Statement on behalf of the Group of 77 and China at the Stocktaking Session of the 10th Part of the 2nd Session of the Ad Hoc Working Group on the Durban Platform for Enhanced Action (ADP2-10), Bonn, Germany, 2 September 2015
I have the honour to deliver this statement on behalf of the Group of 77 and China.
The Group wishes to thank you for responding to the call by developing countries to hold this stocktaking session this afternoon.
Given the urgent need to accelerate the pace of our work, we feel that this is an appropriate moment to assess what needs to be done to ensure that we make the best possible use of the little time that remains in this session in order for us to commence real negotiations and to have a solid basis for the October negotiating session.
To achieve this, it is important to adopt work methods that are consistent, clear and effective and to follow a process that will continue to ensure Party ownership of this process and the outcome it will deliver here in Bonn.
We acknowledge and welcome that some progress has been made in some of the facilitation and spin-off groups during these three days. However, this progress has been uneven and in some groups the work has still not progressed beyond the conceptual debates we have been having for years. A step-change in the process is therefore needed.
The Group is of the view that this step-change can be made if the Co-Chairs give clear and consistent terms of reference to all the co-facilitators and mandates to capture the progress made so far. Although we are well aware that a degree of flexibility is required to take into account the different nature of the issues discussed in the various facilitation and spin-off groups, consistency of approach and methodology is essential in order to progress effectively.
The mandate we propose that the co-facilitators be given is to consider concepts and capture textual proposals by Parties on all sections in the facilitated discussions. They would further work on placement of elements and bridging proposals as an outcome of our discussion. Spin-off groups can be useful in this process. It should be noted, however, that many Parties have small delegations, particularly in light of the current budgetary crisis that has deprived many developing countries of their right to be adequately represented in this process. It is therefore essential to keep the number of spin-offs, if required, to reasonable numbers and to provide information on the room assignment well in advance.
The facilitation groups should further address the issue of the imbalances in the current Co-Chairs’ Tool by identifying elements currently reflected in Part 3 of that document and that need to be included in the core Paris Agreement and COP decisions, without prejudging any subsequent negotiations.
In conclusion, we need clarity on the intended outcome of the session. In particular we need you, the Co-Chairs, to explain how you intend to capture the progress made at the end of this week and what your plans are to ensure that we have a solid basis for negotiation for the October session.
We wish to assure you of the Group’s continued support and our determination to continue the constructive approach we have followed.