In the name of God

Communiqué of the 12th Joint Commission between the Islamic Republic of Iran and the Republic of South Africa, Tehran, 10-11 May 2015 (20-21 Ordibehesht 1394)

1- At the invitation of His Excellency Dr. Mohammad Javad Zarif, the Honourable Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Her Excellency Ms. Maite Nkoana-Mashabane, the Honourable Minister of International Relations and Cooperation of the Republic of South Africa, paid an official visit to the Islamic Republic of Iran on 10-11 May 2015 (20-21 Ordibehesht 1394) in order to co-chair the 12th Meeting of the Joint Commission.

2- During the visit, Dr. Mohammad Javad Zarif and Ms. Maite Nkoana-Mashabane held discussions and led their respective delegations to the meeting of the Joint Commission. Her Excellency Ms. Maite Nkoana-Mashabane also paid a courtesy call on His Excellency Dr. Hassan Rohani, President of the Islamic Republic of Iran, and conveyed the good wishes of His Excellency Jacob Zuma, President of the Republic of South Africa, to the Government and People of the Islamic Republic of Iran. Minister Maite Nkoana-Mashabane also paid a courtesy call on the Speaker of the Majlis (the Islamic Consultative Assembly) His Excellency Dr. Ali Larijani, accompanied by the South African Parliamentary delegation. Minister Maite Nkoana-Mashabane conveyed the good wishes of the Speaker of the National Assembly of the South African Parliament, Her Excellency Ms. Baleka Mbete, to the Speaker and the Members of the Majlis.

3- In their remarks at the Joint Commission, both Ministers expressed their satisfaction with the strong relationship that exists between the Islamic Republic of Iran and South Africa, as well as the progress made since the 11th Joint Commission which was held in Pretoria in 2013, to strengthen political, economic and cultural ties between the two countries. Both Ministers expressed the desire to see the relationship being further expanded and consolidated.

4- Minister Zarif reiterated the invitation extended to President Zuma by President Rohani to visit the Islamic Republic of Iran at his earliest convenience. Minister Maite Nkoana-Mashabane reaffirmed President Zuma's desire to visit the Islamic Republic of Iran in early 2016. The Minister also informed the meeting that the Deputy President of the Republic of South Africa, Mr. Cyril Ramaphosa, will undertake an official visit to the Islamic Republic of Iran during the last quarter of 2015.

5- It was also recognized that the 5th Deputy Ministerial Working Group, which met in Pretoria in September 2014, contributed significantly to the good relations and interaction that exist between the Islamic Republic of Iran and the Republic of South Africa. It was agreed that the 6th Deputy Ministerial Working Group should be held in Tehran.

6- A large trade and business delegation from the private and public sectors of the Republic of South Africa accompanied H.E. Ms. Maite Nkoana-Mashabane during her visit to the Islamic Republic of Iran. The Chamber of Commerce, Industry, Mine and Agriculture of the Islamic Republic of Iran conducted a one day Business Forum where the business community interacted and exchanged views on trade and investment opportunities. The Forum was formally opened by Minister Maite Nkoana-Mashabane. On the same day, the said delegation participated in a meeting organized by H.E. Afkhami, Deputy Minister of Trade, Mine and Industry of the Islamic Republic of Iran, in the Iranian Trade Development Organization (ITDO) exchanged views and discussed ways and means of promoting the volume of trade between the two countries with their counterparts.   

7- A delegation of three members of the South African Parliament also accompanied the Minister to the Joint Commission. The Parliamentary delegation met the Speaker of the Iranian Majlis (the Islamic Consultative Assembly) as well as their counterparts in the Parliamentary Commission on Foreign Relations.

8- Prior to the meeting of the Honourable Ministers, the Working Groups reviewed the decisions taken during the 11th Meeting of the Joint Commission held in Pretoria and expressed their satisfaction with the progress that had been achieved. Both parties also discussed the following issues:

A- Political and Social:


9- The two sides exchanged views on their bilateral relations and expressed the importance the two countries attach to their strategic bilateral relationship. They agreed to continue working together to intensify collaboration and strengthen cooperation in all areas of mutual interest as reflected in discussions of the following Working Groups, namely:

  • Political and Social
  • Economic and Technical
  • Energy
  • Finance and Banking
  • Science and Technology
  • Agriculture
  • Water and Sanitation 

10- Working Groups were guided by the following principles:

  • Assess the current areas of cooperation and the implementation status thereof. Review the progress achieved since the last JC
  • Identify key areas of future cooperation
  • Determine deliverable projects/programs that are time-bound and outcome-based
  • Stipulate/identify responsible individuals/entities/focal points for both countries in order to secure implementation
  • Identify challenges if any and propose possible solutions and high-level political intervention if required
  • Each Working Group is to identify at least one or two achievable projects within the short term


11- Both parties agreed to create a Working Group to explore collaboration in the area of security.

