Address by Deputy President Zuma to
the Southern African-German Chamber of Commerce and
Industry, 27 November 2001
The President of the Southern African-German Chamber
of Commerce and Industry
The Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany
Distinguished guests
Ladies and gentlemen
Thank you very much for inviting me to interact with
you today, on some of the important issues that concern
us. I am keen to hear your views as well on how we,
together, can deal with critical issues, facing our
world at this juncture.
I feel at home amongst you all, given the warm and
strong relations between South Africa and the Federal
Republic of Germany, as well as German business, and
also because of our optimism that these relations will
continue to grow from strength to strength.
Germany is one of South Africa's foremost economic
partners, as manifested by the growing trade and investment
flows between the two countries.
We believe that bilateral mechanisms such as the South
African-German Binational Commission has been instrumental
in strengthening relations.
The last BNC met in Berlin in July, and work is now
continuing in the various committees. The third meeting
of the Economic Committee between the German Federal
Ministry of Economics and Technology and the South African
Department of Trade and Industry took place recently
in Pretoria.
A key focus of the economic consultations was to find
ways to promote and expand direct investment by German
companies in South Africa, and in particular, to encourage
the participation by small and medium sized companies
on the South African market.
The German investments in our country are highly valued,
given the fact that local German companies here employ
about 65 000 South Africans.
Total trade between South Africa and the Federal Republic
of Germany has been on the increase from year to year
since 1992 up to 2000. Last year showed the largest
ever total trade, at R41 billion.
We have also noted with pleasure, the considerable
interest among groups and individuals to invest in hotels,
restaurants, game farms, real estate and health resorts.
German companies have also acquired a stake in the
South African Defence Procurement Programme, which is
estimated to bring foreign direct investment to the
tune of R900 million, and create approximately 10 000
A positive development last week was the visit by representatives
of nine companies from the New Federal State in Germany,
who came to evaluate the South African market for potential
investment into the country and the SADC region.
Earlier this year, a delegation from the Bavarian State
also visited South Africa with similar intentions. It
is encouraging to see more German companies having confidence
in the South African market and showing a willingness
to invest in the country.
Another welcome development is the fact that Germany
has ratified the South Africa-European Union Trade,
Development and Co-Operation Agreement, bringing to
four the number of countries that have done so.
This agreement is an important vehicle for Southern
Africa as it provides us with growing opportunities
to expand our productive capacities and engage new markets
in a focused and effective manner.
Ladies and gentlemen, these sound economic relations
show that there is room for further co-operation and
business linkages. We invite German business to continue
exploring our country for opportunities, particularly
in the SMME sector. This would also contribute to the
transfer of knowledge and skills to this sector.
Ladies and gentlemen, you are no doubt aware of the
recent launch of the New Partnership for Africa's Development
(Nepad), which provides more opportunities within the
African continent.
This is an important initiative, since for the first
time, African leaders are calling for a partnership
with the developed world in the development of the continent,
instead of only development aid.
The key priority areas of the plan are:
Peace, security and good governance;
Investing in Africa's people;
Diversification of Africa's production and exports;
Investing in information communication technology and
other basic infrastructure;
Developing financing mechanisms,
Reducing poverty;
Attaining the international targets for health and education.
The leadership in the continent envisages the development
of a new partnership with developed countries, based
on the following principles:-
Ownership and leadership by African countries themselves.
Partnership with the North to reverse unequal relations
that characterised past trade relations.
A comprehensive plan that addresses Africa's development
We are optimistic that with our collective efforts,
Nepad will succeed and that it will enable us to realise
our sustainable development goals. As South Africans,
we realise that we cannot be an island of hope in a
sea of despair, and have therefore chosen to play an
active role in contributing to the development of our
region in Southern Africa and the whole continent.
We invite you as our partners, to familiarise yourselves
with Nepad and look for opportunities that will arise
in this ambitious development plan.
Nepad offers economic and development solutions that
should stand the test of time, and it needs to be given
a chance and support.
Ladies and gentlemen, once again, let me stress that
it is a great privilege for me to be with you today.
I would also like to reiterate our appreciation of the
optimism and faith you have shown in our young democracy.
We hope to continue doing business with you, and trust
that economic and other linkages will continue to flourish.
Let us also intensify our efforts to make the world
prosperous and safer in the current era and beyond.
Remember as well that the doors of the Presidency are
open, should you wish to engage us on any matter of
I thank you.