Statement on the Cabinet Meeting of 5 November 2014

1. Key Cabinet decisions

1.1. Cabinet approved the 16 Days of Activism Campaign under the theme “Count Me In: Together Moving a Non-Violent South Africa forward”.

This year (2014) marks the 16th anniversary of this campaign which aims to continue generating awareness on the protection of women and children with more focus on mobilizing men and partnering with them to also assist in the fight against this scourge of violence on women and children.

The campaign will be launched on 25th of November until the 10th December 2014. Beyond the 16 Days of Activism, there is a year-long programme which will monitor and evaluate the extent to which lives have improved through the implementation of laws and programmes aimed at eradicating violence against women and children.

1.2. Cabinet was briefed on the progress report on developing a model for Citizen-based Monitoring.

A pilot project focuses on building the capacity of government to elicit the views of citizens as part of its monitoring mechanism. The pilot will use existing programmes such as the Community Works Programme and the Community Development Workers programme to upscale the citizen-based monitoring over the Medium Term Strategic Framework period.

The pilot focused on the following key sector departments: South African Police Service, the Departments of Health and Social Development and the South African Social Security Agency. This will be extended to other sectors over the course of the Medium Term Strategic Framework period.

1.3. Cabinet approved the deployment of 140 members of the South African Police Service (SAPS) to the Kingdom of Lesotho for the initial period of ninety days; with an extension should it be required.

Immediate SADC intervention was required in the Kingdom of Lesotho following the escalating tensions and the subsequent deterioration of political and security situation in August 2014. The SADC intervention is aimed in particular at the attainment of long term political and security stability.

The SADC Troika on Politics, Defence and Security of which South Africa is the Chair requested the South African government to support the implementation of the Roadmap of the kingdom of Lesotho.

The deployment of 140 SAPS members commenced on 2 September 2014 and is expected to end on 30 November 2014, should no extension be required. South Africa deployed the Police in Lesotho in terms of the South African Police Service Act 1995; (Act No. 68 of 1995) provides that the National Commissioner of the South African Police Service may deploy police members outside the borders of the Republic, with the permission of the Minister. Since the members will be deployed under the SADC mandate there will be no Memorandum of Understanding between South Africa and the Government of Lesotho.

1.4. Cabinet approved the negotiating mandate for the South African delegation attending the Joint 10th Conference of the Parties (COP) to the Vienna Convention and the 26th Meeting of the Parties (MOP) to the Montreal Protocol on Substance that Deplete the Ozone Layer (COP10-MOP26), 17-21 November 2014 in Paris, France.

The Vienna Convention and the Montreal Protocol were established by the United Nations Environment Programme with the objective of protecting the Ozone layer. The protection of the environment for present and future generations is a priority and also the protection of the ozone layer. The primary aim is to work towards environmentally sound management of chemicals in a sustainable manner.

1.5. Cabinet approved the establishment of the Transport Sector Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment Charter Council to monitor and evaluate implementation of the Black Economic Empowerment targets.

2. Implementation of Key Government Programmes

2.1. Cabinet welcomed President Jacob Zuma’s Siyahlola Service Delivery Monitoring Visit to the Mopani District, Giyani in Limpopo Province. Service delivery programmes resulted in water being provided to 55 villages in this district and the refurbishment of the Giyani Water Treatment Works, which increased capacity to an additional 6.7 Megalitres per day. This provision of water will improve sanitation and consequently have a positive impact on the health and wellbeing of residents.

2.2. Cabinet welcomed the initiative led by Deputy President Cyril Ramaphosa that brought together the constituency of National Economic Development and Labour Council on 4 November 2014 to find amicable solutions to workplace conflict at the Labour Relations Indaba.

The delegates attending the Indaba declared as follows, “that constituencies recognise the challenges of unemployment, poverty and inequality facing the South African economy and society. Notwithstanding any challenges which may constrain current social dialogue, the Nedlac constituencies recognise Nedlac as the key structure under which social dialogue is conducted, and therefore the custodian of any processes that may follow the Labour Relations Indaba (Indaba).

