Joint Communiqué issued on the occasion of the State Visit to the Republic of Namibia by His Excellency, Jacob Gedleyihlekisa Zuma, President of the Republic of South Africa

1. At the invitation of the H.E Hifikepunye Pohamba, President of the Republic of Namibia, H.E Jacob Gedleyihlekisa Zuma, President of the Republic of South Africa, paid a State Visit to the Republic of Namibia, which coincided with the inauguration of the Bi-National Commission from 6 to 7 November 2013.

2. His Excellency, President Zuma and his delegation were warmly welcomed on arrival at the Hosea Kutako International Airport by Hon. Netumbo Nandi-Ndaitwah, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Namibia and Senior Government Officials. Colourful welcoming ceremonies took place at the following day at State House, where His Excellency, President Hifikepunye Pohamba, Cabinet Ministers and members of the Diplomatic Corps warmly greeted the Honoured Guest. His Excellency, President Zuma and his delegation were also warmly welcomed by the public and cultural groups.

3. The two Presidents discussed the most severe drought affecting Namibia in 30 years. In this regard, H.E President Jacob Zuma, in solidarity with the Government and people of Namibia pledged a package of support from the South African Government totalling R100 million.

4. During their official talks, the two Presidents reviewed a wide range of bilateral, regional and international issues. On regional issues, the two Presidents exchange views on the prevailing political, economic, and security situation in the SADC region. In particular they welcomed the positive developments in the DRC, the peaceful conduct of elections in the Kingdom of Swaziland and Madagascar and expressed concern about the emerging instability on the Africa Continent. With regard to Mozambique, the two Presidents condemned the recent resurgence of armed violence activities by RENAMO and further urged RENAMO to cease these activities. They expressed support to the Government and the people of Mozambique.

5. The two Presidents reaffirmed their support to the people of Western Sahara in their quest for self-determination. They further reiterated their support for a sovereign State of Palestine.

6. The two Presidents re-affirmed their commitment to work together in pursuit of regional economic integration. They also expressed great satisfaction at the excellent and fraternal relations that exist between the two countries and committed themselves to further enhance these historical and fraternal relations for the mutual benefit of their respective countries and peoples.

7. The two Presidents acknowledged the deepening bilateral cooperation between the two countries. The Heads of State Economic Bilateral Meeting which focused on economic cooperation was replaced by the Bi-National Commission that will take on a new format of cooperation which will include more bilateral sectors such as education, gender, health, fisheries, lands, ICT and culture under the same framework for bilateral meetings between the two Presidents.

8. The Bi-National Commission is divided in to 4 Sectoral Committees in the various sectors of co-operation, namely

i) Diplomatic Committee
ii) Economic Committee
iii) Social Committee
iv) Defence and Security Committee

9. H.E President Zuma was accorded the honour to address the Namibian National Assembly during which he expressed profound appreciation of the historical and fraternal relations between the fraternal peoples of Namibia and South Africa.

10. H.E President Zuma extended an invitation to H.E President Pohamba for the next Bi-National Commission in South Africa. In this regard, H.E President Pohamba accepted the invitation to visit South Africa in 2014 on a date to be mutually determined through diplomatic channels.

11. His Excellency, President Zuma expressed his gratitude and appreciation to His Excellency, President Pohamba, the Government and the People of Namibia for the warm and generous hospitality accorded to him and his delegation during the visit.

Windhoek, 07 November 2013

For enquiries please contact Mr Clayson Monyela, Spokesperson for the Department of International Relations and Cooperation, at 082 884 5974.

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