Statement on the Cabinet Meeting of 19 October 2016

1. Implementation of Key Government Programmes

1.1. Cabinet wishes all students well as they embark on their final year examinations. The Class of 2016 are encouraged to stay focused as they embark on 2016 National Senior Certificate Examinations which officially starts on 24 October 2016 and ends on 29 November 2016.

1.2. Cabinet wishes to reiterate its call for the country to support all efforts to save the 2016 academic programme. These efforts led by government through the Ministerial Task Team working with students, parents, universities and stakeholders are a demonstration of our collective commitment to find solutions to normalise our higher education sector.

Cabinet shares the sentiments expressed by students with regards to the challenges they face on high costs of tuition fees, accommodation, textbooks, transport and living expenses.

If the academic year is lost, the universities and colleges do not reach a finality this year, almost a million matriculants will not be admitted into higher education, in 2017. The ripple effect is such that all students from first year to final year would be affected and ultimately our economy as no new skilled graduates will enter the job market.

Consequently, those who would have graduated as medical doctors, engineers, accountants, teachers and various professions will no longer be in a position to enter the economy.

Cabinet fully supports the rights to education that are contained in our Freedom Charter and Constitution, and prioritised in the National Development Plan. We further support the right to access higher education, particularly for the poor.

The Freedom Charter says “higher education and technical training shall be opened to all by means of state allowances and scholarships awarded on basis of merit.”

The Constitution further states “Everyone has the right to further education which the state through reasonable measures must make progressively available and accessible.”

In appreciation of the magnitude of the challenges in higher education, President Jacob Zuma has further broadened the composition of the Ministerial Task Team with the inclusion of Minsters of Communications, Human Settlements, Finance and Social Development.

Government has received several proposals that have been put forward by various constituencies and stakeholders. A technical process is underway to evaluate them and once work is completed, options will be provided to address the current challenges.

Government will further take steps to make resources available to all NSFAS qualifying students progressively to cover the full costs of study at universities and TVET colleges over the long term.  Government will also develop mechanisms to address the challenges faced by “missing middle” students who don’t qualify under current NFSFAS rules but are unable to afford the full cost of study without some form of assistance. All of these will be phased at a pace and scale that depends on the rate of growth in enrolment and available resources.

The Presidential Commission of Inquiry into Higher Education and Training is continuing with its work and will assist government to come up with a long term solution for access to higher education particularly for the poor.

The Minister of Finance will table the Medium Term Budget Policy Statement on 26 October 2016 that will set out the broad fiscal framework over the medium term.

In the 2016/17 financial year, government has allocated a tremendous amount of resources to higher education, which saw the Department of Higher Education and Training receiving a budget allocation of R49.2 billion.

Cabinet believes that it is only through our investment in education as a country that we will make meaningful progress in addressing the triple challenges of unemployment, poverty and inequality. Government has responded to the pleas of students and will subsidise the 2017 fee adjustment of up to 8%, to pay the fee increase through a gap-funding grant on behalf of all poor, working class and so called “missing middle” students, i.e. students with a family household income of up to R600 000 per annum. This means that both NSFAS qualifying students and “missing middle” students will experience a no fee increase, as government will pay the percentage fees adjustment. This subsidy will amount to about R2.5 billion, which covers over 70% of all undergraduate students.

All stakeholders must immediately work towards creating conditions and a conducive climate for the academic programme to resume without delay. To ensure the progressive realisation of the right to further education, government will develop a roadmap, working with relevant stakeholders, for the transformation of universities and TVET colleges to create opportunities for access, success, financing and support for students and institutions. Several stakeholders including among others students, banks and business have presented different proposals on how we can finance higher education particularly for the poor. Therefore, Ministerial Task Team will bring all stakeholders under one roof to develop a roadmap that will pave way for a solution.

