Statement on the Cabinet Meeting of 28 September 2016

1. Implementation of key government programmes

1.1. As government we are deeply committed to the upliftment of our people, hence education remains one of our apex priorities. We have demonstrated this through the allocation of resources, where Higher Education and Training was one of the biggest beneficiaries of this year’s national budget, receiving an additional 18% for 2016/17.

Despite economic difficulties we continue allocating resources as a demonstration of our support to broaden access to Higher Education, and education in general. Government this year provided R1.9-billion of the R2.3-billion shortfall resulting from the subsidisation on the 2016 increase. More than R4.5 billion has been reprioritized in the 2016/17 financial year to make it available to the National Student Financial Aid Scheme to enable poor students to access higher education.

1.2. Government is fully aware that an investment in the education of our children will contribute to a higher trajectory of economic growth, which is needed to address the triple challenges of unemployment, poverty and inequality.

Government has heard and responded to the pleas of students and will subsidise the fee adjustments for poor working and middle class university students for the 2017 academic year. Students whose parents or guardians can afford to pay for a university education must and should continue to do so, because education is a responsibility of all not only government.

1.3. The adjustment takes into account the issue of affordability for students and their parents, as well as the need to ensure that institutions of higher learning remain financially viable. The interim report by the Council on Higher Education proposed an inflation-linked fee adjustment across the board for 2017.

1.4. Government accepted the recommendation of a proposed 8% fee adjustment at universities and Technical and Vocational Education and Training colleges, while at the same time providing the gap funding to cover the adjustment for poor and missing middle students.

While the Presidential Commission of Inquiry into Higher Education and Training Funding completes its work, our university system has to continue functioning, producing skills for the economy, and empowering young South Africans and students from countries around the world, in particular the Southern African Development Community (SADC).

1.5. Cabinet appeals to students and student leaders in particular, to raise their concerns appropriately according to the Constitution, which guides all South Africans. Recent violence marred student protests when the country witnessed vandalism, destruction of property, burning of libraries and now even the death of a university worker.

1.6. President Jacob Zuma has instructed the Justice, Crime Prevention and Security Cluster (JCPS) to deal with the mayhem that is destroying our institutions of higher learning. The President will be meeting with the Ministers from the JCPS Cluster later today. Law-enforcement agencies, who are acting within the confines of the law, will leave no stone unturned in finding those responsible for the criminal activities witnessed.

1.7. In welcoming the announcement by the Department of Basic Education that it is all systems go for the 2016 Grade 12 National Senior Certificate examination, we urge all stakeholders to work together to ensure that our institutions of higher learning are in a position to receive the Class of 2016 in order to secure a brighter future for our children. All stakeholders, especially parents and guardians, need to be actively involved in finding lasting solutions to the education funding challenge.

The Grade 12 examinations run from 26 October to 29 November 2016. The Minister of Basic Education will announce the outcome of the 2016 Grade 12 exams on 4 January 2017. For the 2016 examinations, there are 677 141 full-time and 150 183 part-time candidates, which is 9 000 more candidates than in 2015, demonstrating government’s commitment to ensuring that more of our young people complete their basic education so that they are able to participate in the economy. Cabinet wishes the Class of 2016 well as they embark on the final phase of their school careers.

1.8. As the world commemorates World Teachers’ Day on 5 October 2016, Cabinet applauds all our teachers and commends them for their dedication and hard work in laying the foundation for our future leaders. The dedication and resilience of our teachers has uplifted our people and continues to propel our children to a brighter future.

The Economy

1.9. Cabinet is encouraged by the outcomes of the continued engagement between government and captains of industry led by President Zuma through the Presidential CEO Initiative to build confidence in the economy, reignite economic growth and avert a sovereign credit rating downgrade.

Progress includes a youth employment programme to place one million youth in paid internships over three years in the private sector, including the establishment of a South African Small and Medium Enterprise Fund with R1,5 billion to invest in small enterprises. In line with government's Nine-Point Plan, work has also been done to analyse eight economic sectors and identify areas for new investment and growth.

Going forward business will partner with government through the following projects: establishment of an Agricultural Growth Fund; capacity to support tourism marketing; increasing the numbers of nurses trained; and the revitalisation of declining industrial areas, specifically in the Vaal Triangle.

