Statement on the Cabinet Meeting of 7 December 2016

As the year closes, Cabinet joins South Africans in commemorating the third anniversary of Nelson Mandela's passing on 5 December 2013.

“Our daily deeds as ordinary South Africans must produce an actual South African reality that will reinforce humanity’s belief in justice, strengthen its confidence in the nobility of the human soul, and sustain all our hopes for a glorious life for all.” – Nelson Mandela

Madiba subscribed to the values of our Constitution and the vision of a free, just and united nation that underpins the society that we must work towards. To do this, South Africans need to be united by a shared vision of a better society.

1. Implementation of government programmes

South African Economy

1.1. Cabinet commends the effective partnership of Team South Africa – constituted by government, business, labour and all South Africans – for working together to safeguard South Africa’s investment rating. Through hard work and unified action, the economy and investor confidence has been stabilised in these difficult economic times.

President Jacob Zuma initiated Team SA to get different sectors to work together to reignite our economy, attract investment and create jobs for our people. These positive developments should motivate us to work even harder to move South Africa forward.

1.2. Moody’s Investor Services, Fitch Ratings and Standard & Poor’s kept South Africa's sovereign debt credit rating status above sub-investment grade.

Concerns raised by the agencies have been noted and together with our social partners we are fast tracking interventions to turnaround the economy. Cabinet remains confident that the path set out in the National Development Plan (NDP) and government’s planned fiscal consolidation, together with the implementation of the Nine-Point Plan, will help South Africa remain an investment-grade country.

1.3. Cabinet notes that South Africa’s gross domestic product (GDP) grew by 0.2% in the third quarter. The main contributors to GDP growth were the mining and quarrying sector, finance, real estate and business services, and general government services. The agriculture, forestry and fishing sector contracted by -0.3%; manufacturing by -3.2%; electricity, gas and water by -2.9%; and trade, catering and accommodation by -2.1%. Drought is still the largest contributor to the decline in the agriculture sector.

1.4. The handover of title deeds to five Bahurutshe communities by the Minister of Rural Development and Land Reform, Mr Gugile Nkwinti, is one of the biggest land claims to be settled at Motsane Game Farm outside Zeerust in the North West.

More than fifty-four thousand (54 280) hectares of land, which includes a game farm, is being restored.

Also, the launch of the pilot project of the Policy Framework on Strengthening the Relative Rights of People Working the Land (50/50 policy) for North West at the Stars Away Farm in Ottoshoop, Zeerust, follows the conclusion of an agreement which will see farmworkers and the farmer become co-owners of the farming enterprise.

1.5. Water infrastructure is part of government’s National Infrastructure Plan to transform our economic landscape while creating new jobs and strengthening the delivery of basic services.

The launch of the Mokolo and Crocodile River (West) Water Augmentation Project demonstrates government’s commitment to respond to the needs of citizens. The water transfer infrastructure supplies water to the Lephalale Local Municipality, Eskom's power stations (Matimba and Medupi), the Zeeland water treatment plant, and Exxaro's Grootegeluk Mine. It also transfers water from the Crocodile River West near Thabazimbi to the Lephalale area.

1.6. The Welgedacht Wastewater Treatment Works near Springs, Gauteng, underwent an extension to cope with the increased demand for wastewater treatment.

In order to alleviate the pollution in the Vaal River System, the Department of Water and Sanitation refurbished the Oranjeville Waste Water Treatment Plant in the Metsimaholo District Municipality and Leeuwkuil Waste Water Treatment Plant in the Emfuleni District Municipality at a cost of R44.4 million. Also, over R300 million has been set aside to upgrade 26 dysfunctional waste water treatment works in parts of Gauteng and the Free State.

1.7. The Orange-Senqu River Basin Commission is currently underway from 5 to 9 December 2016 at Emperors Palace in Kempton Park. South Africa, Lesotho, Botswana and Namibia are the member countries to the commission. The commission implements the strategic trans-boundary water resources management framework and works towards the long-term development goals in the basin.

1.8. The new Pan-African platform, Africa Trade Week 2016 was held from 28 November to 2 December under the theme: “Advancing Socio-Economic Structural Transformation through Intra-Africa Trade”. This provided a comprehensive, integrated and inclusive platform for policy dialogue between various trade-related constituencies.

