Address by Deputy President Zuma at
the Swedish-South Africa Dinner, Cape Town 21 November
Issued by the Office of the Presidency
Prime Minister Persson
Minister Engqvuist
Ladies & Gentlemen
I welcome you all to our beautiful country and particularly
to this beautiful city, Cape Town. I am told Prime Minister
that you have had a busy schedule prior to travelling
to South Africa and must therefore be tired. I am convinced
however that the trip has been worthwhile. I trust also
that you will find the change in weather rather pleasing
and that the welcome you receive from South Africans
will be even warmer.
Today is a very special day as it is a culmination
of an idea conceived in Stockholm last November, when
you and our President felt that there was a need to
bring our two countries closer together. Although relations
between the two countries have always been, and still
are, excellent there was a recognition that this special
friendship could always be deepened and further improved.
Looking back, on the even of the dawn of a new millennium,
one has to recognise that the links between the people
of South Africa and Sweden go back centuries. Swedish
missionaries made great sacrifices in coming to our
country where they made great contributions to the well
being of our people.
During the latter half of this century, Sweden has
been amongst our closest friends in aiding and supporting
the struggle for democracy in South Africa. A most special
and remarkable aspect of this support was that it was
based on the goodwill of the Swedish people and not
only official governmental aid. In the smallest communities
and various corners of your country people recognised
the rightness of our cause and aligned themselves with
our struggle. Their support took many forms and assistance
covered a myriad of fields.
The people of Sweden offered their resources, their
homes and facilities to South Africans.
Their support was felt in international organisations,
where they constantly pushed to keep South Africa on
the agenda and pressed for progress in bringing about
democracy in our country. It was a support that never
wavered but grew until democracy was finally achieved.
We are at the point now where we can together with our
friends celebrate our freedom and look forward to making
this freedom more meaningful for ourselves in all the
many spheres of our society.
Today then is the beginning of a remarkable week in
which we will examine not only what we have already
achieved, but where we want to go and how we can get
there together. The emphasis on partnership is a very
important one because the people of both our countries
have much to benefit from it. The celebration of this
week, the South Africa-Swedish week will encompass all
corners of South Africa, from Cape Town to Pretoria,
Kimberly to Port Shepstone and from Johannesburg to
Port Elizabeth. It will build on the existing political,
economic, cultural, sporting and many other aspects
of the relations between our two countries.
Since 1994 the official relations between Sweden and
South Africa have increased dramatically, but here in
Cape Town during the coming few days it is the civil
society links between our two countries that will be
celebrated, this being the very foundation upon which
our relationship and partnership exists.
Relations that aim to promote human rights, youth matters,
gender issues, children's rights, issues around the
disabled, culture and sport, to mention just a few,
are dependent on the passion that exists between the
peoples of South Africa and Sweden. These are vital
relations that must be encouraged. I am positive that
the next few days will set new goals and I look forward
to seeing more co-operation between our two countries.
Dear Swedish friends, thank you once again for being
with us. I feel assured that our two peoples will always
be linked by a close friendship.
I thank you.