1.10. Progress has also been made in implementing the National Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technologies Research, Development and Innovation Strategy (HySA Strategy). Cabinet approved the HySA Strategy in 2007 to create knowledge and enable the development of high-value commercial products in the Hydrogen and Fuel Cell technology sector through beneficiation of the country’s platinum group metal resources. This also holds the potential to advance localisation with a view to strengthen black industrialists. This South African innovation involves contributing to international innovation through technology commercialisation while capturing 25% of the Hydrogen and Fuel Cell market, which translates to R1.37 billion in 2020.

1.11. Cabinet approved the introduction of the new regulation governing the relationship between the employer and the employee in relation to doing business with the State. The gazetted regulations bring into effect the Public Administration Management Act, 2014 (Act 11 of 2014).

1.12. The handover of the first 500 houses at the Savanna City Integrated Human Settlements Project, which was led by the Minister of Human Settlements, Ms Lindiwe Sisulu, is part of government’s efforts in providing decent housing to needy people and to help restore their dignity by ensuring that they enjoy the right to adequate and quality shelter. A total of 200 houses were handed over to military veterans. When completed in the next five years, the project will have over 18 000 houses, 500 of which will be allocated to military veterans.

1.13. The National Internet Governance Forum, and the Southern Africa Development Community Internet Exchange Point have been successfully launched by the Minister of Telecommunications and Postal Services, Dr Siyabonga Cwele and African Union (AU) Commissioner Dr Elham Ibrahim.

The National Internet Governance Forum (AfIGF) developed a country position, in preparation for the Fifth AfIGF from 16 to 18 October 2016, in eThekwini, KwaZulu-Natal. The AfIGF will lead to lower costs to access the Internet in the region because the Internet traffic will circulate among African countries.

These developments underscore the importance that South Africa and the AU attach to meaningful participation in the Internet economy and not just as consumers. These also take us closer to creating a more inclusive digital economy and knowledge society, as envisaged in the National Development Plan (NDP). Government is committed to ensuring that the Internet is universally accessible to all South Africans, which contributes to the creation of an inclusive society.

1.14. The Africa Aerospace and Defence Air show and Defence Exhibition was successfully hosted by the Department of Defence, Armscor, SA Aerospace, Maritime and Defence Industry Association, Denel and the Commercial Aviation Association of South Africa. This platform allowed South Africa’s defence industries to market their capabilities to the international community, and this year also saw the largest number of exhibitors and national pavilions represented by various countries.

2. Cabinet’s position on key issues in the environment

2.1. Cabinet fully aligns itself with the statement issued by The Presidency on 23 September, on the matter of the Chief Operations Officer (COO) of the SABC. Cabinet respects the ruling of the Supreme Court of Appeal (SCA) confirming the setting aside of the appointment of Mr Hlaudi Motsoeneng as COO of the SABC.

Cabinet calls on the SABC Board to abide by the letter and spirit of the SCA ruling. Attempts to subvert the SCA ruling through legally suspect interpretations border on violating the constitutional principle of legality and challenge the constitutionally assigned judicial authority of our courts. The decision to reappoint Mr Motsoeneng in a new position shows disrespect of a rule of law.

Cabinet reminded the Board of Section 165 of the Constitution: that an order or decision issued by a court binds all persons to whom and organs of state to which it applies. Cabinet directed the Minister of Communications, Ms Faith Muthambi, to urgently take steps to address this matter with the SABC Board.

2.2 Cabinet welcomes the outcomes from South Africa’s participation at the 71st United Nations General Assembly (UNGA), which was led by President Zuma. This took place from 20 to 26 September 2016 under the theme “The Sustainable Development Goals: A universal push to transform our world”.

During this session world leaders adopted the New York Declaration which expresses the political will and commitment to protect the rights of refugees and migrants. The commitments pave the way to negotiations aimed at an international conference and the adoption of a global compact for safe, orderly and regular migration in 2018.

Our country once again reiterated its call for the strengthening of the institutions of global governance, including the UN, specifically the Security Council and advocated for the urgent reform of these institutions with the aim of correcting the historical injustice against Africa reflected in outdated structures.

President Zuma co-hosted with President Francois Hollande, of France the UN High-Level Commission on Health Employment and Economic Growth on 20 September 2016. The commission was established by the UN Secretary-General and it aims to engage leaders at the highest level to encourage the creation of new employment opportunities in the health sector globally. The Report of the Commission which was adopted by the General Assembly, makes recommendations to Member States, ranging from training needs, continuing education and the need to focus on primary health care. This includes a commitment to train 40 million health workers by 2030.