The Minister of Trade and Industry, Dr Rob Davies, engaged on the Continental Free Trade Area (CFTA) Negotiations, which was launched during the African Union (AU) Assembly held in South Africa on 15 June 2015. The CFTA aims to boost intra-Africa trade and to build an integrated Africa of one billion people and GDP of approximately 2.6 trillion US dollars.

1.9. The second edition of Science Forum South Africa is being held under the theme “Igniting conversations about science” from 8 to 9 December at the CSIR International Convention Centre. Scientists, policy-makers, students, academics and the public are engaging on pertinent issues around science, technology and innovation.

The focus is on social sciences, and debates include the minimum living wage and the reported 60% dropout rate at South Africa’s universities. Other topics include climate change-induced migration, public perceptions of genetically modified organisms, food security, and how social science can shape Africa’s future.

Local Government

1.10. The recently held South African Local Government Association (SALGA) National Conference from 28 November to 1 December 2016 concluded with a recommitment to the Back to Basics programme and to promote inclusive living through the implementation of the Integrated Urban Development Framework (IUDF). The IUDF espouses the vision of creating “liveable, safe, resource-efficient cities and towns that are socially integrated, economically inclusive and globally competitive, where residents actively participate in urban life”.  

Activism for no violence against women and children

1.11. The current 16 Days of Activism for No Violence against Women and Children 2016 campaign under the theme: “Count Me In: Together Moving a Non-Violent South Africa Forward”, launched by President Zuma, has set in motion the #365 days of Activism. As part of broadening access of government services to all, especially those who are vulnerable, the launch of a disability enhancement tool for the 24-hour Gender-Based Violence (GBV) Command Centre will enable members of the deaf community to access and use the professional counselling services of the centre.

1.12. Cabinet underscores its condemnation to any and all acts of violence motivated by prejudice. Government continues to address the safety issues of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex persons. The Prevention and Combating of Hate Crimes and Hate Speech Bill, which is in the consultative phase, will strengthen enforcement and prosecution.


1.13. The World AIDS Day commemoration on 1 December 2016, under the theme “It is in our hands to end HIV and TB”, led by Deputy President Cyril Ramaphosa, was boosted by the launch of new clinical trials for the HIV and AIDS vaccine known as HVTN 702.

Cabinet applauds the South African scientists who are leading this critical research. The trial is one of the biggest in the world and bears testimony to the competency of the scientific and medical fraternity.

1.14. Government continues in its partnership with all stakeholders – including PHILA and the South African National AIDS Council – to achieve an AIDS-free generation, stop all new HIV infections, end the TB epidemic and encourage all our citizens to make healthy, responsible choices.

South Africa has achieved its targets for antiretroviral (ARV) treatment and we now have the largest ARV programme in the world, with 3.4 million people on treatment in 2015. The prevention of mother-to-child transmission target was reached, with a marked decline from more than 3.5% in 2010 to 1.8% in 2014. Sexual transmission of HIV among youth aged 15-24 years declined from 410 000 in 2011 to 330 000 in 2014. New TB infections and TB deaths declined, but the targets to achieve a 50% reduction in TB deaths were not reached.

Over 800 million male condoms and over 20 million female condoms were distributed in the last financial year. The HIV-testing campaign saw 35 million HIV tests done over the five-year period. South Africa has over 300 GeneXpert machines deployed countrywide and over 2.1 million GeneXpert tests have been conducted. In 2016 South Africa implemented the universal test and treat programme where every HIV-positive person is put on treatment regardless of their CD4 cell count.

Disaster Management

1.15. A meeting of SADC Ministers responsible for disaster risk management took place on 26 November 2016 in Mauritius chaired by the Minister of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs, Mr Des Van Rooyen.

The meeting approved the Regional Disaster Preparedness and Response Strategy and set up a Task Force to finalise the proposal on the disaster preparedness and response fund. The SADC secretariat will convene a joint meeting of Ministers for Disaster Management and Finance to consider the proposed disaster preparedness and response fund.


1.16. As part of the programme to develop young people, the fifth national Youth Camp at the 3 South African Infantry Battalion, was opened next to Kimberley in the Northern Cape by the departments of Social Development and Defence and Military Veterans, under the theme #40YearsOn – Youth still moving South Africa forward.

This brings together 1 000 young people across race, ethnicity, gender, class and language from all provinces with a view to promote national identity, nation-building, social cohesion, patriotism and active citizenry among young people of South Africa. Discussions will be held around the many challenges they face as youth.

