Statement on the Cabinet Meeting of 16 November 2016

1. Implementation of Government Programmes

1.1. The quarterly outcomes progress reports were presented to Cabinet for the period 1 July to 30 September 2016. These reports monitor the implementation of Government’s Programme of Action in line with the provisions of the Medium Term Strategic Framework and the National Development Plan.

1.2. Respective Cluster Ministers, through the GCIS, will coordinate cluster media briefings to present departmental milestones reached in the period, later this month.

Some highlights from the Quarterly Outcomes Progress Reports in the period under review:


1.3. The Department of Small Business Development supported 149 enterprises in the quarter under review. In addition, 104 cooperatives were supported through the Co-operative Incentive Scheme. These interventions are unlocking the potential of SMMEs, cooperatives, township and rural enterprises.

1.4. In the agricultural sector - 172 new agricultural enterprises and 23 non-agricultural enterprises were supported through various initiatives. An additional 337 existing SMMEs were identified and will be supported with training and market access. 240 cooperatives were supported through the Cooperative Incentive Scheme.

1.5. The work of the Inter-Ministerial Committee on Investment is starting to bear fruit. During the quarter under review, Invest SA facilitated an investment pipeline amounting to R18.2 billion mostly in large scale gas to power projects.

The fight against crime and corruption

Fighting crime and corruption remains a top priority of government. We are resolute to rid our communities of criminals and we will continue to work towards a safer South Africa where all citizens are and feel safe.

1.6. Partnerships between communities and government are needed to fight against crime and corruption. 98.9% police stations were reported to have functional Community Police Forums which contribute to a safe and secure environment for its citizens.

1.7. Progress is being continually made in the fight against corruption. Fifty-eight (58) persons were convicted in relation to reducing corruption amongst government officials in the reporting period. Five (5) persons were convicted for corruption or offences relating to corruption where the amount involved per case(s) is more than R5 million and value of freezing orders obtained are R185 million.


The wheels of restitution are moving to restore the dignity of those who suffered during apartheid. Substantial progress was made to restore the dignity of those who suffered during apartheid.

1.8. 54 400 hectares (ha) of strategically located land was acquired and allocated and 51 188 ha were allocated to smallholder producers. 6 530 ha of the acquired land was allocated to farm dwellers and labour tenants.

1.9. Of the 112 land claims that were settled 57 were in the rural areas benefiting 2 553 people in 467 households.

1.10. Recently, the Chief Land Claims Commissioner approving the Phase 2 Submission for the settlement of the Masinenge Community land claim and the Mtshali Family claim through the payment of financial compensation.

The total value of the Masinenge settlement is R7, 100,608.00 for the benefit of 64 households who were verified as victims of land dispossession. The Commission on Restitution of Land Rights has, during the period 1 April 2016 to 31 October 2016 paid-out close to a billion rand in compensation to land claimants who were dispossessed of their rights in land.

1.11. The findings of the recent Institute of Race Relations report: “Life in South Africa: Reasons for Hope” shows that life in South Africa is better today compared to 20 years ago.

In 2015 real per capita GDP was 33 per cent higher than in 1994; disposable income growth per capita increased from R23,686 in 1994 to R33,660 in 2015 (an increase of 42 per cent), the total number of people with jobs doubled from 7.9-million in 1994 to 15.6-million in 2015; access to formal housing increased by 131.3 per cent from 1996 to 2016; university enrolment rates increased by 281.4 per cent from 211,756 in 1985 to 807,663 in 2014; the number of new HIV infections dropped from 646,806 in 1999 to 321,497 in 2015; there has been a 62.5 per cent increase in healthcare professionals in the public sector between 2000 to 2015; and the murder rate has fallen by 49.3 per cent since 1994.

These highlight that while there are challenges, life for South Africans has improved over the past two decades. Cabinet encourages all sectors of society to continue to build on the advances of our nation since the dawn of democracy. There remain more positives for the country than there are negatives.