The official handover of the Open Government Partnership (OGP) leader chair position to France was done by President Zuma during the five-year anniversary event on the margins of the UNGA. During South Africa’s tenure as chair of the OGP we championed the Open Government Declaration on the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, which will see OGP member countries incorporating Sustainable Development Goals in their OGP countries’ action plans. South Africa also prioritised legislative openness, open data, and broadening civil society participation to include grass root organisation and vulnerable groups within the OGP.

3. Key Cabinet decisions

3.1. Cabinet was briefed on the assessment by the Academy of Science of South Africa on South Africa’s technical readiness to support the shale gas industry, including the recommendations on actions to be implemented by relevant departments. In the transition to low carbon technologies while improving energy security, South Africa is considering shale gas as a potential contributor to the country’s future energy mix.

The report, which will be released for public consumption, raises a number of issues that require attention in order to bring the country to a full state of readiness. These include: strengthening the regulatory, licensing and monitoring authorities, ensuring that South Africa has the requisite skills; supporting relevant companies to exploit the economic opportunities, putting in place measures that will protect natural resources, and commencing with research. The report will be used as the basis to develop the shale gas research, development and innovation plan.

3.2. Progress has been made on Operation Phakisa for Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development. Through Operation Phakisa government seeks to expand growth, with the view to make South Africa a food secure nation at all levels.

Since May 2016, extensive consultation sessions were conducted over a four-month period. The actual LAB is taking place over a five-week period from 25 September and 28 October 2016. The primary objective is to ensure the formulation of required and implementable interventions towards greater economic inclusion for the sector. Operation Phakisa: Agriculture and Land Reform seeks to create one million jobs, and plant one million hectares by 2019, as envisioned in the NDP.

3.3. Cabinet approved the Capacity-building Strategic Framework for District and Local Municipalities in support of the Agri-parks Programme. The Agri-parks Programme has become the cornerstone of government’s priority to Revitalise Agriculture and Agro-processing Value Chain, which is one of the priorities of the Nine-Point Plan. All 44 district municipalities have been included in this programme. This will position Agri-parks to serve as an important mechanism to execute the NDP’s proposed rural development strategy due to their potential for supporting small-scale agricultural production and stimulating agro-processing in rural areas.

3.4. Cabinet also approved the National Integrated Information Communication Technology (ICT) Policy White Paper, which replaces the separate White Papers on Telecommunications (1996) and Postal Services (1998).

This integrated ICT Policy outlines how government will ensure that the sector fulfils its potential to facilitate inclusive social and economic transformation in South Africa. The Minister of Telecommunications and Postal Services, Dr Cwele, will convene a separate media briefing to further unpack this policy.

3.5. Cabinet approved the submission of the African Telecommunications Union (ATU) Convention of 1999 to Parliament for ratification in terms of Section 231(2) of the Constitution.

The ATU is an organ that promotes universal access in Africa and the use of ICTs – such as infrastructure roll-out, radio-frequency spectrum and standard-interoperability – on the continent.

South Africa’s participation is in line with the NDP and foreign policy objectives of better positioning country globally and strengthening the AU institution in order to fulfil the developmental foreign policy objectives.

3.6. Cabinet approved the proposed institutional framework for the establishment of the Multi-Primary Administrator of the Digital Object Architecture (DOA), with the proposed name being MISAVA Agency for Digital Identifier.

Implementation of the DOA has the potential to position South Africa by bolstering ICT competitiveness in readiness to participate in the Fourth Industrial Revolution.

3.7. Cabinet approved South Africa’s revised position to the Southern African Development Community’s (SADC) proposal for the development of a memorandum of understanding regarding the establishment of the North South Corridor Management Institution (NSCMI).

The SADC Ministers of Transport agreed to establish an NSCMI to address operational inefficiencies and bottlenecks along the North South Corridor. Cabinet also approved for the Minister of Transport to host the North South Corridor Ministers of Transport meeting during 2016/17.

3.8. Cabinet was briefed on the development of a new series of commemorative and circulation coins that would represent culture, freedom and democracy, by the South African Mint and its Board of Directors, in conjunction, with the Minister of Finance.

Cabinet approved the introduction and designs of the new R10 and R5 Sterling-silver commemorative coins; the new R5 (1/2 oz.) 24-carat gold commemorative coin to the Natura Coin Series for 2017; and

a. Designs of the following commemorative coin series:

  • The 2017 Natura Coin Series;
  • The 2017 Sterling-silver Coin Series; and
  • The 2017 Sterling-silver R2 Crown and 2½ c Tickey series.

b. The following 2017 Krugerrand coins:

  • The re-issue of the vintage 1967 Krugerrand in 2016; and
  • Introduction of new Krugerrands to the collection in 2017.