12- Possible areas for cooperation include information exchange, regional security, border controls, narco-trafficking, human trafficking, disaster risk management, international organized crime as well as terrorism and extremism. 

Nuclear Talks between the Islamic Republic of Iran and the P5+1:

13- Both countries stressed that all state parties to the NPT have the inalienable right to develop research, production and use of nuclear energy for peaceful purposes. The choices and decisions in this regard should be respected without prejudice and should not negatively affect its policies or international cooperation agreements and arrangements for the peaceful use of nuclear energy and its fuel-cycle policies within the framework of the NPT.

14- South Africa congratulated the Islamic Republic of Iran for the positive manner in which it has been conducting the nuclear talks with the P5+1 and welcomed the political framework agreement reached in April 2015. It further expressed the hope that a final comprehensive agreement will be reached soon and all sanctions lifted without delay.

Human Rights:

15- The two sides agreed to strengthen their bilateral cooperation in the field of human rights in the international fora in particular at the United Nations in New York and Geneva. They further agreed to promote the role of the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) in pursuing the NAM common positions in the Human Rights Council as well as issues of high priority for the NAM Member States.

16- The two sides expressed their concerns over the rise of racial discrimination globally, and called upon all countries to genuinely implement the Durban Declaration and Plan of Action. They emphasized that, despite efforts in this regard, millions of human beings continue to be victims of marginalization, racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance, including in their contemporary manifestations.

Women and Family Affairs:

17- The two parties welcomed cooperation in the field of women and family affairs and emphasized the willingness to further enhance bilateral cooperation in this area. The Iranian side presented a draft "Memorandum of Understanding on Cooperation in the area of Women and Family Affairs". The South African side agreed to consider and respond to the MOU at the earliest convenience. Once agreed by both parties, the MOU will be signed by the Vice President for Women and Family Affairs of the Islamic Republic of Iran and the Ministry of Women in the Presidency of South Africa.


18- Emphasizing both countries commitment and potentials in the area of youth, the parties support mutual cooperation through regular exchange of delegations as well as to discuss an MOU.


19- Emphasizing the development of relations in sport, the two parties agreed to support mutual cooperation in the field of sport through exploring the signing of an MOU as well as exchange of delegations.

Cultural Heritage, Handicrafts and Tourism:

20- The Iranian Cultural Heritage, Handicrafts and Tourism Organization announced its readiness to negotiate with South Africa in order to finalize a new MOU on Tourism.

21- The Iranian Cultural Heritage, Handicrafts and Tourism Organization indicated its willingness to develop scientific and practical cooperation between the two countries in the field of Cultural Heritage, including best practice, skills development and exchange programs.

22- The Iranian Cultural Heritage, Handicrafts and Tourism Organization also confirmed its readiness to enhance cooperation between the two countries in the field of investment and handicrafts.


23- Both sides agreed to promote cooperation between universities including twinning as well as exchanging academics and students.

24- In order to expand and develop scientific and educational cooperation, both the Ministry of Education of the Islamic Republic of Iran and its South African counterpart voiced readiness to discuss an MOU on Education and Training. In this respect, a draft copy of the MOU shall be exchanged through diplomatic channels.

25- Both parties expressed their readiness to exchange experts in various educational and cultural areas.

Archives and the National Library:

26- Emphasizing the need for further cooperation between the two sides, the Organization for Documents and National Library of the Islamic Republic of Iran submitted a draft MOU for promotion of cooperation to the National Library of the Republic of South Africa. It was decided that the South African side shall consider the draft and inform the Iranian side of its views in order to finalize the MOU. 


27- The two sides agreed to improve the level of mutual relations in the health sector and in particular to discuss collaboration in the following:

  • Pharmaceutical and Medical Equipment
  • Medical Education and Research
  • Hospital Construction and Design
  • Health Tourism
  • Health Systems Management
  • Exchange of Physicians including the extension of work permits for the Iranian Physicians currently working in South Africa

28- Both parties agreed to exchange technical teams to further explore collaboration and cooperation in the above-mentioned areas.