Cabinet welcomes the resumption of classes in many of our universities, and urges all students to return to class. This is a critical period for the academic programme with examinations around the corner. Government believes that the concerns of students can be addressed through dialogue while the academic programme is underway.

Cabinet remains concerned at the outbreak of violent student protests on some university campuses around the country. While the right to protest is protected under the Constitution, there is no room for the violence, intimidation and the destruction of property.  

All stakeholders must do everything in their power and take every steps necessary to save the academic programme as the consequences facing are will be dire to the economy, students and matriculants. Education is everyone’s responsibility, let us all work collectively together to bring about normality to higher education for the future of our children and for the future of our country.

1.3. Cabinet welcomed the R3 billion investment by Marriot International that will see the world’s largest hotel group complete five new hotels. The announcement demonstrates the investor confidence in the country and positive future prospects of the local economy.

1.4. South Africa was named as the best country for debt management and sovereign bond issuance in sub-Saharan Africa by Emerging Markets Newspaper, an affiliate of the IMF/World Bank Annual Meetings. The award comes after the World Bank acknowledged the country’s excellence in debt dynamics/composition. These accolades are a testament to the success the country continues to enjoy in global capital markets and the prudent manner in which the economy is managed.

1.5. The first Kenyan State Visit by a South African head of state, President Jacob Zuma, since democracy, included a business delegation to the Kenya-South Africa Business Forum, which explored investment and trade opportunities. The following Memorandums of Understanding were signed: police cooperation, biodiversity conservation and management and the Lamu-Port Southern Sudan-Ethiopia Transport Corridor.

1.6. The Second Session of the Bi-National Commission between the South Africa and the Republic of Namibia underscored our collective commitment with a range of bilateral, regional and international issues being reviewed. The Memorandum of Understanding on Higher Education has been finalised, including the signing of the Terms of Reference of the Joint Committee of Experts on the Orange River Boundary.

1.7. Deputy President Cyril Ramaphosa’s working visit to Vietnam and Singapore was used to unlock future areas of trade and investment, and to attract Singaporean State Owned Enterprises to invest in South Africa through Public Private Partnerships, in line with South Africa's Nine-Point Plan. Commitment was also secured for Singapore to assist South Africa with skills development and to increase the number of training courses for South African students offered under the Singapore Co-operation Programme.

1.8. President Jacob Zuma addressed the annual South African Heads of Mission Conference which provided a platform for all our heads of mission to share ideas on issues and priorities which better enables them to continue representing our country. As our representatives abroad they have a responsibility to build friendships and partnerships that will help us achieve our goals from the National Development Plan, that of inclusive growth, jobs and a decent life for our people.

1.9. In responding to the needs of communities and businesses, Minister of Water and Sanitation Nomvula Mokonyane will turn the sod for the construction of Phase One of the R18 billion Vaal Gamagara Water Project, this Friday, 21 October 2016. On completion of Phase One, beneficiaries will include 14 livestock farms, 12 mines, solar parks, and the communities of Kathu, Olifantshoek, and Hotazel, benefitting a population of 23 499.

1.10. The launch of the R49-million first phase of the revitalised Isithebe Industrial Park in Mandeni, KwaZulu-Natal, forms part of the Revitalisation of Industrial Parks Programme of the Department of Trade and Industry, and has been prioritised for renewal.

The aim is to regenerate state-owned industrial parks across the country in order to promote industrialisation and increase their contribution to job creation and the country’s economic growth. Industries operating from Isithebe contribute significantly to the economy of the area, providing over 20 000 jobs. During the revitalisation programme 15 small micro medium enterprises were appointed for the project to the value of R6.3 million with 162 people employed.

1.11. The announcement, that South Africa will benefit from a new trade deal with the European Union (EU), will see improved access for South African products having preferential market access in the EU. The Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA) under the SADC-EU EPA framework replaces the trade provisions of the existing bilateral trade agreement between South Africa and the EU, known as the Trade, Development and Cooperation Agreement (TDCA). The EPA provides new market access for sugar and ethanol as well as improved market access for wines, flowers, dairy and fruit products.