Implementation of Governments Programme of Action:

1.12. Government’s fifth National Imbizo Focus Week which was held from 7 to 13 November 2016 under the theme “Together we move South Africa forward: Our future – make it work“ saw South Africans actively engaging with government. This period of intense interaction further contributes to an informed and active citizenry; a critical element in delivering the National Development Plan (NDP) Vision 2030.

President Jacob Zuma initiated the week during an Imbizo at Marhulana Primary School in Tembisa, Gauteng where a fully equipped computer laboratory was handed over.

1.13. The opening of the Swartkopfontein road and bridge between South Africa and Botswana unlocks a new chapter in linking the South African border posts at Swartkopfontein to Botswana’s border post at Ramotswa. The upgraded road and bridge infrastructure, at an investment of R78.5 million resulted in 51 full time jobs being created over the 23-month contract period, with labour sourced from both countries.

1.14. The Revitalisation of Industrial Parks Programme, under the Minister of Trade and Industry, Rob Davies is creating jobs in and around townships and rural communities. The programme was implemented in response to a call by President Jacob Zuma to work towards full scale industrialisation and inclusive growth amongst others. The Department of Trade and Industry has so far invested R22.5m in the revitalisation of the Komani Industrial Park. During the 1st phase of the revitalisation programme, seven small micro medium enterprises were appointed as sub-contractors to the value of R5, 3million. Seventy-one local labourers were employed, of which 63 per cent were youth.

The Black Industrialist programme, with an objective to increase role-players in the manufacturing sector, has to date supported 22 Black Industrialists and 1500 jobs have been created. R1.5 billion has been injected to support these industrialists.

1.15. The Global Entrepreneurship Week was launched in Johannesburg last Friday by Deputy President, Cyril Ramaphosa, supported by Minister Lindiwe Zulu. It is taking place from 14 to 20 November 2016, and is the largest gathering of innovators and entrepreneurs who launch start-ups by bringing ideas to life, driving economic growth and stimulating socio-economic development. Cabinet recognises business and social partners in bringing GEW to South Africa, namely the Gauteng Provincial Government, City of Johannesburg, Hollard, Microsoft, IDC, SABS, SAB, SEA Africa, the Global Entrepreneurship Network and the Kauffman Foundation. Over 80 partner events will take place during this period. The GEW is a lead-up to the Global Entrepreneurship Congress (GEC) which will be hosted for the first time on the African continent in Johannesburg during March 2017, where over 5 000 delegates from 160 countries are expected to attend.

1.16. Minister Nomvula Mokonyane on 14 November 2016 launched the Drakenstein Waste Water Treatment Plant and handed it over to the Drakenstein Municipality in the Western Cape. The project value is approximately R 171 000 000 and has benefited the local authority and community by providing experience and training in construction; recruitment of local people; and sourcing of materials from local suppliers and manufacturers.

The provision of a basic water service to the community contributes to the improvement of the quality of water in the Berg River and alleviates the negative impact of poor quality irrigation water.

1.17. Water and sanitation are at the very core of sustainable development. The Department of Water and Sanitation is embarking on a Sanitation Campaign which will culminate with World Toilet Day on 19 November 2016, which is used to create awareness, to educate and apply efforts to ensure that everyone has access to decent sanitation services.

South Africa has committed itself to accelerate the provision of water and sanitation services, and as such restore the dignity particularly of those people from previously disadvantaged communities. The Bucket Eradication Programme is aimed at addressing the legacy of bucket toilets as a form of sanitation system in four provinces, namely the Eastern Cape, Free State, North West and the Northern Cape. A total of 25 264 buckets have been eradicated to date and a total of 26 985 buckets remain to be completed from a baseline of 52 249.

1.18. The graduation of young people from the four-year National Rural Youth Corps (NARYSEC) programme on 17 November 2016 complements government's job creation programmes and initiatives. The programme, which was launched in 2010, is a youth skills development and employment programme that helps to transform young people in the rural areas from being job seekers to creators of jobs.

