Comments by Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, Sue van der Merwe and Mrs Gertrude Mongella, President of the Pan African Parliament ahead of Preparatory Meeting for Inauguration of the Pan African Parliament, 10 August 2004

First Floor, East Wing, Union Buildings, Pretoria
Tuesday, 10 August 2004

Introductory remarks by Deputy Minister van der Merwe

  • We are very honoured as the South African government to host the Pan-African Parliament.
  • We are here today to welcome Ambassador Mongella as the President of the Pan-African Parliament.
  • We will today discuss with Ambassador Mongella the opening session of the Pan-African Parliament and the details of the first sitting.

Introductory remarks by Ambassador Gertrude Mongella, President of the Pan-African Parliament

  • I am very pleased to be here.
  • It is time to settle down to working on the details of the Pan African Parliament being hosted in South Africa.
  • South Africa deserves to host the Pan African Parliament - this serves as another step on its road to democracy.
  • There is much work ahead of us - the inauguration has been scheduled for 16 September 2004.
  • Everyone one the continent is awaiting this opening with great excitement and happiness.
  • We have been very pleased with the co-operation shown by South Africa following the announcement of its successful bid to host the Pan African Parliament.
  • The 16 September 2004 will see the President of the Republic of South Africa welcoming the Pan African Parliament to South Africa and will be a great day for the Continent.

Concluding remarks by Deputy Minister van der Merwe

  • As has been announced the Pan African Parliament will be opened on the 16 September 2004 - in this interim phase the Parliament will be hosted at Gallagher Estate which is currently being refurbished.
  • In the long term the Pan-African Parliament will be hosted in Gauteng at an undecided location.
  • This building will be the result of a continent-wide competition that will be a truly African building.
  • Again, welcome Ambassador Mongella.

Issued by Ronnie Mamoepa on 082 990 4853.

Department of Foreign Affairs
Private Bag X152

10 August 2004

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