Joint Communiqué on the occasion of the State Visit to South Africa by His Excellency, Mr Filipe Jacinto Nyusi, President of the Republic of Mozambique

1. At the invitation of the President of the Republic of South Africa, His Excellency, Mr Jacob Gedleyihlekisa Zuma, the President of the Republic of Mozambique, His Excellency, Mr Filipe Jacinto Nyusi paid a State Visit to South Africa from 21- 23 October 2015.

2. His Excellency, President Filipe Nyusi was accompanied by Ministers, Senior Government Officials and a Business delegation and similarly President Zuma was supported by Ministers and government officials.

3. During the official talks, the two Heads of State reviewed a wide range of bilateral, regional and international issues. They expressed satisfaction at the strong bilateral relations existing between the two countries and reiterated their commitment to continue to enhance these relations.

4. The two leaders noted with appreciation the expansive nature of the bilateral cooperation which includes, amongst others; trade and investment, energy, agriculture, tourism, infrastructure development, mining, defence and security, immigration, environment, transport and communications.

5. During the official talks, the two Heads of State commended the ongoing cooperation on anti-poaching between the two countries and noted that the signing of the MoU in April 2014 on Bio-diversity conservation and management has given new impetus to cooperation in wildlife management and fight against the scourge of wildlife pouching.

6. They welcomed the inauguration of the South Africa-Mozambique Bi-National Commission as a framework that will consolidate the strategic partnership consistent with the historical, political, economic, social and cultural ties that exist between the two countries and peoples.

7. The two Presidents directed the various Committees under the Bi-national Commission to meet regularly and expedite the implementation of strategic projects aimed at sustainable development and the well-being of the people of the two countries.

8. The Heads of State addressed a Business Forum on 22 October 2015, which was attended by heads of parastatals as well as captains of industry and heads of business organisations from the two countries. The Forum agreed to strengthen economic cooperation through increased trade and investment for the mutual benefit of the people of the two countries.

9. The two Heads of State also exchanged views on the political and security developments in the region. In this regard, they reaffirmed their commitment to working together in pursuit of sustainable peace and stability in the region.

10. His Excellency, President Jacob Zuma, congratulated His Excellency, President Filipe Nyusi on his assumption of the Chairmanship of the SADC Organ on Politics, Defence and Security Cooperation and in this regard, reassured him of the support of the Government of South Africa.

11. Both Presidents welcomed the holding of elections in Tanzania as a sign of deepening of democracy in the region and wished its people successful and peaceful elections on 25 October 2015.

12. Furthermore, they expressed their concern on the continuing peace and security challenges in the Continent, particularly the emergence of extremism and terrorism and highlighted the need for coordinated and collaborative Continental efforts to deal with these challenges.

13. The two Heads of State condemned the growing occurrence of the killings of Albinos in some countries on the Continent and called on the affected countries to root out this inhumane practice.

14. They also expressed their deep commitment to African unity and integration within the framework of the Constitutive Act of the African Union and further expressed their support of the objectives of Agenda 2063 and its Action Plan.

15. The two Heads of State welcomed the upcoming Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC) Summit, which will take place in Johannesburg, South Africa, from 4 to 5 December 2015. They pledged to work together to strengthen the Africa-Asia solidarity cooperation.

16. Regarding international matters, the two Heads of State reiterated their common view on the need to reform the United Nations Security Council and other multilateral institutions, including the Bretton Woods institutions to better represent the interests of the developing countries.

17. The two Heads of State further agreed to coordinate positions bilaterally and multilaterally through the African Group and the Group of 77 and China (G77 and China), during negotiations in multilateral bodies within the framework of the United Nations, particularly in the areas of climate change based on the principle of common but differentiated responsibilities and capabilities, within the context of SADC Common position towards COP21.

18. As the two countries desire to forge close energy cooperation, His Excellency President Nyusi visited the Medupi Power Station in Limpopo.

19. His Excellency, President Nyusi expressed his appreciation for the invitation extended to him by the Government and the People of the Republic of South Africa and for the warm welcome and hospitality accorded to him and his delegation.

20. His Excellency, President Nyusi extended an invitation to His Excellency, President Zuma to visit Mozambique for the Second Session of the BNC during 2016 on a date to be mutually determined through diplomatic channel.

Done at Pretoria, Republic of South Africa

23 October 2015



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