1.19. The Expanded Public Works Programme (EPWP) Municipal Summit is underway from 15 to 17 November 2016 under the theme “See, Feel and Experience Public Employment Programmes”, at St George Conference Centre in Gauteng. EPWP is a key government initiative, which contributes to decent work and sustainable livelihoods, education, health, rural development, food security and land reform, including the fight against crime and corruption.

The summit focuses on the practical components of the programme by providing an opportunity to share experiences and best practices. This enhances government efforts of providing employment opportunities and skills acquisition through training which in turn revitalises poor communities.

More than 7 million work opportunities have been created through EPWP from 2004 to 2016. This indicates successful implementation of the programme by all spheres of government, municipalities and civil society. EPWP Phase 3 is in its third year of implementation – and has seen the introduction of universal principles which govern the implementation of the programme and its main task is to promote community involvement where EPWP projects are implemented. This also allows transparency in terms of recruitment.

1.20. The successful migration from analogue to digital broadcasting for residents within the Square Kilometre Array area in the Northern Cape, means that these residents are among the first to experience the full range of benefits of improved sound and picture quality associated with digital television.

The announcement by Minister Muthambi to complete the process of migrating to the broadcasting digital system by December 2018 in a provincial phased approach is underway, having already started in the Northern Cape and Limpopo. Registrations are open in the Free State, Mpumalanga and Limpopo. Registrations will also open in the North West, Eastern Cape, KwaZulu-Natal, Western Cape and Gauteng at a later stage.

1.21. The analogue switch off forms part of the country’s Broadcasting Digital Migration process in the country. Poor households who qualify for the government subsidy are urged to register for free STBs at their local Post Office branches.

1.22. Cabinet was also briefed on the plan to exhume the remains of political activists who were hanged during apartheid. There were at least 130 political prisoners who were hanged for politically-related offences between 1960 and 1990, after which the death penalty was suspended. These patriots will be properly buried in their places of origin.

This process follows the public launch of the Gallows Exhumation Project on 23 March 2016 at the Kgosi Mampuru II Correctional Centre, to commence with the exhumation of the remains of 83 political activists over a period of six months before the end of 2016/17.

1.23. Cabinet welcomed the successful conclusion of the 3rd Session of the Bi-National Commission between Botswana and South Africa led by President Jacob Zuma and his counterpart President Seretse Khama Ian Khama to further deepen economic cooperation between the two countries.

Fast tracking work on the Lesotho Highlands Water Transfer Project, implementation of the Southern African Development Community (SADC) Industrialisation Strategy and Regional Indicative Strategic Development Plan to create regional value chains and manufacturing capacities, and cooperation in border management to combat cross-border crimes such as rhino and elephant poaching, were among the areas explored.

South Africa reaffirmed its support for the SADC candidate for the post of the AU Commission Chairperson, Honourable Dr. Pelonomi Venson-Moitoi, the Minister of International Affairs and Cooperation of the Republic of Botswana.

1.24. President Jacob Zuma concluded a successful Working Visit to Addis Ababa, in the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia where he attended the African Union (AU) High Level Committee on Libya meeting to review and discuss the peace and security situation in Libya. The Committee discussed and agreed on a number of issues that would help find a lasting solution to challenges facing the people of Libya. As members of the African Union we want to see peace and stability in Libya and the committee agreed that as Africa we need to extensively persuade all involved parties in Libya to find an African solution to the problems facing the country.

President Zuma also participated in the Second Extraordinary Summit of the Volunteering Nations of the African Capacity for Immediate Response to Crises (ACIRC). The aim of this Summit was to discuss the status of the ACIRC Force following the conduct of the UTULIVU AFRICA I and II Command Post Exercises (CPX) and the verification of the pledged capabilities from May 2014 to April 2015. Volunteering countries to the ACIRC, which include South Africa, resolved to take a lead in bringing about African solutions for African challenges without the intervention of external forces.