Since the first National Youth Camp in 2012, youth participants have undertaken a number of projects in their communities aimed at bringing about development. The Youth Camp provides an opportunity for young people, who are now leaders in their own right in their communities, to share their experiences with other youth.

National Development Plan

1.17. The NDP is a long-term vision and plan that serves as a blueprint for the work that needs to be done to achieve a prosperous society for South Africa by 2030. The core priorities of the NDP are to reduce poverty, unemployment and inequality.

1.18. Cabinet calls on all sectors of society, business, labour and civil society to play their part in advancing the brand identity of the NDP by highlighting the implementation of the NDP through co-branding initiatives that are catalytic in implementing the plan.

1.19. Cabinet undertook a photoshoot to symbolise a call to action that sees all sectors of society using the NDP brand identity.

2. Cabinet decisions

2.1. Cabinet supports the Minister of Transport, Ms Dipuo Peters, in directing Transnet National Ports Authority, in terms of Section 79, subsection (1) of the National Ports Act, 2005 (Act 12 of 2005), to amend the Terminal Operator’s Agreement to allow the Strategic Fuel Fund to handle cargoes of Liquefied Petroleum Gas at the Port of Saldanha Bay. The Strategic Fuel Funds current lease and license will also be extended with a minimum of 25 years to provide commercial and operational certainty for sustainable investment in the oil and gas sector.

This is in line with government priorities relating to Operation Phakisa on growing the Oceans Economy and broader goals outlined in the NDP, to promote economic growth and to boost job creation.

2.2. Cabinet was briefed on the status of the Acid Mine Drainage “Emergency Works” project that was implemented as a short-term solution for Acid Mine Drainage mitigation in the Witwatersrand goldfields. A long-term solution will be implemented in line with recommendations set down by the Inter-Ministerial Committee (IMC).

Being a water-scarce country, the Acid Mine Drainage project capitalises on water conservation and reuse, ensuring the provision of adequately treated drinking water and a move away from the sole reliance on clean water in industrial applications. Further, the project also mitigates pollution and other negative impacts.

2.3. Cabinet approved the National Sanitation Policy, 2016 for implementation. This follows an extensive period of consultation for inputs. The policy places the well-being of people at the centre of development and is forward looking in terms of improved levels of services, innovation and appropriate technology to ensure sustainability to improve the lives of the poor.

2.4. Cabinet approved the release of the National Crime Statistics report for the first two quarters of 2016/17, by the Minister of Police, Mr Nkosinathi Nhleko. The quarterly releases enables government to monitor key targets, in particular the reduction of reported serious crimes, as set out in the MTSF and could be used as early warning to strengthen the crime-prevention operations and strategies of various government departments. Minister Nhleko will release these crime statistics before 31 January 2017.

2.5. Cabinet approved the Second Country Report on the implementation of the African Charter on the Rights and Welfare of the Child (Children’s Charter) for submission to the AU in January 2017.

The Children's Charter was adopted by the African Union in 1990 and is a comprehensive instrument that sets out rights and defines universal principles and norms for the status of children. The Second Country Report outlines progress made on the implementation of a suite of government-wide policies and legislation to promote, protect and realise children’s rights. The report also recognises the continuous and progressive efforts to strengthen implementation of programmes and projects to promote the rights of children.

2.6. Cabinet was briefed on the outcomes from the 17th Meeting of the Conference of Parties (CoP17) to the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES), which was hosted by South Africa from 24 September to 5 October 2016.

Parties agreed to measures and actions to be implemented within the mandate of the Convention to ensure legal international trade remains sustainable and illegal trade is eradicated. Parties also agreed to recognise that people need to benefit from the sustainable utilisation of its natural resources, including from legal international trade.

2.7. Cabinet approved South Africa’s negotiating positions for the 13th Meeting of the CoP to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD COP13) and its protocols to be held in Cancun, Mexico from 4 to 17 December 2016.

CBD COP13 will consider the following key issues: Resource Mobilisation; Mainstreaming and the Integration of Biodiversity within and across sectors; and Marine and Coastal Biodiversity.

2.8. Cabinet was briefed on progress made by government in responding to the attacks on foreign nationals and addressing the root causes. Guided by the IMC on Migration, government implemented Operation Fiela, which brought the violence under control. From 1 July to 30 September 2015, 702 operations were conducted, which led to 9 741 arrests of which 3 158 were of foreign nationals.