29- The two sides agreed to increase cooperation in the Media sector. The Iranian side provided South Africa with a draft MOU for consideration, discussion and eventual signature.

30- Both parties discussed the exchange of audio-visual programs and committed to encourage commercial exchanges of media and entertainment, including feature films, documentaries and animation.

31- Both sides agreed on skills training workshops in areas of mutual interest.



32- South Africa briefed the meeting on the latest developments in Africa, particularly Agenda 2063, the African Union Road Map on African development. The meeting was informed that South Africa will host the 25th Summit of the African Union on 14-15 June 2015. H.E. Minister Maite Nkoana-Mashabane extended an invitation to H.E. Minister Zarif to attend the Summit both in his capacity as Foreign Minister of the Islamic Republic of Iran and Chair of the Non Aligned Movement.

33- Views were exchanged on peace and security issues in Africa, particularly the situation in South Sudan, Somalia, Central African Republic, Democratic Republic of the Congo and Libya.

34- Discussions also focused on the challenges posed by all terrorist and extremist groups to peace and security in Africa.

The Middle-East (Yemen, Iraq, Palestine and Syria):


35- Expressing their deep concern over the deterioration of the humanitarian situation in Yemen, the two sides called for an immediate cessation of military operations against Yemen and emphasized the necessity of providing critical humanitarian assistance for the Yemeni people. Both parties called for strict adherence to international humanitarian law by all parties involved in the conflict. The two sides also called for the political settlement of the current crisis in Yemen by facilitating and promoting an inclusive Yemeni-led dialogue towards the establishment of a broad-based unity government.


36- The Islamic Republic of Iran and the Republic of South Africa, while recognizing the Syrian People and Government's fight against terrorism, called on all countries and international organizations to give priority to the unfortunate and devastating conditions of the displaced and war-affected Syrian People by taking immediate action to provide humanitarian assistance.

37- The Islamic Republic of Iran and the Republic of South Africa, while supporting political initiatives for the conclusive settlement of the Syrian crisis through Syrian led national dialogue to end the sufferings of the people, emphasized the need to avoid further escalation of violence in that country.

38- Both sides denounced the double standards on the issue of terrorism. They extended their full support to the Syrian People and Government in addressing this heinous phenomenon and called for the intensification of the regional and international collective efforts in combating terrorism. The two sides called upon all countries to adhere to the UN Security Council resolutions in particular resolutions 2170, 2178 and 2199 in the fight against terrorism in Syria.


39- The two sides denounced the aggressive and illegitimate acts by Israel in Occupied Palestine, continuation of the Gaza siege, construction of Jewish settlements and insults against the Holy Sites in Al-Qods. Both sides expressed their support for the continued resistance by the Palestinian People and emphasized the establishment of sustainable peace in the Middle-East, the observance of all fundamental rights of the oppressed Palestinian People, including the rights of the displaced Palestinian People to return to their home-land.


40- The two sides reaffirmed their full support for the Iraqi Government and People in their fight against terrorism. They emphasized the need for the international community to assist Iraq in dealing with the so-called "ISIS" terrorist acts and extremism.


United Nations:

41- Both parties noted that this year marks the 70th anniversary of the founding of the United Nations. They agreed that this presented a unique opportunity to expedite the reform of the United Nations, including the Security Council. The Islamic Republic of Iran expressed its support for Africa to have permanent representation in a reformed United Nations Security Council.

Non-Aligned Movement (NAM):

42- South Africa commended the Islamic Republic of Iran for the able manner in which it continues to chair the NAM. As the current chair of the G77 plus China, South Africa pledged to increase cooperation with the Islamic Republic of Iran as Chair of NAM in addressing issues of regional and multilateral concern.

War Against Violence and Extremism (WAVE):

43- Both parties expressed support for the initiative by H.E. President Dr. Hassan Rohani to promote international solidarity and cooperation through the War Against Violence and Extremism (WAVE). In this regard, they welcomed the endorsement of the WAVE Initiative by the United Nations Security Council (UNSC).    

Indian Ocean Rim Association (IORA):

44- Both parties expressed their support to further strengthen the IORA. They welcomed the establishment of a Core Group on the Ocean Economy. The Islamic Republic of Iran expressed its full support for South Africa as the incoming Chair of the IORA in 2017. South Africa expressed appreciation to the Islamic Republic of Iran for hosting the Regional Center for Science and Technology Transfer (RCSTT) of the IORA. 

Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa (BRICS):

45- The Islamic Republic of Iran welcomed the positive role BRICS is playing in advancing the interests of the South in global affairs. They further welcomed the creation of the New Development Bank and its African Regional Center. The Islamic Republic of Iran expressed its interest to cooperate with BRICS in areas of mutual interest. South Africa, while supporting the idea, agreed to convey the Islamic Republic of Iran's willingness for cooperation to the BRICS countries.

B. Economic and Technical:


46- Both sides assessed the level of economic and commercial relations between the two countries. They emphasized the need to develop strategies to significantly expand trade cooperation. They also agreed to address obstacles and challenges through bilateral exchanges, meetings between companies and the private sectors.

47- The Iranian side announced its readiness to establish an Iranian Trade Center in South Africa in cooperation with the private sector. Both sides agreed to participate in each other's exhibitions.

48- The Iranian side expressed a desire to enter into a Preferential Trade Agreement (PTA) with Southern African Customs Union (SACU). South Africa encouraged the Islamic Republic of Iran to interact directly with the SACU Secretariat.

49- Both sides emphasized the mutual exchange of trade delegations for commercial and industrial development. The Islamic Republic of Iran announced its readiness for a business delegation to visit South Africa in August 2015. South Africa expressed its readiness to cooperate in this regard.

50- Both sides agreed to develop a joint road map to identify short, medium and long term initiatives. The Islamic Republic of Iran provided a draft and South Africa will provide feedback in due course.

51- The Islamic Republic of Iran announced that it will appoint a Commercial Attaché in South Africa to facilitate and further develop mutual cooperation in trade.

52- Both sides agreed to participate in each other’s key sectoral exhibitions, including Mining, Tourism, Capital Equipment, Agro Processing, Oil, Gas and Petrochemicals.

53- Both sides agreed to co-operate in their respective regional blocs including SACU, Southern African Development Cooperation (SADC) and Economic Cooperation Organization (ECO).

54- Both sides agreed to explore an MOU in the field of trade promotion through collaboration between the Iranian Trade Promotion Organization (ITPO) and Trade and Investment South Africa (TISA).


55- Both sides agreed to strengthening information exchanges regarding laws, policies and regulation, as well as project details related to economic and technical cooperation and investments. They agreed to encourage exchange of business delegations across sectors and support companies to explore opportunities for wide-range and high level cooperation.

56- In order to expand mutual relations and promote foreign direct investments, both sides agreed to hold specialized seminars to introduce investment opportunities and projects.

57- In order to enhance economic cooperation, the Iranian side presented South Africa with the following draft MOUs.

  • Public – Private Partnership (PPP) Cooperation
  • Capital Market Cooperation
  • Economic and Technical Cooperation
  • Insurance Cooperation
  • Establishing Joint Investment Committee

The South African side agreed to channel the respective MOUs to the relevant entities and provide feedback within six months.

58- Both sides expressed their willingness to encourage their respective private sectors to participate and prioritize areas such as oil, gas and petrochemical industry, mining, agriculture and infrastructure.

59- Both sides encouraged cooperation on trade financing and underwriting through Export Guarantee Fund of Iran (EGFI) and the Export Credit Insurance Council of South Africa (ECIC).  The Export Guarantee Fund of Iran expressed its willingness to provide credit coverage to potential South African buyers against acceptable guarantees by ECIC.


60- Both sides agreed to explore co-operation on industrial development and technology transfer.

61- Both sides agreed to share expertise to establish and develop industrial and techno parks, negotiate and explore feasibility studies thereof including the development of industrial clusters.

62- Both sides undertook to promote investment in each other's Special Economic Zones and Industrial Parks and serve as focal points for each other's companies in this respect.

63- Both sides agreed on technical cooperation and to draft an MOU to be negotiated and signed within six months.

64- The Islamic Republic of Iran submitted a list of projects and opportunities for investment in the industrial sector and invited South African investors and companies to utilize these opportunities.

Local Economic Development:

65- Both sides agreed to cooperate on the following:

  • Outline a modality for people contribution (Cooperative Governance)
  • Development of urban and rural tourism
  • Smart Transportation and Traffic Systems
  • Water and waste management

66- Both parties agreed to explore twinning arrangements between identified provinces and cities. The Iranian side will provide a list of proposals in this regard.

Cooperatives, Labour, Social Protection:

67- The Ministry of Cooperatives, Labor and Social Welfare expressed its desire to sign an MOU on cooperation in the field of cooperatives and SMEs in the near future.