2. Upcoming events

2.1. The 16 Days of Activism for No Violence against Women and Children takes place annually from 25 November (International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women) to 10 December (International Human Rights Day). Other key commemorative days during this period include World Aids Day on 1 December and the International Day for People with Disabilities on 3 December.

The 2016 theme for the 16 Days of Activism is “Count me in: together moving a non-violent South Africa forward” and is being sustained through a year-long approach in working continuously with communities.

President Jacob Zuma will on 25 November 2016 launch the National Dialogues which will see District Municipalities convene dialogues throughout the year. The dialogues will incorporate skills development and empowerment for communities, especially for women, as well as service delivery improvement in terms of access to justice and counselling and health services. All South Africans have a duty to be active participants in the fight against violence against women and child abuse.

2.2. International Relations and Cooperation Minister Maite Nkoana-Mashabane and the Minister of Natural Resources and Environment of the Russian Federation, Mr Sergey Donskoy, will co-chair the 14th Session of the Joint Intergovernmental Committee on Trade and Economic Cooperation (ITEC) between South Africa and the Russia on Friday, 18 November 2016, in Pretoria.

This session is expected to agree on specific plans of action to expedite implementation of existing commitments within all the sectors of ITEC, including trade, investment and banking; mineral resources; energy; agriculture, forestry and fisheries; transport; science, technology and space; water resources; and education and justice.

2.3. Deputy President Cyril Ramaphosa will lead a delegation of ministers and non-governmental stakeholders on 19 November 2016 to the Youth Career Development Expo at the Nkowankowa Stadium in the Greater Tzaneen Local Municipality, Limpopo.

The expo will provide career guidance and information on further education and training opportunities to learners who are in Grades 10 to 12, to unemployed youth, and to youth who have dropped out from high school. The Youth Career Development Expo is part of government’s work to advance young people, particularly their participation in the economy, so that they can take their rightful place in our society.

2.4. Following the Local Government Elections, public participation in the governance of communities remains critical to influence municipal planning, in a manner which best addresses the needs of citizens.

The Local Government Municipal Structures Act, 1998, requires amongst others municipalities to develop mechanisms to consult communities and community organisations in performing their functions and exercising their powers. These structures are commonly known as Ward Committees, and provide a vital link between Ward Councillors, the community and the municipality.

In the coming months Ward Committees will be elected to serve their communities and citizens must avail themselves to participate in these elections and to serve on these structures.

Cabinet welcomed the successful and peaceful municipal ward by-elections held recently in six provinces. South Africans have again demonstrated their commitment to political tolerance which is a testament to the maturity of our constitutional democracy.

2.5. The SA Sport Awards Ceremony 2016 will be held on 27 November 2016 at the Sand du Plessis Theatre, Mangaung, Free State. Voting lines for the People’s Choice Sports Star of the Year with its broadcast partner SABC Sport are open and will close on 27 November 2016 at 21h00. Cabinet commends all the People’s Choice Sports Star of the Year Nominees.

3. Cabinet’s position on issues in the environment

3.1. The impact of Climate Change is being felt through the severe weather conditions in the form of inconsistent rainfall, drought conditions, excessive heat and flash flooding. The flash floods in Gauteng and Mpumalanga resulted in the loss of lives, displaced communities especially in informal areas and destroyed infrastructure such as roads, bridges and property.

Cabinet conveys its condolences to the family and friends of those who lost their lives in the flooding and wishes those injured a speedy recovery. The nation’s thoughts and prayers are with those whose loved ones are still missing. The country’s Disaster Management teams remain on alert across the country, especially in areas where more rains are expected. All people must respect and respond to early warning of harsh weather.

President Jacob Zuma accompanied by Gauteng Premier David Makhura and Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs Minister Des van Rooyen inspected the area and visited homes that were flooded at the Stjwetla informal settlement along the Jukskei River. President Zuma has directed an intergovernmental intervention led by Minister van Rooyen to harness the Jukskei River and buttress its banks to reduce the impact of flash floods on communities. Cabinet thanks Community based NGOs, Ward Councillors and volunteers who came to the aide of residents.

