Joint Communiqué on the occasion of the State Visit by His Excellency, Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo, President of the Republic of Ghana to the Republic of South Africa from 04 to 06 July 2018

1. At the invitation of His Excellency, Mr Matamela Cyril Ramaphosa, President of the Republic of South Africa, His Excellency, Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo, President of the Republic of Ghana paid a State Visit to the Republic of South Africa from 04 to 06 July 2018.

2. H.E. President Akufo-Addo was accompanied by the First Lady, Mrs Rebecca Akufo-Addo, and a delegation consisting of Ministers, Senior Government Officials and Business delegation.

3. The two Heads of State held official talks during which they exchanged views on a wide range of bilateral, continental and international issues of mutual interest.

4. The two Heads of State reaffirmed the strong historical and fraternal relations between the two countries which were cemented during the period of the liberation struggles against colonialism and apartheid, fondly recalling Ghana’s invaluable contribution under former President Dr Kwame Nkrumah to the liberation of Africa.

5. H.E President Ramaphosa conveyed his singular pleasure to H.E, President Akufo-Addo for honouring the South African High Commission’s invitation to deliver the Nelson Mandela Memorial Centenary Lecture on 18 July 2018 in Accra, Ghana.

6. The two Presidents reviewed the existing good bilateral relations and cooperation between the two countries, and expressed great satisfaction with the current state of cooperation which continues to show growing dynamism.

7. Most importantly, the two Presidents, recognising the historical and fraternal bonds, and ever-growing economic cooperation between the two countries, decided to elevate the Ministerial Permanent Joint Commission for Cooperation to a Bi-National Commission, which will be presided over by the Heads of State, meeting biennially.

8. Both Presidents further noted the existing twenty (20) bilateral agreements and memoranda of understanding, which cover a wide range of fields such as trade and industry, diplomacy, defence, arts and culture, environment, transport, energy, science and technology, taxation, tourism, among others. In this regard, the Heads of State directed the Ministers and officials to ensure fully implementation of all signed legal instruments for the mutual benefit of the countries and peoples. 

9. In addition, the two Presidents directed the Ministers to finalise negotiations on all outstanding bilateral agreements, which are expected to be signed at the formal meeting of the Bi-national Commission at a date and venue to be agreed upon through diplomatic channels.

10. Both leaders noted the increasing economic cooperation between the two countries, as demonstrated by the growing trade figures as well as private sector investments. In this regard, the two Heads of State reiterated their commitment to improve and strengthen further economic cooperation by encouraging closer cooperation among business communities.

11. Furthermore, the Heads of State addressed the South Africa - Ghana Business Forum on 05 July 2018 attended by South African and Ghanaian business people.

12. At the Business Forum, both leaders underscored the importance of increasing economic cooperation between the two countries for the mutual benefit of the peoples of both countries and the continent in general. They further acknowledged Ghana’s role as a West African Regional hub and gateway to the sub-region.

13. On the continental issues, the Heads of State exchanged views on the political and security situation in their respective regions and the Continent. They noted with concern the continued instability and conflict in some parts of the Continent. In this regard, the two leaders condemned in the strongest possible terms all terrorist and extremist activities on the Continent and globally. The two Presidents reaffirmed their commitment to working together in pursuit of sustainable peace, stability and development on the Continent.

14. Both leaders noted with appreciation the noticeable strides by the Continent to advance continental integration as evidenced by the launch and signing of the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) Agreement.  The two leaders, whose countries are among those that have signed the Agreement, urged African Union Member States to work towards ratification of this important Agreement. The Presidents observed that the CFTA will go a long way in facilitating intra-African trade and investment.

15. In this regard, H.E. President Ramaphosa noted Ghana’s bid to host the Secretariat of the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) in Accra.

16. The two Presidents further called for the accelerated implementation of the African Union’s Agenda 2063 and its Action Plan, as well as the need to pursue Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development.

17. On the multilateral level, HE, President Ramaphosa thanked Ghana and all African countries for overwhelmingly supporting South Africa’s candidature for the United Nations (UN) Security Council non-permanent seat for 2019-2020. In the same vein, H.E. President Ramaphosa expressed South Africa’s commitment to support Ghana’s bid to the same body for the 2020 – 2021 term.

18. The two Presidents reiterated their common view on the need to promote multilateralism and South-South cooperation. In this regard, they reiterated the call for the reform of the global system of governance, in particular the United Nations Security Council to be more equitable and representative of all the peoples of the world.

19. To this end, they reaffirmed their support for Africa’s Common Position on United Nations reforms as espoused in the Ezulwini Consensus. The two Presidents also reaffirmed their commitment to the on-going Reforms of the African Union (AU) aimed at making the organization fit-for-purpose and better able to respond to the current challenges confronting the continent.

20. President Akufo-Addo expressed his profound gratitude to President Ramaphosa, the Government and people of South Africa for the warm reception and hospitality accorded to him and his delegation.


Issued by: The Presidency
Union Buildings, Pretoria



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