Work on the root cause of the attacks determined that there was an increased competition for economic opportunities, resources and public services between foreign nationals and poor unemployed South Africans residing in townships and informal settlements.

Final approval of the White Paper on International Migration is planned for March 2017, and will include the “First Safe Country” principle that will assist in managing refugees and asylum seekers. Cabinet also approved the Refugee Amendment Bill in September 2015 for tabling in Parliament and Home Affairs submitted a document to the Southern African Development Community inviting discussion on how to deal with migration in the region. Land was also acquired in Lebombo, Mpumalanga in 2015 to set up asylum-processing centres closer to the border.

2.9. Cabinet was updated on implementation of the National Evaluation System detailed in the Annual Report on Evaluation 2016 to 2017 and also approved the sixth National Evaluation Plan 2017 to 2018.

The National Evaluation System is being institutionalised across government and is building a body of evidence following 16 economic evaluations: six agricultural/ rural evaluations; seven human settlements evaluations and an evidence map; five children evaluations; and four safety evaluations (with two additional safety evaluations starting).

Cabinet reinforced that departments should allocate necessary funding for effective and efficient monitoring and evaluation to ensure the effectiveness and efficiency of programmes.

2.10. Cabinet was briefed on the findings and recommendations from the study conducted by the Department of Public Service and Administration (DPSA) on the geographic accessibility of Thusong Service Centres, government’s one-stop service centres providing information and services to communities.

The study recommends a more equitable distribution of Centres and the clustering of existing service points of key departments so as to maximise the number of people who can access services, reduce the distance and cost of travelling; and minimise the need for additional infrastructure investment. In addition to the 197 existing Thusong Centres, the study identified and recommends 67 additional locations where access to service needs to be improved to meet population demands and reduce travel distances to Service Centres.

2.11. Cabinet was briefed on the provisions of the directive on compulsory capacity development, mandatory training days and maximum entry requirements for the Senior Management Service (SMS). This will improve the quality of human resources, which is a critical factor in the capacity of government to deliver on its mandate and contributes to the NDP focus on building a capable and developmental state.

2.12. Cabinet approved the 2.5% cost-of-living adjustment to the remuneration levels of members from the South African Human Rights Commission, with effect from 1 April 2016.

3. Bills

Cabinet approved for the introduction of the following Bills into Parliament:

3.1. Cybercrimes and Cybersecurity Bill of 2016, which strengthens the criminal justice system as envisaged in the NDP, by combatting cybercrime, establishing capacity to deal with cybersecurity and protecting critical information infrastructures.

It contributes towards building safer communities as envisaged in the National Development Plan. In this regard, government is committed to put in place measures to build confidence and trust in the secure use of Information Communications Technologies.

3.2. Traditional Courts Bill of 2016, contributes to realising a developmental, capable and ethical state by regulating the role and functions of the institution of traditional leadership in the resolution of disputes, in accordance with the Constitution of South Africa.  

This will improve access to justice services by all with the view to promote social cohesion.

3.3. Criminal Procedure Amendment Bill of 2016, which amends the Criminal Procedure Act, 1977 (Act 51 of 1977).

The amendments provide the courts with wider discretion in issuing orders in respect of vulnerable groups, namely persons with a mental disability. The courts will also be assisted to make legally and procedurally correct decisions that are based on reports of expert panels that have been correctly constituted.

4. Upcoming events

4.1. Zambia’s President Edgar Lungu is on a State Visit to South Africa from 8 to 9 December 2016. It is expected that a Joint Permanent Commission between the two countries will be inaugurated, which will oversee the 1996 General Agreement and the 1999 Declaration of Intent which gives effect to bilateral agreements.

The two countries have good bilateral and economic relations, with Zambia remaining one of South Africa’s top three trading partners on the African continent. South African exports to Zambia in 2014 were R29.5 billion, while Zambia‘s exports to South Africa reached R3.6 billion.

4.2. Cabinet approved for South Africa to host the Information and Communications Technology Africa 2017 Summit in partnership with AfricanBrains in July 2017. This will be led by the Department of Telecommunications and Postal Services.

4.3. On 9 December 2016, our government in partnership with the United Nations (UN) Office on Drugs and Crime and the University of South Africa, will once again mark International Anti-Corruption Day under the theme: “United Against Corruption”, which resonates with the injunction of the National Development Plan to foster an active citizenry that will partner with government in the fight against corruption.