The recent rains should however not draw South Africans into a false sense of security as various parts of the country continue to experience drought conditions. Government has released water from the Sterkfontein Dam to Vaal Dam as a short term measure to help ease the situation and made an additional R212-million available in drought aid to support farmers in provinces that have been declared drought disaster areas.

Cabinet calls on South Africans to be conscious of the impact their actions have on the environment and do all they can to save water.

3.2. International ratings agencies Moody’s, Fitch and Standard and Poors will in the coming weeks announce their decision on the country’s investment rating grade. Government has been working with business, civil society and labour to translate the country’s plans into concrete actions that will ensure South Africa remains an investment grade country. Cabinet calls on all sectors to join government in a united front to protect our country’s investment status.

3.3. The release of the 2015/16 audit results by the Auditor-General, Kimi Makwetu of national and provincial departments and their entities underscores the importance of performing the following basics properly and consistently: implementing plans to address deficiencies in financial controls based on commitments already made; providing effective leadership and monitoring achievement of performance targets; and reviewing and monitoring compliance with key laws and legislation over financial matters.

Audit outcomes of national auditees showed an overall improvement of 8 per cent; 30 per cent of the auditees had a clean audit status and 14 per cent were either outstanding, disclaimed or had adverse opinions.

The provincial level showed that the majority of departments had findings on compliance with key legislation and on the quality of their annual performance reports.

Cabinet noted with concern the risks and challenges as highlighted in the audit results. It has committed government to address the pressing issues that have been identified and strengthen financial controls towards better audit outcomes.

3.4. Cabinet welcomed the approximately 11 000 delegates who are participating at the 19th AfricaCom conference which is being held in Cape Town from 15 to 17 November 2016 under the theme “Harnessing the transformative power of Africa’s digital revolution: the internet as an engine for economic development and social empowerment”. The conference was addressed by Minister of Telecommunications and Postal Services Dr Siyabonga Cwele and had over 350 speakers.

AfricaCom has become a broad platform in developing the digital economy in Africa for socio-economic development and empowerment in support of Africa’s Agenda 2063 programme. The conference attracts leaders of ICT, entrepreneurs and innovators from Africa and decision makers from over 140 countries. This year’s conference focused on digital skills development, empowering women in technology, technology to tackle disabilities and supporting the African Tech Start-up Ecosystem. This provided a vehicle to realise the objectives of the NDP in terms of digital transformation, economic development and social empowerment.

3.5. Cabinet is pleased that many students in higher education institutions across the country have responded positively to calls to save the 2016 academic programme. A number of institutions have started their final year examinations.

We encourage students to remain focused on completing their studies and allow the Commission into the Feasibility of Fee-Free Higher Education and Training to complete its work.

The work undertaken through NEDLAC is acknowledged, where the National Treasury presented proposals on how we could realise free education for tertiary students. A declaration will be finalised at the end of November 2016.

The call by national church leaders and other faith leaders for solutions to the challenges in higher education are most welcome. Their support in mediation, prayer and peace efforts, along with their call for the 2016 academic year to be successfully concluded are welcomed.

3.6. Cabinet welcomes the Constitutional Court decision on the Electronic National Traffic Information System (eNATIS) which will now be administered by government.

3.7. We also noted the Constitutional Court Ruling that the application by Terry Crawford-Browne, to have the arms deal commission set aside, was not in the interest of justice. The Seriti Commission of Inquiry that probed the 1999 multi-billion-rand deal found that there was no evidence that any of the contracts were tainted by evidence of corruption, fraud or irregularities, this report was released by President Jacob Zuma in April 2016.

3.8. Cabinet is concerned at the incitement of racial tensions and violence by public figures which detracts from our hard won freedom. South Africans must condemn detrimental influences such as the racist assault of Rethabile Mlotshwa which only serves to harm our fellow South Africans and does not add to the Ubuntu of our nation. We should also continue to respect the rule of law and speak out against unconstitutional calls to illegally occupy land in our communities.