1.12. The Commission for the Conservation of Southern Bluefin Tuna has increased South Africa’s Total Allowable Catch of the Southern Bluefin Tuna allocation from 150 tons to 450 tons for the 2018-2020 fishing seasons. This is essential to South Africa’s job creation priorities as it will provide permanent employment in the fisheries sector and will inject much needed export revenue for the country.

1.13. The appointment of successful bidders by the Department of Energy for the first Coal-based Independent Power Producer Programme (IPP) is a critical part of government’s initiative to secure the country’s energy supply. The two successful bidders will add 863.3MW to the energy grid in the next five years.

The appointment attracts an investment of more than R40 billion which will be used to unlock infrastructure in the energy sector, stimulate local procurement and create 6 613 jobs during construction and 13 524 through operations.

While South Africa’s energy build plan incorporates the development of fossil fuel assets, the country is committed to the transition of a low-carbon economy, with priority to clean energy alternatives. Through the Renewable Energy IPP, 6 376 MW of electricity have been procured from 102 Independent Power Producers in six bid rounds. Of this, 2 200 MW of electrical generation capacity from 44 IPP projects has been connected to the national grid.

1.14. As Transport Month unfolds a number of key transport infrastructure projects and initiatives are being rolled out to better connect people and places, which is creating new jobs and changing the way South Africans travel.

In this regard Cabinet recognises the R24 million investment by the Gauteng Department for Roads and Transport to repair the D904 road, which is also known as the old Evaton Road. The rehabilitation of the existing road will lead to improved travelling time, and will ensure better road safety for motorists, cyclists and pedestrians.

1.15. The successful hosting of the Fifth Africa Internet Governance Forum in Durban saw the meeting finalise the continental position, which supports the attainment of the goals of Agenda 2063, ahead of the Internet Governance Forum to be held in Mexico in December 2016. South Africa signed the Multi-Party Administrator Service Agreement with the DONA Foundation.

1.16. The interventions by government to combat corruption, malpractices and hold industries accountable has led to an agreement with seven listed construction companies on a programme of initiatives, which will accelerate transformation in the industry. The agreement has a number of elements, including: Financial contribution for development projects; Transformational commitments in the sector; a Framework to settle claims by the public sector; and Integrity Commitments by Chief Executive Officers.

Key foundations of the agreement include a R1,4 billion fine imposed by the competition authorities which will be paid by the companies into the National Revenue Fund. A further R1,5 billion will be contributed to a fund to support social investment initiatives targeting previously disadvantaged communities.

A transformation commitment will be introduced by each of the seven companies, which may take the form of either an ‘equity model’, where at least 40% of the shares in the company will be sold to black South Africans; or the ‘partner model’ where a company will work with up to three black-owned construction partner companies’ to help them generate turnover equal to 25% of its own turnover. This commitment has been valued in excess of R9 billion annual turnover by the end of the agreement period.

An integrity commitment will be signed by each CEO that commits to wide-ranging steps to ensure no collusive or corrupt practices in the company, in its dealings with competitors, government or other private sector clients.   

The settlement agreement provides for certain formal processes to be finalised within the next few weeks and these are being processed and attended to and an announcement will be made on conclusion of these processes.

1.17. South Africans are encouraged to engage with the information being shared through the 2015/16 Annual Report presentations to Parliament. The information demonstrates implementation of Governments Programme of Action, as well as progress on the Medium Term Strategic Framework and implementation of the National Development Plan.

1.18. Cabinet also encourages South Africans to share their views on the economy and other issues they would like government to highlight in the upcoming Medium Term Budget Policy Statement (MTPBS), to be presented by Finance Minister Pravin Gordhan on 26 October 2016. Contributions can be sent through Facebook: National Treasury South Africa, Twitter @TreasuryRSA, oral representations and the National Treasury website.