68- The Ministry of Cooperatives, Labor and Social Welfare proposed a draft MOU on cooperation in the field of “Labor” and “Social Protection”. They expressed their readiness to exchange information and experiences in the fields of labour issues, infrastructure, training and skills development, technical exchanges, as well as economic partnerships in national development projects.

69- South Africa took note of the proposals and undertook to convey it to the relevant entities and will provide a response at the earliest possible time.

Rail Transportation:

70- Both sides agreed to inform each other timely of the holding of exhibitions in the transportation and rail sectors as well as encourage participation therein.

71- Both sides expressed their willingness to exchange experiences in the fields of knowledge design, construction, development of infrastructure, including super structuring, repair and rehabilitation of freight, passenger wagons and electrical machines. They also agreed to the training of technical and engineering personnel including the exchanging of academics and students.

72- Both sides encouraged cooperation in the manufacturing of rolling stocks such as freight wagons, passenger coaches, metro cars, locomotives and bogies. It was agreed that the list of the relevant manufacturers will be exchanged through diplomatic channels.

Maritime Transportation:

73- Both sides agreed to fully implement the Agreed Minutes of the 3rd Joint Port and Maritime Committee. Iran expressed its readiness to host the 4th Session of the Joint Committee.  It was agreed to explore cooperation in the fields of search and rescue, preventing and combating marine environment pollution, maritime transportation and the Ocean Economy.

74- Both sides expressed their commitment to finalize the Memorandum of Understanding on sister-port relationship between the ports of Shahid Rajaee and Durban, which was submitted to the South African side during the 3rd Joint Port and Maritime Committee. Both sides agreed to finalize the MOU in the coming months.

Mining and Geology:

75- Both parties announced their readiness to establish a Joint Committee on Mining and Minerals. They agreed to jointly work on mineral projects, technology and skills transfer, project management, feasibility studies and mining equipment development.

76- Both sides encouraged the conclusion of an MOU for cooperation between the Iranian Mineral Processing Research Center (IMPRC) and South Africa's Mintek.

77- Both parties expressed their readiness to cooperate in implementing joint exploration projects, joint studies on mineral processing, management of natural geological hazards. The two sides also agreed to cooperate in the fields of geology, marine geology and exploration geology and associated equipment.

78- The Islamic Republic of Iran submitted a list of opportunities for investment in the mining sector and industry and invited South African companies and investors to utilize these opportunities.


79- The Ministry of Petroleum of the Islamic Republic of Iran and the Ministry of Energy of the Republic of South Africa, have agreed to cooperate in the following areas:

  • Export and import of crude oil and oil products
  • Supply of mini Liquid Natural Gas (LNG) and mini Gas To Liquids (GTL) feedstock subject to technology transfer and financial documents to be approved by the Iranian Petroleum Ministry
  • Facilitation for investments in mini LNG and mini GTL infrastructure
  • Export of petrochemical products to South Africa
  • Joint Research in petrochemical process and GTL technology
  • Investment and Development in Refinery and petrochemical projects
  • Skills development and knowledge sharing

80- The Ministry of Energy of the Republic of South Africa and the Ministry of Energy of the Islamic Republic of Iran have further agreed to cooperate in the followings:

  • Renewable energy procurement, development and investment
  • Energy efficiency knowledge and product sharing
  • Capacity building of SMEs in the energy sector
  • Manufacturing, maintenance and repair of power turbines
  • Construction of power plants
  • Skills development and knowledge sharing

81- The Ministry of Energy of the Republic of South Africa and the Ministry of Energy and the Ministry of Petroleum of the Islamic Republic of Iran have further agreed to establish two Committees for the purpose of monitoring the implementation of the identified projects, namely:

  • Crude Oil, Gas and Petrochemical Committee
  • Energy Committee

Finance and Banking:

82- Both sides have agreed to enhance relations between financial institutions of the two countries.

83- Both sides noted current impediments to the relationship between their financial sectors mainly due to sanctions, and expressed their willingness for further technical work to address such impediments taking into account the regulatory frameworks and standards governing their financial sectors.

84- Both sides expressed their willingness to strengthen links between the financial sectors of the two countries particularly with regards to the banking sector, in order to further expand mutual trade and investments opportunities between the two countries.

Science and Technology:

85- The Science and Technology Committee discussed cooperation activities under the Science and Technology Agreement signed between the two countries in 2000. In this regard, the South African side extended an invitation to the Iranian Science and Technology Delegation to visit South Africa on the occasion of the 4th Joint Committee on Science and Technology. The objective of the visit will be to discuss a program for cooperation in Science and also to visit the South African Science and Research Institutions.