3.9. Cabinet respects the resignation of Mr. Brian Molefe as Group Chief Executive of Eskom and wishes him well in his future endeavours. Mr. Molefe has been instrumental in developing Eskom’s turnaround strategy which is beginning to yield positive results. Cabinet is confident that he has left behind a strong executive team who will continue to deliver on Eskom’s mandate and implementation of the turnaround strategy.

3.10. Cabinet noted the allegations in an Al Jazeera documentary against Minister of State Security, Mr David Mahlobo, and noted that the South African Police Services are investigating the allegations.

3.11. Cabinet highlighted that government has been at the forefront in the fight against environmental crimes, this includes work done within the security services as part of government’s efforts to curb transnational organised crime and to ensure that justice prevails against those involved in syndicates.

Cabinet congratulated the following:

3.12. Finance Minister, Pravin Gordhan who was recognised at the 2016 Sunday Times Top 100 Companies Awards by South Africa’s captains of industry. This acknowledgement by the business community signals that we are in this together, and that collectively we have the will to change South Africa into a better place. The collective efforts of government, business, labour and civil society is moving onto higher trajectory to realising Vision 2030 of the NDP.

3.13. Francois Groepe who was re-appointed as the Deputy Governor of the South African Reserve Bank, by President Jacob Zuma, for a period of five years with effect from 1 January 2017.

3.14. Gift of the Givers foundation founder Imtiaz Sooliman, who was awarded the Global Citizen Award by the international advisory firm Henley & Partners. This demonstrates that South African citizens are flying the flag high by giving so selflessly to people in need.

3.15. Executive Chef Martin Kobald, a culinary extraordinaire in South Africa, who has been elected as vice -president of the World Association of Chefs Societies.

3.16. Africa’s Greenest Hotel, Hotel Verde situated at Cape Town International Airport was voted the global winner in the Urban Accommodation category during the 15th annual Skål International Sustainable Tourism Awards, held in Monaco.

3.17. South African Sevens star Seabelo Senatla, who was named World Rugby Men's Sevens Player of the Year for his stellar performances in 2016. The South African flyer crossed for 66 tries in 10 events in the 2015-16 series - the second-highest in the 17-year history of the series, this is an inspiration to young rugby players. This is also the second year in a row that a South African has won the award.

3.18. South African gold medalist Wayde van Niekerk who was named male athlete of the Olympic Games by the Association of National Olympic Committee’s Awards which were held in Doha.

3.19. Brad Binder who capped off his title-winning Moto3 campaign with victory in the season finale at Valencia racing circuit in Spain.

3.20. Cabinet congratulated the Proteas on their Test series victory over Australia as well as Bafana with their victory over Senegal in a World-Cup qualifier match. Cabinet wishes the Springboks well in their match against Italy and is confident that the defeat by England only serves to strengthen the team.

Cabinet thanks all South Africans who once again united behind our national teams by watching the various matches and wearing the colours of our flag or the shirt of their favourite team. Let us continue to embrace and capture the sense of our national pride as our teams fly the country’s flag.

3.21. Cabinet joins President Jacob Zuma in congratulating Donald John Trump who was elected as the 45th President of the United States of America (USA) and is confident that future engagements between South Africa and the USA will be of benefit to both countries.

4. Appointments

All appointments are subject to the verification of qualifications and the relevant clearance.

4.1. Department of Labour:

a) Mrs MSB Matebesi as Deputy Director General: Corporate Services, and

b) Mr TS Maruping as Deputy Director General Unemployment Insurance Fund.

4.2. Ms CL Duma as Deputy Director General: Corporate Services at the Department of Tourism.

4.3. Mr H Ratshisusu as Deputy Competition Commissioner.

4.4. Mr Enver Daniels as the Deputy Chairperson of the Competition Tribunal.

4.5. Prof H Cheadle as a part time member of the Competition Tribunal.

Donald Liphoko
Contact: 082 901 0766

Issued by:
Government Communications
17 November 2016




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