2. Key Cabinet decisions

2.1. Cabinet approved the broad principles of the National Transport Master Plan 2050 (NATMAP) Synopsis Update Report, which is aligned to the National Development Plan and has the following strategic transport thrusts: long term planning and prioritisation, focusing on safety, reliability and affordability of transport; looking beyond transport as most inefficiencies and ills are the result of poor land use and planning; promoting behavioural change by changing the perception of public transport; and a developmental and socially inclusive planning approach.

2.2. Cabinet approved submission of the revised International Telecommunication Regulations (ITRs), Dubai 2012, to Parliament for ratification.

The ITRs constitute an international treaty, and forms part of the Administrative Regulations of the International Telecommunications Union. The ITRs are aligned to the National Development Plan, in particular the promotion of economic growth and greater inclusion through the development of a stronger broadband and telecommunications network and lower prices.

2.3. Cabinet approved the submission of the World Radio Communication Conference (WRC-15) Final Acts, to Parliament for ratification, in line with Section 231(2) of the Constitution.

Key issues adopted at the WRC-15 include universal broadband roll-out, universal broadcasting roll-out, satellite communication services, aircraft services, maritime and the ocean economy programmes, disaster relief and emergency services, as well as future programmes to support economic transformation. WRC-15 outcomes also provides certainty to broadcasting service by protecting Digital Terrestrial Television (DTT) spectrum.

2.4. Cabinet approved submission of the Final Acts of the International Telecommunications Union (ITU) Plenipotentiary Conference of Guadalajara 2010, to Parliament for ratification in terms of Section 231(2) of the Constitution.

The Plenipotentiary Conference is the top policy-making body of the ITU, which is a specialised agency of the United Nations responsible for managing the global system of electronic communications.

The work of the ITU is aligned to the National Development Plan, as it is strongly focused on the development of Economic Infrastructure in the ICT sector.

2.5. Cabinet was briefed on the progress made on the establishment and implementation of the Broadband War Room. The August 2016 Cabinet Lekgotla resolved that the Broadband War Room must be established to expedite the implementation of SA Connect, the national broadband policy.

As part of the Terms of Reference of the war room, several critical issues were identified that have a direct impact on the successful rollout of affordable, fast, reliable and secure internet. These include; addressing the delays in the allocation of high demand spectrum; broadband connectivity; rollout and funding; addressing ineffective market structures; fast-tracking digital broadcasting migration; development of e-government strategy; rationalisation of ICT State-Owned Entities; and capacitating the Regulator and addressing duplicity in governance of the ICT sector.

2.6. Cabinet approved that the Paris Agreement on Climate Change be submitted to Parliament for ratification. The Paris Agreement is a legal instrument that will further guide the process for universal action on climate change. It brings all nations into a common cause of acting collectively to the threat of climate change, in the context of sustainable development and efforts to eradicate poverty. It sets the goal of holding the increase in global average temperature to well below 2 degrees Celsius.

The Paris Agreement will enter into force on 4 November 2016, thirty days after the date on which at least 55 Parties to the Convention accounting in total for at least 55 % of the total global greenhouse gas emissions have deposited their instruments of ratification.

South Africa's ratification of the Paris Agreement sends a positive signal of our continued commitment to contribute to the global effort to address the challenge of climate change.

2.7. Cabinet approved the Draft National Policy on Extension and Advisory Services and its implementation Plan. The Policy aims to set a regulatory framework to enhance the efficiency, productivity, equity, environmental and economic sustainability of the agriculture, forestry and fisheries sectors. This will ensure that all sectors in the agriculture, forestry and fisheries value chains (from producers to processors) are able to explore opportunities for the advancement of their enterprises and livelihoods.

2.8. Cabinet approved the final draft of the refined Medium Term Strategic Framework (MTSF) 2014-2019 for Outcome 2 “A long and Healthy Life for All South Africans”. This serves as the building block to implement Chapter 10 of the National Development Plan 2030.