4. Bills

4.1. Cabinet approved publication of the Social Assistance Amendment Bill of 2016 for public comment. This amends the Social Assistance Act, 2004 (Act 13 of 2004). The Amendment Bill seeks to provide for additional payments and/or benefits linked to social assistance. Amendments would enable the establishment of funeral benefits and additional benefits for orphans and children in child-headed households.

5. Upcoming events

5.1. Cabinet was briefed on South Africa’s preparations and approved the strategy for participation in the upcoming 8th BRICS Summit, being led by the BRICS Inter-Ministerial Committee. The 8th BRICS Summit will be held under the theme “Building Responsive, Inclusive and Collective Solutions (BRICS)” from 15 to 16 October 2016 in Goa, India.

Cabinet was also briefed on the status of operationalisation of the New Development Bank Africa Regional Centre. South Africa will continue to support the coming into operation of the BRICS New Development Bank, which includes hosting the Africa Regional Centre in Johannesburg.

The established first BRICS financial institutions, such as the New Development Bank and Contingent Reserve Arrangement serve as catalytic institutions to leverage industrialisation and infrastructure programmes in South Africa and the continent.

5.2. Cabinet approved the South African negotiating mandate to serve as the basis for engagement at the 28th Meeting of the Parties to the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer (Montreal MOP 28) to be held from 10 to 14 October 2016, in Kigali, Rwanda. The Montreal Protocol has been very effective in terms of phasing out Ozone Depleting Substances. This links to our Constitution which provides that poverty reduction and socio-economic development should be advanced within the context of sustainable development.

5.3. The Third UN Conference on Housing and Sustainable Urbanisation (Habitat III) will be held by the UNGA in Quito, Ecuador from 17 to 20 October 2016. It aims to adopt a New Urban Agenda; an action-oriented document which will set global standards of achievement in sustainable urban development, rethinking the way we build, manage, and live in cities through drawing together cooperation with committed partners, relevant stakeholders, and urban actors at all levels of government as well as the private sector.

5.4. The International Conferences on Research Infrastructures (ICRI 2016) will be hosted in Cape Town from 3 to 5 October 2016 by the Department of Science and Technology and the European Commission.

The conference aims to highlight the essential role of global research infrastructures in addressing grand challenges and as hubs for innovation; reflecting on needs, development and sustainability of global/regional research infrastructures; and discussing the possibility to move towards an international roadmap.

South Africa has demonstrated its science and technology research capability, and is acknowledged as a natural home of some of the world's most significant research infrastructures. The hosting of ICRI 2016 will augment the country's progression to becoming a knowledge-based economy as envisaged in the NDP.

5.5. Cabinet welcomes the announcement of the first phase milestone towards switching-off of the analogue transmitter on 28 October 2016 by Communications Minister Faith Muthambi, in the core towns of the Square Kilometre Array (SKA) areas in the Northern Cape, in the town of Carnavon within the Kareeberg Local Municipality. Over 86% of households in the SKA areas have been connected and are enjoying digital terrestrial television services in their homes.

The migration is also in line with the NDP to create a robust, reliable, secure and affordable ICT infrastructure. It will connect rural and urban, rich and poor ensuring that South African citizens transact and communicate more effectively with the use of technology.

5.6. Government will celebrate Social Development Month in October under the theme “Together moving South Africa forward to Socio-Economic Development” and through the Department of Social Development (DSD), will hold country-wide dialogues to better understand the diverse needs of communities.

The DSD, together with the National Development Agency (NDA) and the South African Social Security Agency, will inform communities of the various social security programmes available to them and how these can be accessed. Cabinet encourages all sectors to assist government in ensuring that the needs of the most vulnerable in our society are taken care of.

1 October 2016 marks the International Day for Older Persons, which will be commemorated as part of the first week of October. This will be dedicated to draw attention to challenging negative stereotypes and misconceptions about older persons and ageing.

5.7. The Department of Sports and Recreation and the Association for International Sport for All will host the 6th edition of “The Big Walk” on 2 October 2016 at the Fountains Valley Resort, Pretoria. Cabinet encourages South Africans to embrace an active, healthier lifestyle so as to tackle the high incidence of lifestyle diseases and obesity.