Since 2014 we have ensured the conviction of a total of ninety (90) persons and legal entities for corruption and corruption related matters. Thirty-two were for cases where the total amount involved is R5 million per case amounting to about R3.8 billion.[1]  The remaining fifty-eight (58) persons convicted were for amounts less than R5 million per case, the total amount involved was in the order of R188 million.  

In the same period, we have been able to obtain eight hundred and seventy-one (871) freezing orders totaling R7.65 billion as well as one thousand and eighty-nine (1089) forfeiture/confiscation orders to the value of R2.86 billion.

Corruption is being addressed through a suite of mechanisms, which include: the Code of Conduct for the Public Service; the establishment of specialised anti-corruption units such as the South African Police Service (SAPS) Organised Crime Unit; the Directorate for Priority Crime Investigation; the National Prosecuting Authority’s Specialised Commercial Crimes Unit; the Asset Forfeiture Unit and the Financial Intelligence Centre. Efforts are boosted by Specialised Commercial Crime Courts and the creation of the national and sectoral anti-corruption hotlines.

4.4. 2016 marks the 20th anniversary of the signing into law of the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa of 1996 by former President Nelson Mandela in Sharpeville on 10 December 1996.

The Constitution laid the foundation for a democratic and open society in which government is based on the will of the people. It is the product of a long process of struggle and multiparty political negotiations in which politicians, lawyers and representatives of civil society played a role. It is regarded as one of the most progressive and transformative constitutions in the world.

To commemorate the 20th anniversary under the theme “Celebrating 20 years of the Constitution – transforming society and uniting the nation”, government will undertake a series of community engagements and programmes to increase awareness and knowledge of the Constitution, its values and human rights. A national event will be held at the George Thabe Stadium in Sharpeville on Saturday, 10 December 2016.

4.5. The national event to commemorate the Day of Reconciliation on Friday, 16 December 2016 under the theme “Bridging the Divide towards a Non-Racial Society”, will take place at Gopane Black Aces Ground, Zeerust in North West.

4.6. Cabinet extends its best wishes to all South Africans for the upcoming festive season.  We call on our fellow South Africans to assist individuals and families in their communities, especially children, older persons and people with disabilities.

4.7. The announcement by the SAPS that shopping malls will also become a priority during the festive season goes further in ensuring that South Africans are and feel safe. The deployment of police members and trainees at various malls across the country forms part of the Back-to-Basics approach of the SAPS to improve visibility, enhance policing and curb various crimes which tend to spike during the festive season.

Cabinet urges all South Africans, in line with the responsibilities outlined in our NDP, to be part of the solution and ensure a safe and enjoyable festive season for all.

As South Africans take to the road to visit loved ones and family members, please be alert and ensure that vehicles are roadworthy. Adherence to the speed limit, wearing safety belts and not driving while under the influence are non-negotiables in ensuring your own safety and that of other people around you. As we enjoy the upcoming festive period, please continue to use water wisely and efficiently as water remains a scarce resource.

5. Past year

The past year witnessed a growing number of investment initiatives that have been announced in the country, which demonstrate confidence by the international investment community in South Africa’s economy. It further demonstrates that our country is on a path to recovery and continues to be a viable investment destination. Implementation of the Nine-Point Plan, the MTSF and interventions such as Operation Phakisa have placed us on a higher trajectory to realise Vision 2030 of the NDP.

We created new trade opportunities aimed at opening market access and deepening existing economic ties. This was implemented through bilateral meetings with targeted Government Ministries, meetings with potential investors, engagements with various Chambers of Commerce as well as taking part in national pavilions and tourism promotion events.

These initiatives yielded increased sales of manufactured value-added exports by R 1.2 billion which brings the cumulative total for the year to R3.8 billion. Further, the Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) inflows pipeline represents potential FDI of R13.1 billion particularly in the energy and chemicals sector. This brings the total potential FDI for 2016 to R30 billion.

International tourism continues to be an important part of our economic diplomacy efforts, contributing to job creation and economic growth. Tourist arrivals figures went up by 14, 8% in 2016 compared to the same period in 2015. A total of about R39.3 billion foreign direct spend was achieved during the first months of 2016, which contributes to job creation and sustains the local economy. This information confirms that South Africa remains a popular destination for international tourists.