The indaba social partners that it will be a launch of a process of engagement, through task teams, that will identify ways of addressing the key challenges considered during the Indaba. A detailed roadmap of the process will be developed within two months of the Indaba, and the deliberations will begin during January 2015.

Cabinet is confident that such engagements between government, business, labour and civil society will contribute to higher economic growth.  

2.3. Cabinet welcomed the Deputy President Cyril Ramphosa’s intervention in the reported eviction in the Western Cape farms. His meetings with farmers and workers have yielded fruits in this regard.

2.4. Cabinet welcomed the successful Ministerial working visit to the United Kingdom led by Minister in the Presidency, Jeff Radebe, from 27 to 28 October 2014. The programme, which included the innovaBRICS Conference and Chatham House in London, provided government and South African business leaders with an opportunity to promote South Africa as a prime business destination.

2.5. Cabinet welcomed the Auditor General briefing on the audit outcomes of the National and provincial government 2013/14 as this is part of government’s efforts to ensure good governance. Government will take steps for remedial action in cases where weaknesses were identified by the audit.

3. Cabinet’s Position on Current Issues

3.1. Cabinet welcomed the World Bank Report (South African Economic Update’s 6th report, with a special focus on fiscal policy and redistribution) which indicated that South Africa had achieved a lot in the last 20 years. The South Africa Economic Update, released on Tuesday, 04 November 2014, found that SA’s fiscal policies are cutting the rates of poverty and inequality, and that tax and social benefits are effectively redistributing income from rich to poor.  The report showed that fiscal policy is very progressive in South Africa as it benefits the poor. The report also indicates that these fiscal policies have lifted 3.6-million people out of poverty in 2010/11.

3.2. Cabinet has noted the current challenges with electricity that are caused by technical and infrastructure problems in some of our power stations. Cabinet therefore calls on all South Africans to assist in saving electricity as the country's power grid is under severe strain. Cabinet would like to reassure South Africans that everything is being done to address these problems.

3.2. Cabinet noted the Quarterly Labour Force Survey which showed official unemployment during the third quarter of this year at 25.4 per cent up from 24.7 per cent in the same period a year ago highlighting the need for optimal economic performance so that we are able to address the triple challenge of unemployment, poverty and inequality.

Cabinet reassures South Africans that addressing unemployment remains government’s top priority. While Public Employment Programmes continue to yield results, Cabinet calls on all the social partners to work with government to intensify efforts to create jobs and finding short and long term solutions to the challenge of unemployment.

3.3. Cabinet welcomed the recent rating upgrade of the Industrial Development Cooperation (IDC) by the Fitch Ratings Agency.

3.4. Cabinet conveys its condolences to the government and people of the Republic of Zambia following the passing of President Michael Chilufya Sata.

3.5. Cabinet is saddened by the death of four of the country’s sporting stars and conveys its condolences to the families and friends of professional boxer Phindile Mwelase, Olympic gold medalist Mbulaeni Mulaudzi, former Springbok player Tinus Linee and Bafana Bafana captain Senzo Meyiwa. Public support for the memorial services and the heartfelt outpouring of emotion united us in our grief as we remember our sporting heroes.

3.6. Cabinet also applauded the speedy arrest of one suspect by the South African Police Service last week in the murder of Bafana Bafana captain Senzo Meyiwa and also urges communities to continue working with the Police to bring all suspects to book.

Cabinet welcomes the nine life sentences meted out to Ntokozo Hadebe for his heinous crimes against three young girls in Diepsloot, Johannesburg, as well as the 315-year prison sentence given to Mhlonishwa Elias Mathebula for his reign of terror in Kwazulu Natal. From 2008 - 2013, Mathebula accosted females on the South Coast, mainly Umzinto, Hibberdene, Dududu and Msinsi by stalking and raping 18 victims, aged from 14 to 40.

These sentences send a strong message to criminals that acts of criminality will not be tolerated.

3.7. Cabinet assures South Africans that government is doing everything possible to keep everyone safe and calls on communities to assist the police by reporting criminal activities in their area.