5.8. 19 October 2016 marks the 30th anniversary of the plane crash that claimed the life of Mozambican President, Samora Moises Machel and 34 of his country men and women, including pilots and journalists.

The people of Mozambique contributed towards the liberation of South Africa and other countries in the subcontinent. The government of the Republic of South Africa, in collaboration with the government of the Republic of Mozambique, will host the 30th anniversary commemorations at the crash site in Mbuzini, Mpumalanga on 17 October 2016.

This contributes to the Department of Arts and Culture establishing a resistance and liberation heritage route that will link all liberation heritage route sites in South Africa, the SADC and the continent.

Cabinet extends condolences to the following:

5.9. The family and friends of South African music legend and one of the pioneers of Kwaito music genre, Mduduzi Tshabalala, popularly known as Mandoza. His music achieved a unique cultural crossover which continues to be appreciated by all South Africans.

5.10. The family and friends of veteran journalist, editor and author Allister Sparks who passed away at the age of 83. Sparks used his position as editor of the Rand Daily Mail in the early 1980s to expose the unjust apartheid government. He was a Nieman Fellow at Harvard University and South African correspondent for a number of international publications, including The Washington Post and The Economist.

5.11. The people of India, on the passing of His Divine Holiness Pramukh Swami Maharaj, the spiritual head of the Swaminarayan Hindu faith community in India. His Divine Holiness is renowned for the great contribution he made to Indian spirituality and culture by building temples, mandirs and educational institutions both in India and other countries.

5.12. To the families of all those who lost their lives during the violent incidences that took place in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) and those injured are also wished a speedy recovery. Cabinet calls on all the parties in the DRC to participate in the Inclusive National Dialogue, which is facilitated by Mr Edem Kodjo on behalf of the AU, and supported by regional and international institutions.

5.13. To the family and friends of Shimon Peres, the Israeli elder statesman who shared a Nobel Prize for forging a peace deal between Israelis and Palestinians. Mr Peres served as a constant force for generations in Israeli politics.

Cabinet conveyed its congratulation to the following:

5.14. The Council for Scientific and Industrial Research on its new-generation fingerprint sensing technology that will better aid law-enforcement and forensic personnel in their work. The prototype device, funded by the Department of Science and Technology, can be used to scan areas and lift fingerprints without the use of dusting or the risk of contamination.

5.15. Dr Ismail Bhorat and his team for the ground-breaking operation on an unborn child at the Inkosi Albert Luthuli Central Hospital. This is the first operation to be performed on a foetus in the country and has placed South Africa on the world stage.

5.16. Mamelodi Sundowns for reaching the final of the Confederation of African Football Champions League after beating Zesco United. This victory is not only good for Sundowns but will benefit South African football as a whole. It gives our players the much needed exposure and experience they need to compete with the best in the African continent and the world.

5.17. Cabinet congratulates Brad Binder for his historic Moto3 World Championship win. The 21-year-old motorcycle racer became the first South African since 1980 to clinch a Grand Prix title after winning his maiden Moto3 championship.

5.18. And Cabinet extends its gratitude to all South Africans who took part in various activities to celebrate and respect our diverse cultures during Heritage Month. The vibrant display of our different cultures and sharing of our rich heritage reverberated across our country.

Cabinet conveyed its best wishes to the following:

5.19. Cabinet wishes Archbishop Emeritus Desmond Tutu a speedy recovery from his operation.

5.20. And joins South Africa in wishing Mama Winnie Mandela well on reaching her 80th birthday.

6. Appointments

All appointments are subject to the verification of qualifications and the relevant clearance.

6.1. National Advisory Council on Innovation:

a. Mr Mafika Mkwanazi; and
b. Mr Sullivan O’Carroll.

6.2. Academy of Science of South Africa Council:

a. Prof Eugene Cloete;
b. Prof Sabiha Essack;
c. Prof Shireen Hassim;
d. Prof Jonathan Jansen;
e. Prof Nancy Phaswana-Mafuya;
f. Prof Barney Pityana;
g. Prof Stephanie Burton (reappointment);
h. Prof Norman Duncan (reappointment);
i. Prof Johann Mouton (reappointment);
j. Prof Himla Soodyall (reappointment);
k. Prof Zeblon Vilakazi (reappointment);
l. Prof Brenda Wingfield (reappointment); and
m. Dr Shadrack Moephuli (National Advisory Council on Innovation representative and reappointment).