As part of the National Infrastructure Plan we have seen infrastructure investments in education, health, water, energy and transport. All of which have created employment and improved the lives of our people. The stabilisation of the grid has strengthened reliable electricity supply for South Africa.

Various international agenda engagements resulted in a suite of memorandums of understanding and agreements being signed. These serve as a catalyst for economic development initiatives and to meet our goals from the NDP.

We held a successful Local Government Election and also hosted, in the spirit of Ubuntu, various mega events. These included: AfricaCom; Africa Internet Governance Forum; COP17) to the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES); the 35th International Geological Congress; the 21st International AIDS Conference and many others. South Africa has become an international destination of choice.

Cabinet is pleased that many students in higher education institutions across the country have responded positively to calls to save the 2016 academic programme and commends the thousands of students who wrote their final year examinations.

Our national sporting teams and athletes held our flag high with their performances and spirit at the 2016 Rio Olympics as well as other sporting events. South Africans in various fields have inspired us with their skills and talents and received national and international accolades. South Africa is a winning nation.

6. Sympathy and congratulatory messages

Cabinet congratulates:

6.1. The Springbok Sevens side for flying the country’s flag high by winning the HSBC World Rugby Sevens Series in Dubai.

6.2. South Africa’s two-time Olympic rowing coach, Roger Barrow, who was named 2016 World Rowing Coach of the Year by the International Rowing Association (Federation Internationale des Societes d'Aviron).

6.3. President-elect Adama Barrow, who was elected as Gambia’s new President and is confident that future engagements will benefit the two countries.


6.4. Cabinet joins President Zuma in extending condolences to the people of Cuba on the passing of their former President and revolutionary hero El Commandante Jefe Fidel Alejandro Castro Ruz, who dedicated his life to freedom and self-determination. President Zuma was among the Heads of State and Government who were invited to address the special service held in Cuba. Castro took a principled stand against colonial occupation on the African continent and played an instrumental role in advancing South Africa’s own struggle for liberation.

6.5. All South Africans are invited to show solidarity with the people of Cuba by signing books of condolence that have been placed at the Union Buildings in Pretoria, Tuynhuys in Cape Town and at the offices of Premiers in all provinces.

6.6. Cabinet conveyed condolences to the government and people of the Federative Republic of Brazil, especially the families, friends and colleagues of all the victims of the chartered plane that crashed over a mountainous region in Colombia. Cabinet wishes survivors a speedy recovery.

6.7. Cabinet expresses its condolences on the passing of renowned Struggle veteran Riot Makhomanisi Mkhwanazi, who was also awarded the Order of Mendi for Bravery for his contribution to the country’s liberation struggle.

6.8. Cabinet sent condolences to the family and friends of multi-award winning Gospel singer Sifiso Ncwane, who was one of the best gospel artists South Africa had produced.

Cabinet thanks:

6.9. Members of the media for their role in ensuring that Cabinet decisions are communicated to South Africans so they can participate in informed public discourse.

6.10. Volunteers and non-governmental organisations for giving selflessly to help others in all walks of life, in the true spirit of Ubuntu.

6.11. Business and organised labour partners for the part that they continue to play in ensuring that South Africa is poised for equitable economic growth.

6.12. All South Africans who in their daily lives play a part in building a South Africa which belongs to all.

7. Appointments:

All appointments are subject to the verification of qualifications and the relevant clearance.

7.1. Mr Alvin P Rapea as the Secretary of Police.

7.2. Ms MS Bronkhorst as the Chief Operating Officer at the Department of Labour.

7.3. Mr D Mashitisho as the Director-General (DG) of the Department of Water and Sanitation.

7.4. Ms L Shange as the Deputy DG: Administration at the DPSA.

7.5. Ms TA Fosi as the General Manager: Strategic Management at Government Printing Works.

7.6. Dr Valanthan Munsami as the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the South African National Space Agency.

7.7. Non-executive directors in the Board of SENTECH:

a) Ms Ntombizodwa Petunia Mbele (reappointment);
b) Ms Reitumetse Jacqueline Huntley (reappointment); and
c) Ms Lungile Myrtle Ndlovu.