3.8. Cabinet reiterates that the health and port authorities remain on high alert to identify and contain Ebola. To date approximately 525 health and laboratory workers at 13 hospitals (including the 11 designated facilities) and approximately 270 officials at nine high risk ports of entry were trained to deal with any eventualities.

3.9. Cabinet congratulates H.E. President Lt. General Ian Khama Seretse Khama, leader of the Botswana Democratic Party, on his re-election as President of the Republic of Botswana, following the successful elections on 24 October 2014.

3.10. Cabinet congratulates H.E. Ms Dilma Rousseff, of the Workers Party on her successful re-election as President of the Federative Republic of Brazil following the successful elections in 26 October 2014.

3.11. Cabinet wishes the new Governor of the South African Reserve Bank, Lesetja Kganyago well as he assumes his position on 9 November 2014. Cabinet also expresses its gratitude to the outgoing Governor Gill Marcus for steering monetary policy well in difficult economic times.

3.12. Cabinet congratulates Chad Le Clos as one of the two overall winners of the FINA (Fédération Internationale de Natation) Swimming World Cup Series which ended in Singapore.

4. Upcoming events

4.1. President Jacob Zuma will attend the G20 Summit in Brisbane, Australia, from 15 to 16 November 2014. As the only African country represented in the G20, South Africa’s membership provides an opportunity to influence key international policies that could have an impact on our economy, the region and the continent.

4.2. The SADC facilitator and Deputy President Cyril Ramaphosa will pay a visit to Lesotho from 05 – 06 November as part of efforts to consolidate peace and security in the Kingdom. This follows the recent signing of the Maseru facilitation declaration and the Maseru security accord which lays a basis for the return of Lesotho to political normalcy and the stabilization of the security situation in the country.

4.3. Cabinet welcomes the launch of the Mashunka and Ngubo Bridge, the Tugela Ferry Irrigation Scheme and uMsinga auction facilities in Msinga, KwaZulu-Natal, on 8 November 2014 by the Department of Rural Development and Land Reform.

The Tugela Ferry Irrigation Scheme will assist 1 716 small-holder farmers and the uMsinga livestock sales yard will create employment opportunities. The bridge over the Tugela River will better connect the Mashunka and Ngubo communities to services and economic opportunities. These rural infrastructure and development projects are in line with government’s aim to build vibrant, equitable and sustainable rural communities.

4.4. The Department of Environmental Affairs, together with the Inter-Governmental Committee on Climate Change, will hold a conference on South Africa’s National Climate Change Response between 10 and 13 November 2014 at the Gallagher Convention Centre, Midrand, under the theme: “South Africa is transitioning to a lower carbon and climate resilient economy and society.” To this effect, Cabinet reiterated South Africa’s commitment to develop a lower carbon economy and build on the successes of the Durban climate change conference

5. Appointments

5.1. Cabinet noted the following appointments:

a. Mr M Sachs – Deputy Director General  - Budget Office

b. Mr AF Julies – Deputy Director General – Asset and Liability Management

5.2. Cabinet noted the appointment of the following members to the Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment Charter Council:

a) Mr Randall Barry Howard (Charter Council Chairperson),

b) Mr Ismail Noormahomed Essa (Public Sector)

c) Ms Fusi Makhasane (Small Business Organisations)

d) Ms Ntokozo Jennifer Sabelo (Maritime Transport Services)

e) Ms Hlamalani Baloyi (Youth representative)

f) Mr Colgate Nangu (Forwarding and Cleaning)

g) Ms Cleo Shiceka (Rail)

h) Ms Sibongile Sambo (Domestic Aviation)

i) Abner Ramokgolo (Road Freight)

j) Ms Joy Sebenzile Matsebula (People Living with Disabilities)

k) Ms Verlene Manuel (Bus Commuter and Coach Services)

l) Mr Herry Tshamunwe Masindi (Organised labour)

m) Ms Carol-Anne Cairns (Foreign-owned Airlines)

n) Mr Philip Taaibosch (Taxi)

o) Ms Mary Phadi (Women Organisations)

p) Mr Stephen Sangweni (Commuter Organisations)


Mr Donald Liphoko
Cell: 082 901 0766

Issued by Department of Communications
6 November 2014



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