The MTSF 2014-2019 was refined to incorporate latest evidence of the health sectors actual performance against the targets in the MTSF 2014-2019; adoption of the Sustainable Development Goals 2030 by South Arica, and to reduce process indicators.

2.9. Following Cabinet approval, the Minister in the Presidency responsible for Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation Jeff Radebe will release the findings of the 2015 Management Performance Assessment Tool (MPAT). The report provides consolidated learning of the MPAT assessments and case studies analysis from 2011 until 2015.

MPAT has been implemented to facilitate reforms in managerial practices in government departments. This contributes to the National Development Plan which states that between now and 2030 South Africa needs to have established a state that is more capable, more professional and more responsive to the needs of its citizens.

The 2015 results show that MPAT has succeeded in facilitating incremental improvements in management practices; however, it varies across national departments and provinces. There are pockets of excellence with regard to management practices throughout government but weak managerial leadership practices remain a major challenge and contribute to administrative failures.

Cabinet supports a more integrated and holistic approach to support improvements, which will be led by the Department of Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation.

3. Bills

3.1. Cabinet approved that the Prevention and Combating of Hate Crimes and Hate Speech Bill be published for public comment. The Bill seeks to create the offences of hate crimes and hate speech and to put in place measures to prevent and combat these offences. The aim is to address the increasing number of racial incidents and to further address other types of criminal conduct motivated by bias, prejudice or intolerance, in the form of hate crimes and hate speech, which have occurred in the recent past.

This is aligned to the National Development Plan which highlights the need for sustained campaigns against racism, sexism, homophobia and xenophobia and that all people are and feel safe.

4. Upcoming events

4.1. Breast Cancer Awareness Month in October, represents a national effort by public and private health care to raise awareness of the disease. Early detection of the condition can lead to effective treatment. All women and men should conduct regular self-examination and undergo screening through their nearest health care facility.

4.2. The Department of Health will host the 40th World Hospital Congress of the International Hospital Federation (IHF) under the theme, "Addressing the Challenge of Patient - centered Care and Safety”, in Durban from 31 October to 3 November 2016.

The Congress provides a unique global forum which facilitates multidisciplinary exchange of knowledge, expertise and experiences in health sector management and service delivery.

5. Cabinet’s position on key issues in the environment

5.1. Cabinet has affirmed its support for Finance Minister, Pravin Gordhan who under Section 35 of the Constitution is innocent until proven otherwise by a court of law.

Cabinet remains confident in the country’s criminal justice system and the fair and just judicial processes which have defined our democratic era. These processes must be allowed to take their course.

5.2. The outcomes from the 8th BRICS Summit, which was held from 15 to 16 October 2016 under the theme “Building Responsive, Inclusive and Collective Solutions (BRICS)” in Goa, India, saw BRICS leaders hold interactive roundtable discussions on strengthening intra-BRICS cooperation and reflecting on global issues such as international conflicts, the fight against terrorism, and reform of the global system of governance, notably the democratisation of the United Nations and the Bretton Woods Institutions.

The adoption of the Goa Declaration and Action Plan, highlighted the strong foundation that BRICS has made in terms of establishing institutional mechanisms for tangible cooperation. The possibility of setting up an independent BRICS Rating Agency based on market-oriented principles, in order to further strengthen the global governance architecture, was also welcomed.

During the visit to Goa, the Cipla Pharmaceuticals Company and the Dube Industrial Development authorities signed an agreement to establish a bio-logics facility. This R1.3 billion investment will result in the first plant on the African continent, producing affordable anti-cancer drugs based on bio-technology processes.