7.8. Ms NJ Dewar as the Chief Financial Officer of the South African Post Office.

7.9. Non-executive members to the Board of the State Information Technology Agency:

a) Mr Zukile Nomvete (reappointment and Chairperson);
b) Ms Seadimo Hessie Chaba (reappointment);
c) Mr Graeme Alvan Victor (reappointment);
d) Ms Nokuzola Nelly Ehrens;
e) Mr Mahomed Talib Sadik;
f) Ms Phuti Matlala;
g) Ms Nelisiwe Magubane;
h) Adv Ndumiso Mahlangu;
i) Dr Vuyokazi Felicity Mahlati;
j) Mr Nkhangweleni Walter Mudau (DPSA representative); and
k) Mr Job Stadi Mngomezulu (National Treasury representative).

7.10. Non-executive members to the Board of the Universal Service and Access Agency of South Africa:

a) Ms Mawethu Cawe (Chairperson);
b) Mr Xola Gladman Stock;
c) Ms Jabulile Nkosi; and
d) Mr Linda Cecil Nene.

7.11. Central Energy Fund (SOC) LTD:

a) Mr Luvo Lincoln Makasi (Chairperson);
b) Mr Mosimaneotsile Jim Besnaar; and
c) Mr Neville Israel Mompati.

7.12. National Energy Regulator of South Africa:

a) Mr Christopher Forlee (as CEO and full-time regulator member).

7.13. South African Nuclear Energy Corporation:

a) Mr Phumzile Tshelane (reappointment as CEO);
b) Dr Gregory Jerome Davids; and
c) Mr Samuel Matlobela Sekgota.

7.14. National Radioactive Waste Disposal Institute Board members:

a) Mr Tshepo Mofokeng (Chairperson);
b) Mr Luvuyo Mkontwana (Deputy Chairperson);
c) Mr Trevor Mark Gordan;
d) Dr Barry Kistnasamy;
e) Ms Mbali Ndlovu;
f) Mr Lebohang Sam Moleko;
g) Ms Lerato Makgae; and
h) Adv Mothusi Lucas Tsineng.

7.15. National Nuclear Regulator Board members:

a) Dr Thapelo Motshudi (Chairperson and reappointment);
b) Dr Pamela Zibuyile Dube (Deputy Chairperson);
c) Ambassador Mochubeloa Jacob Seekoe;
d) Mr Abraham Pieter Le Roux;
e) Ms Phoibe Elsie Monale;
f) Mr Protas Thamsanqa Phili;
g) Ms Bridgette Motshidisi Mokoetle;
h) Mr Jeffrey Leaver (reappointment);
i) Dr Bethuel Sehlapelo (reappointment);
j) Mr Kabelo Samuel Kakoma (reappointment); and
k) Ms D Bendeman (representative from the Department of Environmental Affairs).

7.16. Mr Siyabulela Tsengiwe as Chief Commissioner of the International Trade Administration Commission.

7.17. Non-executive members to the Board of the Road Traffic Management Corporation:

a) Mr Zola Malvern Percival Majavu (reappointment and Chairperson);
b) Ms Thembeka Mdlulwa (reappointment);
c) Ms Pinkie Mathabathe (reappointment);
d) Ms Daphline Harridene Charlotte-Ann Ewertse (reappointment);
e) Mr Thulani Matiki Norman Kgomo (reappointment);
f) Prof Maredi Ivan Mphahlele;
g) Ms Thandi Clarah Thankge; and
h) Dr Eddie Mogalefi Thebe.

7.18. Appeal Tribunal of the Film and Publication Board:

a) Ms Nonkoliso Isabela Sigcau;
b) Ms Nonduduzo Samukelisiwe Kheswa;
c) Adv Thembelihle Pretty Mapipa-Ndlovu;
d) Ms Manko Talitha Tsoehlisi;
e) Mr Sizwe Lindelo Snail;
f) Mr Lutendo Joy Malada;
g) Prof Adelaide Simangele Verah Magwaza;
h) Mr Christopher Mamathuntsha; and
i) Dr Mbulaheni Mulaudzi.

7.19. Mr PK Legodi as the CEO of Lepelle Northern Water.

7.20. Council members of the Private Security Industry Regulatory Authority:

a) Mr Humphrey Nhlanhla Ngubane;
b) Mr Zwile Zulu;
c) Mr Methews Thembinkosi Oliphant; and
d) Maj Gen Cynthia Lindiwe Pilison.


Mr Donald Liphoko
Contact: 082 901 0766

Issued by
Government Communications
9 December 2016




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