Bali Communiqué

27 Oct 2016

We,  the  Ministers  of  the  Member  States  of  the  Indian  Ocean  Rim  Association (IORA),  Australia,  Bangladesh, Comoros,  India,  Indonesia,  Iran,  Kenya,  Madagascar, Malaysia,  Mauritius,  Mozambique,  Oman,  Seychelles, Singapore,  Somalia,  South Africa,  Sri  Lanka,  Tanzania,  Thailand,  United  Arab  Emirates  and  Yemen  met in Bali, Indonesia,  for the 16th meeting of the Council of Ministers  (COM)  on 27 October 2016. The meeting was held in  a collaborative  spirit  and  shared  responsibility  responding to  common  challenges  to  unleash  the  region’s  potential for a more peaceful,  stable and prosperous  Indian  Ocean  region.

We  welcome  the  signing  of  the  IORA  Charter  by  Somalia  and  the  signing  of Memorandum  of Understanding on Search and Rescue by  Sri Lanka and  Tanzania.

We  note  the  significant  progress  made  towards  the  finalization  of  the  IORA Concord  and  the  Action  Plan developed  at  the  three  Ad  hoc  Committee  Meetings, which  took  place  in  March,  May  and  October  2016 respectively  in  Indonesia.  We look  forward  to  the  adoption  and  signing  of  the  IORA  Concord  as  well  as  the endorsement of IORA Action Plan  in 2017.

We  note  with  appreciation  the  progress  made  in  preparation  for  the IORA Commemorative  Leaders’  Summit  and  its  related  meetings  to  be  held  in  Jakarta  – Indonesia  on  7  March  2017.  We  encourage  Members  States, Dialogue  Partners,  and all  stakeholders  to  collectively  cooperate  and  collaborate  to  ensure  the  success  of the event.

We  agree  to  hold  the  IORA  Business  Forum  during  the  Commemorative  Leaders’ Summit  in  2017  aiming  at enhancing  partnership  with  the private  sector  to  ensure sustainable  growth  and development  of   the region.

We  commit   to  deepen  our  cooperation  with  the  Dialogue  Partners  and  take  note of  the outcomes of  the first post CSO  dialogue  for  which  the  Dialogue  Partners  have been  constructively  engaged  at  senior  officials’  level  in  identifying  areas  of cooperation  as  well  as  exploring  joint  projects,  programmes, and  capacity  building activities of mutual interest. 

We  affirmed  our  commitment  to  gender  equality  and  empowerment  of  women  by adopting  a    Declaration  on Gender  Equality  and  Women’s  Economic  Empowerment.
We  take  note  of  the  outcomes  of  IORA  Women  in Business  Symposium: Implementing  the  IORA  Women  in  Business  Symposium  (WIBS)  in  Jakarta,  on  11-12 October  2016. 

We  support  the  deliberations  held  during  the  18th IORA  Committee  of  Senior Officials,  the  16th IORA  Working Group  on  Trade  and  Investment,  the  22nd Indian  Ocean  Rim  Business  Forum ,  and  the  22nd Indian  Ocean  Rim Academic Group Meeting  and thanked  these  groups for their  productive  recommendations. 

We  express  our  appreciation  to  the  IORA  business  delegation  for  their participation in  the  31st Trade  Expo Indonesia  in Jakarta  in October  2016  as  a continuous  effort to open business  opportunities. 

We  take  note  of   the  outcome  of  the  International  Symposium  for  IORA’s  20th Anniversary  on  “Learning  from  the Past  and  Charting  the  Future”,  that  was  held  in Yogyakarta,  Indonesia  on  14-15  September  2016  as  well  as  the track-two  Regional Workshop  on  Intersection  of  Culture   in  Indian  Ocean  Region  held  by  the  IORA Academic Group  in  Jakarta  on  10  –  11  October  2016.  Both  forums  served  as  an ideal  vehicle  to  exchange  views  on  the challenges,  opportunities  and the strategies   on how IORA should develop  its cooperation  in the future.

We  welcome  the  initiatives  to  promote  economic  cooperation  and  continue  to explore  all  the  possibilities  and avenues  to establish  a work programme for enhanced cooperation.

We  note  the  progress  since  our  last  meeting  in  Padang  in  2015  and  appreciate  the success  of  events  held  in  2015-2016  and  take  note  with  appreciation  of  their outcomes,  namely  the  Second  Ministerial  Economic  Business Conference  (13-14 April  2016,  Dubai,  UAE)  and  the  First  Free  Trade  Zone  Authorities  (19-20  May 2016, 
Chabahar, Iran).

We  are  pleased  to  note  the  increase  of  IORA  activities  under  the  IORA  Special Fund  and  encourage  Member States  and  Dialogue  Partners  to  continue  supporting the  Fund.  We  welcome  the  consideration  of  the  possibility to  establish  the  IORA Development  Fund  (IDF)  as  a  funding  mechanism  to  support  the  implementation of projects,  studies,  and capacity  building  programmes. 

We  are  encouraged  by the progress made in the Blue Economy as one of the priority areas  of IORA  and  we  look forward  to  the  convening  of  the  second  Blue Economy  Dialogue  in  India  in  November  2016,  the  third  Blue Economy  Core  Group workshop  and  the  second  Ministerial  Blue  Economy  Conference  (BEC–II)  in Indonesia  in  2017.

We  express  appreciation  to  the  implementation  of  the  IORA  Sustainable Development  Program  (ISDP)  in Bangladesh,  Comoros,  Madagascar,  and  Tanzania respectively.  We  note  with  interest  the  preparation  of  the  second  phase  of   the ISDP  program me  for  LDCs  as  an  effort  to  develop  capacities  and  skill development   in fostering  regional  economic  development .

We  support  the  ongoing  efforts  by  the  Association  to  pursue  follow –up actions with  regional/international organization  as well as  related  organs  and  believe  that  such engagement  should  be continued. 

We  welcome  the  ongoing  efforts  to  strengthen  the  IORA  Secretariat  by  Member States.   We  wish  to  extend  our appreciation  to  the  Secretary-General  and  the  IORA Secretariat,  as  well  as  IORA’s  Specialized  Agencies  namely the  Regional  Center  for Science  and  Technology  Transfer  (RCSTT)  and  the  Fisheries  Support  Unit  (FSU), for 
their  tireless  efforts  in  supporting  IORA  meetings  and  programmes  and  for ensuring  the  smooth  management  of  the Association. 

We  extend  our  deep  appreciation  to  the  Government  of  the  Republic  of  Indonesia for  hosting  the  16th Council  of Ministers  Meeting  and  related  meetings,  and  for  the excellent  hospitality  extended  to us in Jakarta  and Bali. 

Bali, Indonesia
27 October 2016




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