5.3. Cabinet pays tribute to the people of Mozambique for their solidarity and sacrifice in our struggle for freedom. Deputy President Cyril Ramaphosa and the Minister of Arts and Culture, Nathi Mthethwa, attended the commemoration of the 30th anniversary service of the late Samora Machel, the founding father and President of Mozambique, who died under suspicious circumstances in Mbuzini. In honouring the memory of great African leaders like Samora Machel, Julius Nyerere, Oliver Tambo and Nelson Mandela, we remember that leadership to them meant dedicated service to Africa to advance the interests of the people of Africa.

We are building on our common history and enjoy strong diplomatic and economic relations to boost economic growth, create employment and reduce inequality. The creation of the Maputo Development Corridor, which links the port of Maputo with our country’s industrial heartland, is a vital part of our effort to promote trade and investment and foster regional integration.

5.4. Cabinet extends its good wishes to Advocate Busisiwe Joyce Mkhwebane on her appointment as Public Protector of the Republic of South Africa for a period of seven years with effect from 15 October 2016. Cabinet is confident that Advocate Mkhwebane will serve the nation well and will continue to act in the best interest of all South Africans.

5.5. Cabinet expresses its gratitude to Advocate Thuli Madonsela for serving the country and placing the office of the Public Protector uppermost in the minds of citizens.

5.6. Cabinet joins South Africa's media in commemorating the anniversary of Media Freedom Day known as "Black Wednesday" and commends the media industry for the role they have played in strengthening the country's democracy. On 19 October 1977, the apartheid regime ordered The World and Weekend World to cease publication and sparked the mass detention and banning of journalists.

Our democratic Constitution explicitly protects our hard fought media freedoms that are recognised as playing a critical role in the advancement of national unity and equality for all.

As we reflect on the progress South Africa has made in entrenching media freedom, Cabinet congratulates SANEF on its 20th anniversary which will be celebrated next week.

5.7. Cabinet extends the hand of solidarity to the people of Nigeria and to the families of the girls who remain in captivity, following the news that 21 of the 2019 schoolgirls kidnapped by Boko Haram militants have been freed. Cabinet calls on the international community to renew its efforts in assisting the Nigerian authorities to secure the girls' release; in particular for all African countries and the African Union to lend support to assisting Nigeria in finding the missing children.

5.8. Cabinet joins President Jacob Zuma in extending condolences to the Government and people of the Republic of Haiti and other nations in the Caribbean following destructive Hurricane Matthew that claimed the lives of hundreds of people and destroyed infrastructure.

5.9. Cabinet joins President Zuma in extending condolences to the government and people of the Kingdom of Thailand following the passing of King Bhumibol Adulyadej.

5.10. Cabinet also sends condolences to the family and friends of struggle icon Mewa Ramgobin. He founded the South African Committee for the release of Political Prisoners, and was among the first supporters of the Release Mandela campaign. Mewa Ramgobin was also the former President of the Natal Indian Congress and Chairperson of Phoenix Settlement Trust, founded by Mahatma Gandhi in 1904.

5.11. Cabinet has noted that President Jacob Zuma has received and accepted the resignation of Mr Krish Naidoo and Mr Vusi Mavuso as members of the Board of the South African Broadcasting Corporation (SABC).

The Portfolio Committee on Communications has initiated steps to begin its inquiry into the Board of the SABC, with regard to its fitness to hold office, in terms of section 15A of the Broadcasting Act of 1999.

Cabinet congratulated the following:

5.12. South Africa’s Ambassador to Vienna Tebogo Seokolo on his appointment as Chair of the Board of Governors of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). The Board of Governors is the major policy-making organ of the IAEA.

5.13. Parks Tau on his election as the President of the United Cities and Local Government (UCLG) organisation, an umbrella body for Local Government in the World, on 15 October 2016, in Colombia.

5.14. Antonio Guterres, on his election to the position of United Nations (UN) Secretary-General from 1 January 2017 to 31 December 2021. He brings a wealth of experience having served as Prime Minister of Portugal from 1995 to 2002 and as the UN High Commissioner for Refugees from June 2005 to December 2015.

