo Zikalala
Dr Nkongwana Stoffel Nhlapho
Ms Khomotso Ramasela-Mthimunye
Adv Derrick Block (Re-appointment for three years)
Ms Cathy Leso
Mr Imraan Patel (Re-appointment for three years)

4.2 Cabinet approved the appointment and re-appointment of the following members to serve on the National Metrology Institute of South Africa (NMISA) Board for a period of five years with effect from 14 May 2013 to 13 May 2018:

Dr Cleopas Sanangura
Ms Tumelo Faith Seaketso
Ms Jabu Vuyiswa Mogadime
Prof. Prins Nevhutalu (Re-appointment)
Mr Thembani Bukula (Re-appointment)
Dr Tshenge Demana (Re-appointment)
Ms Tshidi Molala (Re-appointment)
Dr Rudzani Nemutudi (Re-appointment)
Mr Tshokolo Nong (Re-appointment)

4.3. Cabinet further approved the following appointments:

Mr Mbulelo Tshangana, Deputy Director-General: Project Management Unit Department of Human Settlement.

Ambassador Ebrahim Mohamed Saley, Deputy Director-General: Africa Bilateral Department of International Relations and Cooperation.

Advocate Yolisa Judith Maya, Deputy Director-General: American and Caribbean Department of International Relations and Cooperation.

Ms Karen Helen Van Rensburg, Deputy Director-General: Corporate Services Department of Justice and Constitutional Development.

Ms Veliswa Baduza, Director-General Department for Women, Children and People with Disabilities.


Phumla Williams (Acting Cabinet Spokesperson)
Cell: 083 501 0139

Issued by: Government Communication and Information System (GCIS)
14 March 2013





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