6.3. Dr Sarah Mosoetsa to the Board of the National Research Foundation.

6.4. National Electronic Media Institute of South Africa (NEMISA):

a. Ms Mymoena Williams as the Chief Executive Officer (CEO).
b. Ms Rahimoonisha Abdool as the Chief Financial Officer (CFO).

6.5. Non-Executive Directors to NEMISA NPC SOC Limited:

a. Prof Walter Theophilus Claassen (Chairperson);
b. Mr Thami ka Plaatjie (reappointment and Deputy Chairperson); and
c. Prof Manoj Maharaj;
d. Ms Sarienne Rana Kersh;
e. Ms Nelisiwe Gloria Mkhaliphi;
f. Mr Phuthi Nehemia Phukubje;
g. Ms Alina Thandiwe Mfulo; and
h. Mr Moraka Lucas Mello (reappointment).

6.6. Zolani Kgosie Matthews as a non-executive member to the Board of the South African Post Office.

6.7. Mr Mahomed Iftekhar Chowan as the CFO of the Universal Service and Access Agency of South Africa.

6.8. South African Council for Space Affairs:

a. Ms Pontsho Maruping (Chairperson);
b. Ms Nomfuneko Irene Majaja (Vice Chairperson);
c. Adv Lulekwa Makapela;
d. Mr Themba Beatus Tenza;
e. Mr Linden Sydney Petzer;
f. Ambassador Peter Goosen;
g. Mr Humbulani Aaron Mudau;
h. Dr Sandile Bethuel Malinga;
i. Mr William Simon Makwinja;
j. Ms Nosiphiwo Monica Sonjani;
k. Mr Lloyd McPatie; and
l. Mr Leeandran Annamalai.

6.9. Adv Rory Wayne Voller as the Commissioner to the Companies and Intellectual Property Commission.

6.10. Mr Jayaseelan Manickum Nair to the Board of South African Special Risk Insurance Association Limited, SOE, as a non-executive director.

6.11. The nomination of Ms Patience Bongiwe Kunene as the Executive Director, representing South Africa, Angola and Nigeria, at Board of Directors of the World Bank Group (World Bank).

6.12. Railway Safety Regulator:

a. Reappointment of Mr Nkululeko Andrew Stephen Poya as the CEO.

Non-Executive Members to the Railway Safety Regulator Board:

b. Dr Nomusa Zethu Qunta (Chairperson);
c. Mr Boy Johannes Nobunga (Deputy Chairperson);
d. Mr Zacharia Mosothoane (South African Transport and Allied Workers Union nominee);
e. Mr Christiaan Johan de Vos (Federation of Unions of South Africa nominee);
f. Major-General Michael Monashi Motlhala (Department of Police ex-officio);
g. Mr Ngwako Makaepea (Department of Transport ex-officio);
h. Ms Hilda Thamaga Thopola;
i. Major-General Willem Adriaan Venter (independent non-executive member);
j. Ms Khulekelwe Mbonambi (reappointment);
k. Ms Ntombizine Mbiza (reappointment);
l. Mr Andre Harrison (reappointment); and
m. Mr Tibor Szane (reappointment and Department of Labour ex-officio).

6.13. Reappointment of Mr Japh Ronnie Chuwe as the CEO (Registrar) of the Road Traffic Infringement Agency.

6.14. Mr Skhumbuzo Dennis Macozoma as the CEO of the South African Roads Agency SOC Limited.

6.15. Mr Sisa Neil Ntshona as the CEO of South African Tourism.

6.16. Mr Dhesigen Pydiah Naidoo reappointed as the CEO of the Water Research Commission.

6.17. Lesotho Highlands Water Commission:

a. Mr Bhekizwe Simon Nkosi as the Republic of South Africa’s Chief Delegate; and
b. Mr Vusi Nhlapo as Permanent Representative.

6.18. Small Enterprises Finance Agency Board:

a. Ms Charmaine Groves;
b. Ms Happy Ralinala;
c. Mr Kholofelo Molewa;
d. Ms Nomcebo Dlamini;
e. Mr Nazir Ahmed Osman;
f. Ms Nonkululeko Dlamini;
g. Mr Phakamile Mainganya;
h. Ms Kate Moloto;
i. Ms Hlonela Lupuwana (reappointment); and
j. Mr Lawrence Mavundla (reappointment).

6.19. Ms Cladie Thamo Hloniphile Mzobe as the CEO of the NDA.

Donald Liphoko
Cell: 082 901 0766

Issued by:
Government Communications
29 September 2016





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