5.15. The South African journalists, who claimed recognition at the CNN MultiChoice African Journalist Awards. Ancillar Mangena of Forbes Africa won the Maggie Eales Wales Young Journalist Award. Jay Caboz, also from Forbes Africa, won the Energy & Infrastructure Award, while the Economic and Business Award was jointly won by Diana Neille, Richard Poplak, Shaun Swingler and Sumeya Gasa of the Daily Maverick Chronicle. Mail & Guardian’s Mia Malan won the Features Award Category, while Sunday Times photographer James Oatway won the Mohammed Amin Photography Award.

5.16. Mamelodi Sundowns for their 3-0 win against the Egyptian team, Zamalek, which was the first leg of the African Championship League Final. Cabinet calls on South Africans to unite and support Sundowns to bring home the star.

6. Appointments

All appointments are subject to the verification of qualifications and the relevant clearance.

6.1. Mr Siphamandla Kenneth Mthethwa as the Chief Financial Officer of Sentech.

6.2. Board of the South African Diamonds and Precious Metals Regulator:

a) Dr. Sipho David Manese (Chairperson)
b) Ms Ntombifuthi Monedi-Noko
c) Ms Mpho Mosing
d) Ms Mamodupi Mohlala-Mulaudzi
e) Mr Bernard Stern
f) Ms Maletlatsa Monica Ledingwane
g) Mr Mochele Noge
h) Mr Tembani Ngqeza
i) Major-General Peter Jacob Arendse (South African Police Service)
j) Mr. Bothwell Deka (National Treasury)
k) Mr Tsumbedzo Charles Nevhutanda (South African Reserve Bank)
l) Mr Senna Mokoena (National Union of Mineworkers)
m) Mr Leon Peter Grobler (United Association of South Africa)
n) Mr Kagiso John Menoe (Department of Mineral Resources)
o) Ms Mmapoulo Lindah Nkhumise (Acting CEO)

Alternate Members:

p) Brigadier Ntombizodwa Hazel Mokoena (South African Police Service)
q) Mr Raymond James Paola (South African Reserve Bank)

6.3. Non-Executive Members to the Road Accident Fund Board:

a) Dr Ntuthuko M Bhengu (Chairperson and re-appointment);
b) Mr Dawood Coovadia (Deputy Chairperson and re-appointment);
c) Ms Mala Somaru (representing the Department of Transport);
d) Mr Patrick Masobe (re-appointment);
e) Ms Refilwe Mokoena (re-appointment);
f) Dr Lungelwa Linda (re-appointment);
g) Mr Ahmed Pandor (re-appointment);
h) Dr Terrence Omdutt Kommal;
i) Dr Maria Claudina Du Toit;
j) Mr Khotso Monko Mothobi; and
k) Ms Lusanda Unathi Zisiwe Rataemane.

6.4. Lieutenant General (Ms) Yolisa Matakata as the Deputy National Head in the Directorate for Priority Crime Investigation.

6.5. Provincial Heads in the Directorate For Priority Crime Intelligence:

a) Gauteng: Major General (Mr) Prince Nkitsing Mokotedi
b) Western Cape: Major General (Ms) Nombuso Portia Khoza
c) Eastern Cape: Major General (Mr) Meshack Nyameko Nogwanya
d) North West: Major General (Ms) Linda Mbana
e) Northern Cape: Major General (Mr) (Mr) Kholekile Derick Galawe
f) Limpopo: Major General (Ms) Thobeka Hepercia Jozi;
g) Mpumalanga: Major General (Ms) Ntombizodwa Hazel Mokoena;
h) KwaZulu Natal: Major General (Mr) Isaiah Jabulani Zikhali;
i) Free State: Major General (Ms) Liziwe Evelyn Ntshinga

Donald Liphoko
Contact: 082 901 0766

Issued by:
Government Communications
20 October 2016




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