86- The two sides agreed to develop cooperation in the following areas which will be formalized during the planned 4th Joint Science and Technology Committee in South Africa, namely:

  • Biotechnology
  • Marine and Oceanographic Studies
  • Renewable Energy
  • Agriculture and Food Science
  • Promote human resources and skills development in various fields of cooperation

87- The two sides agreed to organize a workshop in South Africa, preferably during the planned visit to elaborate the above-mentioned areas of cooperation which could result in joint research amongst scientists.

88- In addition, the representative of the Iranian National Institute of Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology (NIGEB) will visit South Africa in the near future to develop cooperation specially in the field of biotechnology with the Universities of Johannesburg, Cape Town, Pretoria and other related institutions.

89- Both sides expressed satisfaction with the agreed steps in strengthening the scientific cooperation between the two countries and are looking forward to the 4th Joint Science and Technology Committee to be held in South Africa in June 2015.


90- The two sides agreed to finalize the draft MOU on Agricultural Cooperation.

91- The two sides acknowledged the areas of cooperation reflected in the Agreed Minutes between the Ministry of Jihad-e-Agriculture of the Islamic Republic of Iran and the Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries of South Africa. This was informed during the meeting between the Deputy Ministers of Agriculture, Dr. Rokni and General Bheki Cele during his visit to the Islamic Republic of Iran on 26 February 2015 implementation of the agreed minutes was reiterated.

92- In addition to the areas identified in the above-mentioned agreed minutes and in collaboration with the South African Department of Trade and Industry, information on investment opportunities in aquaculture will be shared with the Iranian side.

93- South Africa expressed its willingness to facilitate an inward trade and investment mission to South Africa comprised of Iranian companies in the agricultural and agro processing sectors through the Department of Trade and Industry. The Ministry of Jihad-e-Agriculture of the Islamic Republic of Iran will encourage the Iranian business sector to participate in the mission.

94- Both sides expressed mutual willingness to expand trade in fresh produce (fruits and vegetables), meat, seafood, beverages and processed food products.
95- In accordance with the formal invitation received from South Africa, the Iranian Deputy Minister of Jihad-e-Agriculture, Dr. Rokni will undertake an official visit to South Africa in the near future.

96- Both sides agreed to encourage mutual cooperation and participation in exhibitions, seminars, technology transfer, conferences and workshops related to agriculture held in each other’s respective countries.

97- Both sides agreed to exchange information on each other’s capacities (volumes, prices and quality) and trade in agricultural products.

98- Both sides expressed their willingness to dispatch expert delegations to begin negotiations on Agricultural Protocols.

Water and Sanitation:

99- Both parties agreed in principle on the text of the Memorandum of Understanding on Cooperation in the field of Water Resources Management.  They further committed to finalize the MOU through their respective legal processes for signing.

100- Parties have identified opportunities of cooperation in water and sanitation industry in the followings:

  • Water and waste water
  • Hydropower plants, irrigation channels and drainage systems
  • Waste water treatment equipment (pipes, connections, water meters, hydro mechanical valves, etc.)

101- In this regard, both parties agreed to establish a Water and Sanitation Forum under the auspices of the South Africa-Iran Business Forum led by the respective Departments of Trade and Industry in South Africa and the Ministry of Industry, Mine and Trade of the Islamic Republic of Iran and further to commit to collaborate and expand trade in the appropriate areas.

102- Both parties agreed to collaborate on water related knowledge and experience sharing including their readiness to exchange required skills.

103- South Africa identified the need to exchange technical expertise (engineering skills) in the area of infrastructure development. This will be discussed further during the Iranian delegation's visit to South Africa.


104- The South African Delegation, led by Minster Maite Nkoana-Mashabane, expressed its deep gratitude to Minster Zarif and the Government and People of Iran for the warm hospitality extended during the visit.

105- Both parties agreed that the next session of the Joint Commission will be held in South Africa at a mutually agreed date. 

106- This communiqué was signed on 11th May 2015 (21 Ordibehesht 1394) in Tehran, in two copies, each in Persian and English.


    For the Republic of South Africa                For the Islamic Republic of Iran
 H.E. Ms. Maite Nkoana-Mashabane             H.E. Dr. Mohammad Javad Zarif
Minister of International Relations                    Minister of Foreign Affairs
               and Cooperation                                    




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