President Zuma congratulates Ghana on its 60th anniversary of independence

05 March 2017

President Jacob Zuma and President Nana Addo Akufo-Addo of the Republic of Ghana held a telephone conversation this evening, Sunday, 05 March 2017. President Zuma congratulated President Akufo-Addo on the milestone occasion of Ghana’s 60th independence anniversary tomorrow, 6 March 2017.
President Zuma stated that South Africa and Ghana have enjoyed close historical ties of solidarity dating back to the period of the country's struggles for freedom and independence. As the pioneer of the decolonization process in the African continent, Ghana served as an inspiration for South Africa. In his famous speech in 1957, Kwame Nkrumah indicated that the independence of Ghana would be meaningless unless it was linked to the total liberation of Africa.
President Zuma apologized that he would not be able to attend the celebrations in Accra as he is currently in Indonesia where he will attend the 20th anniversary of the Indian Ocean Rim Association, an organisation of 21 countries located alongside the Indian Ocean, and also undertake a State Visit.

South Africa and Ghana share strong democratic values and have played a critical role in peaceful resolution of conflicts in Africa. In this regard, the two Presidents agreed to continue to cooperate in promoting democracy, good governance and human rights on the continent and the world at large.
The two Presidents also reaffirmed their commitment to continue to cooperate closely in continental and international forums, working together towards the shared objectives of developing their respective countries, regions and the continent so as to claim its rightful position in the world.

Enquiries: Dr Bongani Ngqulunga on 082 308 9373 or

Issued by: The Presidency




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